(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I'm a new solo traveller and understand that the European group size is larger than those for destinations further afield. Could anyone give me their thoughts on this for a traveller choosing their first destination with Just You.
  • (Member)
Hi there

I have done 12 tours, as near as France and as far as Newzealand. Tour groups vary. I like 30 have been in group 20-40 your best bet is when you have worked out which tour you fancy and what date then either ask on the editors board Or ring the bookings line and ask how many are booked m/f ratio and age range... that might help you ...

I like the larger group as more people to talk to ... you wont get on with every one and it gives a nice busy feeling


Hi Gillywhich,

I have never been good at remembering names, faces yes, but not names, so I prefer a smaller group - 30 max - so that I have a good chance of remembering at least half of them.

When deciding on a tour it can be worth while ringing the office and ask them what the maximum size of the group is likely to be.  I was told 30 for one tour, but it left with 38. 


  • (Member)
'nixon' wrote:

Hi there

I have done 12 tours, as near as France and as far as Newzealand. Tour groups vary. I like 30 have been in group 20-40 your best bet is when you have worked out which tour you fancy and what date then either ask on the editors board Or ring the booking line and ask how many are booked m/f ratio and age range... that might help you ...

I like the larger group as more people to talk to ... you wont get on with every one and it gives a nice busy feeling


(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:

Hi there

I have done 12 tours, as near as France and as far as Newzealand. Tour groups vary. I like 30 have been in group 20-40 your best bet is when you have worked out which tour you fancy and what date then either ask on the editors board Or ring the bookings line and ask how many are booked m/f ratio and age range... that might help you ...

I like the larger group as more people to talk to ... you wont get on with every one and it gives a nice busy feeling


Thanks Cindy.

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