June G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I'm in the process of having various injections for Kenya, but am unsure about having one for Rabies. The doctor said there is a slight risk of Rabies but the decision is up to me. Could you find out from the tour manager what he/she advises please? Thanks, June.
  • (Member)
Hi June

I'm afraid we aren't able to give out any medical advice - tour managers included - as we don't have the right training. Questions about vaccinations really are a matter for you and your GP, in part because he/she will have access to your medical history.

So I'm sorry I can't help you with this but I hope you understand the reasons. I'm very happy to help with anything else!

That said, you might find this website helpful:


Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
hi June

I went to Kenya last June. Non of the 22 people on the trip had the rabies vacc. We all had yellow fever though, and topped up on the std. vaccs. ie polio -hepi. tetinus etc etc.

Aslong as you don't befriend any dogs or cats around the hotels, you should be ok. We were.

June G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thankyou, I've spoken to a couple of other people who have been to Kenya, and they didn't have a Rabies jab, so I'm not going to bother, I've had Yellow Fever and boosters of several others, so it's just Malaria tablets now, June.