Seasoned Traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia

How many are booked on this trip. Its the cities of Canada that I'm really interested in so I'm not to concerned if the foliage isn't at its best, as I think I'm right in saying its better in October. Many thanks


  • (Member)
Hi Stewart,

There are currently 24 travellers booked on the 14th September date, with 16 places available.

All of the September dates have been cleared to operate and have some availability (some more than others as our allocation is different on each of them).

Kindest regards,


Seasoned Traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Stewart,

There are currently 24 travellers booked on the 14th September date, with 16 places available.

All of the September dates have been cleared to operate and have some availability (some more than others as our allocation is different on each of them).

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Can you just check the figures you gave me yesterday as the website is showing only 2 places left. Seems a difference form 16 to 2???

Many thanks


  • (Member)
Hi Stewart,

The website defaults to two places when the holiday is still available to book but elements of the holiday have gone on "request".

To explain a little more, we have to return unsold flights seats back to the airline and 'release' hotel rooms back to the hotels a number of weeks before departure. Subject to availability, we are still able to buy these back should travellers wish to book after we have made these returns but we do have to check availability. As such, the holiday goes "on request" and the website defaults to 2 (or less).

Kindest regards,


Sussex Downs
Hi Julia

Can you tell me which hotel we will be using in Toronto for the above tour. The brochure and website say ‘Bond Place Hotel’ whereas my confirmation order dated Feb said ‘Eaton Chelsea Hotel’. I don’t know if anyone has noticed this.

Also what is the breakdown (male /female) and age range now.

Hello Stewart, not long now. According to the US Weather website, it looks like the temperatures will be above average in September. I am with you, the many cities we visit interest me most, although the leaf colours in New England are a bonus.



  • (Member)
Hi Malcolm,

I understand that the hotel that will be used on this departure is the Eaton Chelsea Hotel but I must stress that hotels will be confirmed in your final documents.

There are 24 of you booked on this trip with an ages range of late-30s through to early-80s. The split at the moment is 5 men to 19 women.

Kindest regards,


Julie L
Hi Julia, I'm going on this tour but another date 17th September from heathrow, can you tell me how many are in our group, and the ages of people,how many women & men. Thank you Julie L
  • (Member)
Hi Julie,

There are currently 21 confirmed travellers and one provisionally booked. 17 of the group are taking the main tour only with 4 extending their holiday with the New York add-on.

The ages for the group range from early 40s to early 70s with the ratio being 5 men to 16 women.

I hope you have a great trip.

Kindest regards,


Sussex Downs
Hi Julia

Having read my USA guide book for New England can you tell me our proposed route for days 4 & 5 concerning New Hampshire and Vermont and for day 11 for New York State. There are lots of interesting places on route, so knowing which ones we will see or stop at, I can then ‘google’ them for more information.

Many thanks


  • (Member)
Morning Malcolm,

So I have been forwarded on the route that one TM takes but each TM may tweak this slightly using their and the drivers local knowledge.

Day 4 Boston to New Hampshire

Boston - Concord

Concord - Lincoln

Lincoln - North Conway (drive over Kancamagus highway with various stops for photo ops)

Day 5 New England

Conway - Bath

Bath - Montpelier

Morse Maple Farm

Stowe Village

Kindest regards,


Sussex Downs
Hi Julia

This question will no doubt affect everyone on this tour / tours.

On the last day in New York the flight leaves at 7:30pm, which means we have to be at the airport for check in at 4:30pm. What time would we expect to leave the Doubletree hotel for JFK airport? So if we say 3:00pm that would leave us with enough free time to visit more places in New York.

I assume we have to vacate our room by say 11:00am, will we be able to put our suitcase in a secure place at the hotel while we are out? I will then (and no doubt others) be able to book online some of New York’s attractions for that morning.

Many thanks again.


Sussex Downs
Hi Julia

Sorry, but another two questions.

When is the optional ‘Circle Cruise’ due take place? In the afternoon after the New York tour, or on the last morning? The reason being, knowing when to book online some of New York’s attractions. Also who is the Tour Manager and will we meet them at Heathrow or at Boston airport?

Many thanks.


  • (Member)
Hi Malcolm,

I'll address all your questions in one reply....

You are on the right lines for the departure times... Travellers are required to be at the airport to return back to the UK about 3 hours before departure. Depending on traffic it can take up to 90 minutes to get to JFK. The TM will advise the group what time they need to be back at the hotel for, for coach pick up.

You will have to vacate the rooms, and where porterage is included, these will be collected and put into storage until the group is ready to leave later on in the afternoon.

The Circle Cruise could be on day 12 or day 13. It is dependant on local conditions and the TM would advise the group of when this is likely to be when you arrive in resort. It it helps with your planning, it lasts around 1.5 hours.

Finally, the Tour Manager for this departure is provisionally listed as Yvette Barnett and she will be travelling from the UK with the main group.

Kindest regards,


Seasoned Traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just an update on this thread. I've just tried to !book this holiday today. I do understand that its now on request but I've got to wait for between 7 to 10 days before I will hear. Obviously the nearer we get the chances are the flights will be more expensive.

Come on Just You 7 to 10 days before my booking can be processed! This does seem some backlog you have to deal with.

  • (Member)
Hi Seasoned Traveller,

I do hope we can get you on to this holiday and I'm sure the team will do everything they can to let you know as soon as possible if we've managed to secure the hotel rooms and flights.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
I know not every one can book early, but I always do, I love the countdown, and it gives me time to really research where I am going. Also something to look forward to. I have only had 1 holiday not work out for me. I have booked for May 2015 a couple months ago...

I hope you get to go on the USA tour or the NZ one seasoned traveller, they are both great tours.


I agree Cindy, I always book in advance, because I have to plan my holiday dates so they don't coincide with my colleagues and I always need time to save for the holiday. Besides having come a cropper on the 12 week rule before, I don't ever want to discover I've left it too late to book the holiday I want.


Seasoned Traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy

I agree its good to book early. However, I keep an eye on two elderly relatives so that complicates the situation for me. If I had to cancel at the last minute I wouldn't necessarily be able to claim on my insurance so I would loose lot. To me its disappointing that the NZ Tour for Feb 15 is fully booked in July 14. Also its a real shame that it takes JY 7 to 10 days to check flights etc. for the Sept New England Tour. Hopefully I'll have some good news soon.
