  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi to those of you who have already been away with JY.

I am at the moment in a position where I can travel and am sceptical 

about solo holidays I mean I would hope there would be like minded 

company on these types of trips ?

Although in the evening one would expect to retire to their own room some

good company would be a must during the day ?

I am 48 and run my own business but my wife feels she should stay at home 

to keep an eye on my daughters who are young adults and she also  works for

a local company.

Should I take the plunge ?

Any advice appreciated.

  • (Member)
Hello and welcome

I am not sure what you think these holidays are about.

Having been on many tours with JY since 2006, they are for people who wish to visit a specific country. So we all have that in common, there is a very varied age range 20-80. Really look at what the tour offers I tend to go for the full on tours so I am busy all day. Some tours there is a evenining meal provided but most I have been on regarding lunch and tea one has to locate a restaurant to eat. So the tour group splits up depending on who wants to eat what. We do not always stick ALL together. I am not into drinking culture so I am happy to go to room after tea, as I am usually tired after a full on day.

There are far more ladies on the tours so you might find yourself in the minority, so maybe your wife might like to look at the tours to give her a break from looking after your daughters.

If you find a tour you like the look of then ask on the editors board for M/F ratio age range how many are going etc.

For me the tour is what I book for if I meet a good bunch of people while away that's a bonus


  • (Member)
Hi Paramjit

Travelling with Just You is fun as you are with like minded people of all ages. You are free to do what you want if you do not wish to join in with the others on included excursions. The beauty of travelling with Just You is everything is taken care of and there is nothing to worry about. Why don't you pick a shorter trip to get the feel of it before you embark on long haul trips? I have now travelled with Just You on 14 holidays and my 15th is just round the corner. I enjoy meeting people of all ages and experiences and have made some good friends along the way.

Kind regards


  • (Member)
Hello Paramjit,

Of the 10 JY tours and number 11 in October, I have always been selfish and gone for holidays on my To Do list. So far I have seen so much of the World that I have been blessed with making great friends, seen so many wonderful sites, eating and drinking the local traditions and having fun 🙂 
