  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Its almost a year now since I lost my late husband and finally I have decided to pluck up the courage and spread my wings . Am delighted to of found Just You and am going to make the most of it . Am considering going to Santourini has anyonr been and what did you think .

  • (Member)
Hi Pampas,

I just answered your post on the Reassurance thread....I haven't been to Santorini but know a number who have and they have really enjoyed it.  I did the Ancient and Modern Crete trip last year and thoroughly enjoyed it - my first time anywhere in Greece and I loved the landscape and the food.  I do hope this will be the first of many JY tours for you.  I'm sure you will be nervous beforehand, but I find once I check in at the airport and meet some fellow travellers, any nerves just disappear!

All the best,


  • (Member)
Hello Pampas

I have been to Santorini, though not with JY. It is a fascinating Island, with spectacular scenery courtesy of the prehistoric volcanic eruption which formed the dramatic caldera. The main town is a bit garish and touristy, but there is much to see on the small island, not least the fantastically preserved Bronze Age town of Akrotiri.

In my opinion, It is best to visit Santorini on a holiday which also includes Crete, which is a fabulous island.

I hope you have a lovely time, whatever you choose.


Hi Pampas. I can't comment on Santorini but JY has been great. I have done 2 US trips and 1 European river cruise. Next month I am going back to the US with the National Parks tour. I hope you enjoy what ever you select.