• (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have just been on this holiday which I thoroughly enjoyed and thought Jonathan Clarke, our Tour Manager, was excellent. However, I did feel the group was too big at 34 and wonder if this is going to be the norm in future?
  • (Member)

I'm sorry you thought 34 was too large a group.

Group sizes do vary quite a bit depending on the holiday and time of year, and could be anything from single figures up to mid 40s for some tours. So I wouldn't say 34 will be the norm but it is possible you will be in a similar sized group next time . Also I would add that some travellers like a bigger group as there are more people to meet, so I hope you appreciate it is difficult to set a group size that everyone is happy with.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor