Pam Horton
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I have been wanting to do Peru with Amazon add on, and have done lots of searching on the different solos websites, but still come back to JY and Travelsphere because it seems more friendly.

I fancy the Travelsphere 18 day equivalent to the JY 14 days, because this gives more time to acclimatise to altitudes.

Comparing the Costs: 14 d, JY from £3528.00 but no 2015 dates as yet!

18 d. Travelsphere cost £3448.00 for May 2015 but the cost of the singles supplement is £475.00.

My concerns are the Travelsphere wordings:

This holiday includes walking in areas of rough ground, gradients and steps.


During this tour you will travel to altitudes of over 12,000ft where altitude sickness can occur. This should not be a problem, although everyone should take it easy at first. Our tour has been designed to allow a more gradual increase in altitude, giving you more time to adjust to the lower oxygen levels. Other simple measures, such as eating light meals and drinking lots of fluids can also help to alleviate the symptoms. If you suffer from heart or respiratory conditions or have any other concerns please consult your doctor.

There are no such warnings on the JY Tour Itinerary, but there has been in the past.

Does any one know if the Travelsphere Tour is more strenuous than that of JY and how much walking (rough ground, gradients and steps) is involved on either Tour?

I am ready to book a trip for May 2015 and I am not sure what to do for the best. Travelsphere does have some singles on their holidays, but JY does not yet have Tours available for 2015.

Can anyone offer advice and suggestions? Anything would be appreciated.

Take care and thank you.


Pam Horton:huh:

JY Will
Hi Pam,

I've got the Just You brochure in front of me and I can see the same notes about altitude and rough ground. Can I check where you are looking please?



  • (Member)
Hi Pam,

This is the very dilemma I've been thinking about for some time now! I'm strongly considering Peru with the Amazon for either next year or 2016. I'm waiting till the full schedule is out for 2015 for both TS and JY before I make up my mind however. But like you I'm strongly thinking of going with TS rather than JY as the itinerary is so much better - more time to acclimatise, seeing more of the country (with a glimpse of the Nasca lines as well) and also longer time in the Amazon at a better lodge! Perhaps JY Will might comment as to whether it is a possibility that the JY tour might be enhanced to match the TS one?

The other thing that concerns me is the possibility of altitude sickness, which can occur on either tour especially in the Lake Titicaca region. On my last tour there was one lady who had done the TS Peru tour for the same reasons that we are talking about - and she was the only one to get altitude sickness! I'm particularly concerned as I suffer from vertigo and I am going to ask my doctor if the altitude will make the vertigo worse or will having vertigo make it more likely for me to develop altitude sickness. I know there is medication that you can take to help you avoid it and everyone who has reviewed this holiday have complimented the tour managers on their care and great advice concerning dealing with the altitude but it is still a concern for me.

If I do go, it will hopefully be in Sept rather than May as it seems to be a better time to do this tour - I am sure that TS will be putting up autumn dates in due course as they have them for this year.

Best wishes,


Angie S
Glad to see discussion on this tour, comparing JY and TS. Being already booked to do Jordan with JY in April, I've been trying to convince myself I can afford a long haul to Peru this year as well. YOLO so I'm going!

I've only travelled alone once before with JY but have decided to pluck up the courage and go with TS to Peru in early September. The itinerary is far superior - for me I want to see the Colca Canyon which JY doesn't include.

The days off have been requested at work, I just need to press the button. What's the worst that can happen? It would open up a whole host of holiday options for the future if I enjoy TS but I would always, always look at going with JY in the first instance.



I will be going on the 18 day Peru/Amazon holiday this May with Travelsphere. Must admit it was the additional time -v- cost of such that clinched it for me. I must admit that I too am a little concerned about the altitude sickness but my understanding is that having the extra days does give you more time to acclimatise.

Happy to give you feedback on my return.

Take care


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

I have heard that drinking local tea made from cocoa leaves helps with the altitude sickness!



JY Will
We actually get very very few instances of altitude sickness. The itinerary is deliberately paced so that it doesn't cause an issue and by and large, where tour manager's advice is followed, there's no problem.

Bob - at present we don't have any plans to lengthen the Highlights of Peru tour - we get really really good feedback on the itinerary so don't want to change it at the moment.

Angie S
'JanetL22' wrote:


I will be going on the 18 day Peru/Amazon holiday this May with Travelsphere. Must admit it was the additional time -v- cost of such that clinched it for me. I must admit that I too am a little concerned about the altitude sickness but my understanding is that having the extra days does give you more time to acclimatise.

Happy to give you feedback on my return.

Take care


Hi Janet,

Glad to hear you are taking the plunge with TS. I too hope to go on this trip in September with TS. Are you travelling as a solo like what I will be doing? Will be great to hear your report. I'm sure the altitude will be fine...just follow the guides advice.


  • (Member)
Hi everyone, many thanks for all your comments! I'm now more convinced than ever to do the TS Peru/Amazon tour, no disrespect to anyone who has done the JY tour as I know from reading reviews that people really enjoy it. I'd just like to see some more of the country and have the chance to acclimatise more slowly. I was actually with my doctor yesterday and asked him about the vertigo/altitude sickness combination and he said one shouldn't make the other worse as they are caused by different "mechanisms" - he also said there is medication that can be prescribed to help prevent it and as Jaya says, coca tea is also available as well as oxygen. My doctor also said that the older you are, the less the altitude affects you - got to be one of the few advantages of getting older!!

Thanks to Will also for your comments; I'm still going to wait until this Sept for the full range of 2015 tours but at the moment it's a toss up between Peru/Amazon with TS or Australia with JY!



  • (Member)
'JanetL22' wrote:


I will be going on the 18 day Peru/Amazon holiday this May with Travelsphere. Must admit it was the additional time -v- cost of such that clinched it for me. I must admit that I too am a little concerned about the altitude sickness but my understanding is that having the extra days does give you more time to acclimatise.

Happy to give you feedback on my return.

Take care


Hi Janet, I'd very much appreciate it if you wouldn't mind writing a review of this holiday on your return. Hope you have an amazing time!

Best wishes,


Hi Angie and Bob

I will be travelling solo to Peru/Amazon and when I asked there were another 4 people doing the same. Having said that I will know one of the others as he was also on my Costa Rica holiday.

I will ensure that I share my experiences with you on my return.


Hi Guys

was so happy to see this post on Peru/Amazon and are pleased to reveal i have booked to go with Travelsphere on Sept 18th, the TS tour as mentioned was a much more comprehensive tour than JY which was what swung it for me and with the single supplement it only worked out about £250 more for the extra nights, the JY tour mentions 3 nights in the amazon which is in fact is only two as the third is spent back in lima, i also paid the extra £30 to fly from birmingham and you also get an extra night in Lima from a regional flight so get there the night before the heathrow travellers

have also been thinking about the Altitude sickness and i guess itsa case of if wanting to see these places you have to accept and adapt best you can, i shall look at what to take later on but to what i have read some of the hotels do supply oxygen for anybody suffering

the sept 4th trip has sold out and i believe they only reserve a handful of places for the single traveller, would liked to have gone with JY as more singles and really enjoyed the Australia trip but you may as well see more of the country whilst there for not much more

please if anybody going before me please post a review and did Peru win the poll after, it was in the lead the last time i looked, thanks


  • (Member)
Thanks again Janet, I seem to be following in your footsteps!!



  • (Member)
'AbbaDave' wrote:

Hi Guys

was so happy to see this post on Peru/Amazon and are pleased to reveal i have booked to go with Travelsphere on Sept 18th, the TS tour as mentioned was a much more comprehensive tour than JY which was what swung it for me and with the single supplement it only worked out about £250 more for the extra nights, the JY tour mentions 3 nights in the amazon which is in fact is only two as the third is spent back in lima, i also paid the extra £30 to fly from birmingham and you also get an extra night in Lima from a regional flight so get there the night before the heathrow travellers

have also been thinking about the Altitude sickness and i guess itsa case of if wanting to see these places you have to accept and adapt best you can, i shall look at what to take later on but to what i have read some of the hotels do supply oxygen for anybody suffering

the sept 4th trip has sold out and i believe they only reserve a handful of places for the single traveller, would liked to have gone with JY as more singles and really enjoyed the Australia trip but you may as well see more of the country whilst there for not much more

please if anybody going before me please post a review and did Peru win the poll after, it was in the lead the last time i looked, thanks


Hi Dave, I actually put up a thread the other day as a message for you regarding this holiday! I hope you have a great time and will also put up a review of this holiday when you get back!



did you Bob sorry not seen it but i'll search it out now many thanks, thought September be a good month to go as October gets too near the wet season in the amazon although i know it can rain at any time there, was also aware of the hundred pound drop in price between oct 9th and 16th departures so settled on Sept, hoped to put up a review in my oz trip but found it a lot to do, i did actually get near the end of doing one then pressed something and it was gone, most annoying took me ages that did, maybe i'll have another go one day

cheers, dave

Angie S
We're on a roll guys. I've done it. I booked online late tonight the Peru trip for 4th September with TS - Dave you got me panicking as this was the date I had requested at work but I've managed to get booked (I think) as I'm giving the Amazon a miss as it is beyond my budget.

The confirmation says it's just provisional so fingers crossed it goes through OK as I've broadcast on Facebook to all my friends I'm going, can't contain my excitement!

I'll not sleep tonight lol !


  • (Member)
Hi Angie,

That's very exciting, hope it all works out and you have a fantastic time!



Jen wren
Yes, I agree that the length of the JY Peru trip causes concern. I have been on 6 JY holidays and absolutely love being with other

singles - each trip has been marvellous - and planned to try Peru

this year. However, having seen the itineraries of JY and TS I am

in a dilemma, so much so that it has been put on hold until next year and I'm off to Cuba this year with JY instead.


Hi Angie

sorry for the panic, glad you've now booked it, i see it's just with the amazon that's booked up so must be more limited on singles for that part, when i spoke on the phone she told me the sept 4th was full though website showed 2 places left which they have now removed the date, i'm envious as have to wait till the 18th, hope you have a wonderful time, Peru seems to be the place to visit in 2014

all the best


JY Will
'Jen wrote:

Yes, I agree that the length of the JY Peru trip causes concern. I have been on 6 JY holidays and absolutely love being with other

singles - each trip has been marvellous - and planned to try Peru

this year. However, having seen the itineraries of JY and TS I am

in a dilemma, so much so that it has been put on hold until next year and I'm off to Cuba this year with JY instead.


If it helps, the Just You Peru tour is one of our highest scorers on our customer questionaires in terms of "How do you rate your itinerary overall" and "How do you rate your holiday overall". it scores significantly above average for both questions.