  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Can you please give me some info on the Add-on before I book this trip? I can't seem to find it anywhere, I'ts probably me!!

  • (Member)
Hi there

No, it's not you - there isn't much information about the add-on in the brochure or on the website. It's basically a little more time to relax on the beach, enjoy the hotel and see a bit more of Mombasa, as you might feel that four days there isn't enough for you. If you want to find out more please call us on 0800 567 7393.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for that Olly. I'll be calling!
  • (Member)
Hi Olly.

I am booked on the Magic of Kenya trip on 28th October and will be flying from Manchester to Heathrow. Could you please confirm whether JY can arrange this flight as I spoke to a lady at Customer Services and she said there wasn't a connecting flight on this trip and we would have to book independently. Steve is also booked on this trip and flying from Manchester but he was told that this could be booked through JY. Look forward to hearing from you, thanks, regards Janet

  • (Member)
Hi Janet

I've had a look into this and it turns out this is one of the few Just You holidays where we don't offer connecting flights from UK airports. There are only a handful of them in the brochure.

So on this occasion you will need to make your own arrangements for any connecting flights you wish to make.

Apologies for any confusion caused!

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Hi Olly .. I am booked on this tour and have read on other sites that changing travellers cheques in Kenya can be tricky if you don't have the receipt from the point of purchase

I have some travellers cheques (Sterling) left over from a previous holidays and no receipt ... Will that be a problem at the lodge and resort when it comes to changing them ?

  • (Member)
Hi Ozzy

We have had reports of problems cashing Travellers' Cheques in East Africa and at the very least it can be a difficult process. I would suggest you pay for goods and services with cash or credit cards wherever possible. That said, if you already have the Travellers' Cheques there's no harm taking them with you and seeing if they can be used... just make sure you have another source of cash in case of difficulties.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Hi OIlly,

I have read that some credit cards are less welcome than others in Kenya. What is the best type of credit card to use or will they accept both Visa and Mastercard with no problem?

is it also true that you have to pay a fee if you withdraw cash from acash point?

Thanks Steve

  • (Member)
Hi Steve

The best thing to do is contact your bank or credit card company, as they will have the most up to date information about using your card.

However, we find that American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa are all widely accepted. Major hotels often accept payment by credit card, and so do the more upmarket restaurants.

As for withdrawing from cash points abroad, you will always incur a charge when using a credit card. Charges for bank cards/debit cards vary from bank to bank, so check with yours to be sure - some charge nothing and others charge quite a lot.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Hi Olly

I am booked on the Kenyan Safari on Oct 28th and will be flying from Manchester to Heathrow. One of my fellow passengers, Steve, is also doing the same. Could you please forward my email address to him so that we can communicate regarding booking of flights. So far I think we are the only people flying from Manchester but I suppose it is still early days. Thanks, regards Janet

  • (Member)
Hi Janet

I can certainly pass on your email address. Just to be sure, do you mean Steve whose username is SFuels?

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Sorry Ollie, yes it is Sfuels. Thanks very much
  • (Member)
Hi Jan

I've sent Steve your email address.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Hi Ollie .. have seen on a diff post that Oct tours are now fully booked ... how many will that be on our tour .. we have 4 on the message board so far
  • (Member)
Hi Olly. I have posted a couple of messages on the board for the June trip which has just returned. One of the ladies on that trip Sandra (username francey) has been in touch to on our message board (Kenya 28th Oct 2009) to let us know how their holiday went - sounds like they had a great time. Could you please either let me have her email address or pass on mine as there are one or two things I would like to ask her to pick her brain. Thanks a lot and really looking forward to my holiday now, regards Jan
  • (Member)
Hi Ozzy,

This tour is now fully booked with 14 people signed up.

Have a great trip!

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Hi Jan,

I'm afraid I'm not allowed to give out customer's email addresses but if Sandra/Francey reads this and gets in touch with me, I'll be very happy to share your details.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Hi Jan .. maybe facebook Would be a good way of getting in touch with each other ... That's if any of the group are on it, That way no contact details are needed just the persons name
  • (Member)
Hi Olly, its Janet again. Could you please forward my email address to username Ozzy who is also booked on the October trip so that we can communicate with each other before the holiday. Thanks Jan
  • (Member)
Hi Jan

I tried forwarding your email to Ozzy but the email address I have for him doesn't seem to be working.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor