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15 week paperwork has arrived so (I know not all travellers use the forum) saying hello to fellow travellers for this departure. I shall be travelling from Gatwick.

Past travellers: I have not signed up for the Levada walk as this gives me a free day and I do like a good garden - of which Madeira has several. I have a couple of places in mind but if past travellers have, from experience, any suggestions I would be pleased to receive them.

Vickie: Do you have the usual M/F and ages breakdown for the group as a whole.


Hi Ian,

Sure, there are 15 people booked so far, 7 men and 8 women. Their ages range from mid 50s to mid 80s.

Many thanks,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Ian,

Sure, there are 15 people booked so far, 7 men and 8 women. Their ages range from mid 50s to mid 80s.

Many thanks,


Thank you Vickie.

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just bouncing this up in case any travellers are new to the forum and did not see the original post.

Jamie Can you give an update on numbers etc and do you know who the TM is?


Hi Ian,

There are 24 booked on this tour currently and the tour manager is Branwen Edwards 🙂


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'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Ian,

There are 24 booked on this tour currently and the tour manager is Branwen Edwards 🙂


Thank you. Ian

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'Rose1999' wrote:

'IanWight' wrote:

15 week paperwork has arrived so (I know not all travellers use the forum) saying hello to fellow travellers for this departure. I shall be travelling from Gatwick.

Past travellers: I have not signed up for the Levada walk as this gives me a free day and I do like a good garden - of which Madeira has several. I have a couple of places in mind but if past travellers have, from experience, any suggestions I would be pleased to receive them.

Vickie: Do you have the usual M/F and ages breakdown for the group as a whole.


Hi Ian

I did this trip last November and didn't do the Levada walk. On that day we took the cable car up to the gardens (botanical I think) at the top, just on the left as you exit the cable car. The gardens there are beautiful but on many levels which some found challenging. There is a buggy to take you back to the top if you can't manage it. We walked back to the top and took the cable car back down. It's well worth a trip.

I hope you enjoy Madeira as much as I did.


Hi Rose,

Apologies for not responding but I only this morning spotted your reply. I thought I had subscribed for replies but obviously not!! Your reply was posted at the same time as I thanked Vickie for info & my reply was showing as the last post on the thread & I missed yours until I re-checked to see who the TM was...... 

https://montepalacemadeira.com/desktop/  where the website shows the cable car stops by the main entrance. This was already on my radar so thank you for your endorsement.

I visited Madeira briefly off a cruise ship (never again!!) but that visit, and some feedback from others who had been, led to my booking this.

Apologies again, Ian

Mike A
Ian, I've tried to get to Madeira twice by Cruise Ship, but although the weather was good on both occasions, the sea was too rough for the tenders to land. Therefore, I think I'll have to get there with JY sooner or later too, perhaps over Christmas.
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'Mike A' wrote:

Ian,  I've tried to get to Madeira twice by Cruise Ship, but although the weather was good on both occasions, the sea was too rough for the tenders to land.  Therefore, I think I'll have to get there with JY sooner or later too, perhaps over Christmas.

Mike, I got ashore ok but there was some doubt as there were 4,000 or so passengers but they were struggling to get enough people together for 2 or 3 different tours. In the end they abandoned one & merged everything together. It was December and most passengers seemed to be on an early "booze cruise"!! What I did see led to me going again next month & I will do a review when I get back. Cheers! Ian

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'Rose1999' wrote:

Hi Ian

No need to apologise, I always sign up for responses but rarely get notified!

Yes it is the Monte palace garden that I meant, sorry for the confusion I couldn't remember the name at the time. We thought it was much better than the botanical garden that is included, but that was in November.

Don't miss the "Full Monte" sledge ride - it's exhilarating and was especially so when the one in front of Amanda and I ran over a pigeon (already dead I think) and came to a grinding halt. How the men steering ours managed to stop in time I'll never know! Not cheap but great fun.

Afternoon Tea at Reid's Palace is also a must if you like that sort of thing. Only 3 of us went but we had a great time, we had the champagne Afternoon Tea followed by cocktails -  and thoroughly enjoyed it!


Hi Rose,

I like what I have seen online of the Monte gardens so I think that is where I will be going. I have seen the sledge ride! I'll think about that on the day. I don't think Reid's is quite me..... However I expect some will go.  Ian