(Member) (Topic Starter)

This is my first time on here and first holiday on my own - I was widowed in 2009.  I would love to hear from anyone who has booked the above holiday which I am looking forward to but also quite apprehensive about!  It would be lovely to be able to chat in advance of meeting.

I am wondering whether to book a taxi for the airport as the flight is so early - perhaps there is someone who would like to be picked up on the way?  I'm in Dorset.

Hope to hear from anyone going on this wonderful sounding trip,



I've just booked on this trip Laura. It will be my first time with JY too.

I'll pass on your offer of sharing the taxi as I'm flying from Edinburgh.

  • (Member)
Hi Laura

And welcome to the world of JY travelling, I have not been on this tour, but over the years Ihave done approx 12 tours travelling as near as Tuscany and as far as New Zealand....I am sure you will have a great time, the ladies normally out number the men. Every one mixes in. I am sure you will get to know people ASAP, and see great things along the way and have a laugh.

Put your luggage label on your hand luggage so people can see them, it’s a great way of spotting a fellow traveller.

Go with an open mind and just go with the flow..

Depending on how EARLY ! The flight is some people book into a hotel near the airport the day before so they can get a few hours sleep.

Have fun


  • (Member)
Hi Laura

I can give you a suggestion - book a hotel the night before you travel if your flight is very early in the morning. This saves you getting up even earlier! Travelling with Just You is fantastic as you travel with like minded people of all ages. Everything is taken care of and you just have to sit back, relax and enjoy the experience. No need to be apprehensive or nervous at all. You are bound to meet some of your fellow travellers whilst checking in, but if you do not see any before your flight, you will meet some on the plane as most of the time Just You Group sit almost together.

Have a fantastic holiday and hope your first Just You adventure will want you to make another booking on your return.

Best wishes


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Jaya - kind of you to reply and although apprehensive, I am very much looking forward to it! If all goes to plan, maybe I'll meet you on a different one!



(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Duncolm' wrote:

I've just booked on this trip Laura. It will be my first time with JY too.

I'll pass on your offer of sharing the taxi as I'm flying from Edinburgh.

(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Duncolm' wrote:

I've just booked on this trip Laura. It will be my first time with JY too.

I'll pass on your offer of sharing the taxi as I'm flying from Edinburgh.

Thanks - I'll look forward to seeing you there!



(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:

Hi Laura

And welcome to the world of JY travelling, I have not been on this tour, but over the years Ihave done approx 12 tours travelling as near as Tuscany and as far as New Zealand....I am sure you will have a great time, the ladies normally out number  the men. Every one mixes in. I am sure you will get to know people ASAP, and see great things along the way and have a laugh.

Put your luggage label on your hand luggage so people can see them, it’s a great way of spotting a fellow traveller.

Go with an open mind and just go with the flow..

Depending on how EARLY ! The flight is some people book into a hotel near the airport the day before so they can get a few hours sleep.

Have fun


Thanks Cindy - it's kind of you to reply with such reassurance!  Yes, I'm sure it will all be wonderful - just a bit difficult the first time.  Maybe I'll get to meet you one day on another one!



Hi Laura

Its my first trip with JY too. My wife died just over a year ago.

I'm travelling from Leeds.

Looking forward to meeting you in Lovran
