(Member) (Topic Starter)
Can you please tell me when booking a holiday why times of flights are not given on your Invoice or shown online.Most holidays have to be booked blind then you find when eventually you do get the times, they are something silly like leaving home at 2 or 3 in the morning.I have paid for National Express but you cannot book until last minute because you have no times. There must be a better way.I like to book my car ,taxi or bus whatever it may be early I can then rest assured that everything is then in place.
Cheryl- your editor
Hi Rosemary,

Thank you for your message and your comments.

If you let me know which tour you have booked i will check to see what the flight times are, and why they may be missing from the website. We do put flight times on the site, so it may be in this case there is a technical or human error, so hopefully i can get it fixed.

Speak soon,

Cheryl, your editor

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you yes I have booked Norwegian Fiords for 1st May and Ischia for 16th October neither have times and even when I received the booking there are no times on the confirmation Invoice only departure airport (I have never had the times on the internet) I have always had to book blind,would be grateful if you can let me know and perhaps get this sorted out in due course. Thanks.
Cheryl- your editor
Hi Rosemary,

Hope you're well today.

For your Island of Ischia trip, 18th October departure from Stansted, your flight times are as follows:

Depart Stansted: 07:25hrs

Return arrival into Stansted: 19:20hrs

For the Norwegian Fjords Experience, 1st May departure, your flight times are as follows:

Depart Heathrow: 10:20hrs

Retuan arrival into Heathrow: 18:30hrs

(Please do remember that these times were correct at the time of the brochure going to print, but there is the chance that they could be subject to change.)

Thanks for pointing out the website error - i have now updated this information.

I hope this is all ok for you - so delighted that you've got not one, but two Just You holiday's lined up! Do let me know how you get on, i'd love to read about your adventures when you get back.

Any other questions, please ask.

Warm regards,

Cheryl, your editor

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you Cheryl for all the info very prompt action.I feel better now knowing all my times and can see that you immediately altered the Nowegian one and yet I mentioned this when I first booked.However, you have alltered it now. Yes I will let you know about my trips I think this is about No.7 I have a wonderful time whenever I go and meet such nice people. Regards Rosemary