intrepid traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Everybody,  found a luminous pink object loitering on my door mat this morning and thought ‘Brilliant - New book’. But alas, a calendar.  However still welcome and ‘thank you very much’ 

Brilliant photography and great quotes.

Along with the calendar came free tickets to the Destinations Show so huge thanks for those too. I went in 2018 and had a fantastic time.

Sooooooo here’s something to ponder after your Christmas pudding. I intend to go to said show on Friday 1st Feb and I wondered whether any of you fellow Forumites might like to meet at the Just You Stand about 11.00 a.m. and go for a coffee (or whatever takes your fancy) together?  

Just a thought, no need to write in stone, just come if you fancy.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY Keeeeeeeeeep travelling.