  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Olly

I have been on numerous trips with Just You and am going on my next one in two weeks time. Can you please tell me why I never receive brochures automatically and always have to request a brochure on line. Surely my name is on your database by now as I have been travelling with you for quite a few years now. Explanation would be appreciated.


  • (Member)
Hi Chris

I'm sorry you didn't get the new brochure. A few people have mentioned this in the past. Sometimes it is because the system we use doesn't recognise certain postcodes.

If you can forward me your address I will see if anything can be done to make sure you get brochures in future.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)

Same with me no brochure as yet??? I will request it..

I met up with two ladies last night from Tuscany tour and they had theres early last week..


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy

I can also forward your address to our brochure department if you like. If you want me to do this, please let me know your address.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Hi Olly, I too haven't received my next year's summer brochure, can you please arrange to send one to me please, you should have my address already as I have just come back from Halkidiki, tx.
  • (Member)
Hi Sue

We are still sending out the latest brochure at the moment so if you don't have it by mid-October, let me know your address (I only have your email address in the Community records).

You can also request a brochure online by clicking here: 

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
I too am still waiting for a brochure despite being promised one during another call to your office. I have done 7 JY trips and I find it rather annoying not receive new brochures when they are avaiable as I do from other companies.
  • (Member)
Hi Sue

I'm sorry you didn't get it.

If you can send me your full name and address I'll see if there's a way of making sure you get brochures in future.

In the meantime the quickest way to order or view a copy online: 

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly,

I see that, like me, lots of others didn't receive their new brochures either. How strange - and it is often those people who travel with Just You on a regular basis. I see there are requests from Cindy, Chris & Sue on here already asking why they haven't received their copy yet.

I have mine now, thanks to you, and have booked 2 holidays for next year but I have missed out in the past when having a discount voucher from a tour manager but not receiving the new brochure in time to use it, This must surely affect the people who work and have to negotiate their holiday dates.

I can understand why people get frustrated. I felt exactly the same way. I even requested a copy online just before the new brochure came out, only to receive a copy of the previous brochure.

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

  • (Member)
Hi Lesley

It does seem like a few people have slipped through the net but I don't think too many have missed out overall.

As I mentioned to some of the others, I will try to make sure that everyone gets their brochure in future. Let me know your address if you would like me to include you in this.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)

I'm a newbie and due to go on my first holiday with JY in a few weeks. I hadn't received a new Brochure either so requested one its not only the regulars who have not recieved them.


Peter Jersey
Hi Olly

I think you better add my name to the list of people who have not received the new brochure(s)

The Address is


Thanks for your help.


  • (Member)
Hi Peter

We still have brochures going out at the moment so please let me know if you still don't have one by the middle of October. If so, I will pass on your details.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)

I too ordered my brochures on line as I did not receive any through the post. I received them the next day so very good service indeed.


  • (Member)
'Olly' wrote:

Hi Sue

We are still sending out the latest brochure at the moment so if you don't have it by mid-October, let me know your address (I only have your email address in the Community records).

You can also request a brochure online by clicking here: 

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Thanks Olly, put in a request for a brochure online.

By the way, the Sithonia hotel was lovely, and weather stayed fine all week.


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