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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Really wanted to book a Holiday with Just You. But to Nervous, :s any advice from you Lovely People on here?  :heart:   

I was the same - I spent about a year looking through all the holidays but questioning whether I had the guts to actually book one. I felt very self conscious and nervous about going alone. Then decided I'm never going to know if I don't try, so last year I took the plunge and went on the Kenya Safari........it was a brilliant trip and I met some amazing people. So much so within a month of coming back I'd booked my second trip and now counting down to Borneo in September.

A lot of the posts on here are really helpful and definitely put my mind at rest.

Take the advice many people put on here.........find somewhere you've always wanted to go and just book it! From what I've experienced you won't regret it.

Happy Holidaying


  • (Member)

Life is too short and all I would add is pick a destination you fancy and just go ahead and book it. You will have a wonderful time. Travelling with Just You is worry free and you get to meet people of all ages and experiences. If you are too nervous, then choose a short haul trip to test the water. You will definitely want to book another holiday on your return whatever destination you choose!

Best wishes


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Rose1999' wrote:

I think almost everyone has cold feet at some point. I'd say just find a place you want to visit, read the reviews (on here) and the itinerary and - if it seems to be what you  want - then don't hesitate, book it up.

I'm taking my first solo trip on 1st June, I've always wanted to see Italy and have chosen Flavours of Tuscany as I've always wanted to visit Florence and this is on the itinerary.  I also liked the idea of 2 cookery lessons  which I hope will break the ice with the others in the group and we can all have a laugh together.

Once you've taken the plunge and booked you'll find yourself really looking forward to your trip. I got so excited at the prospect of mine that I've now also booked the Mekong River Cruise!!

Good luck, be brave!


Hello Rose 

Thank you for your kinds words and advice. I've not booked anything yet but have booked time off at my work. I've also been looking at the Flavours of Tuscany, it sounds amazing and I Love Italy. 



  • (Member)
Just go for it you will love it. l have done several still get nervous but when l get there it's amazing.? Once you start you won't stop. Have a fantastic time wherever you choose, l have done 3 ltaly trips all awesome.


Hi , I was feeling the same but went ahead and booked a four day break ! The just you team were superb ! And I met some friendly and like minded people . Book your holiday and you will want to go again ! ??
intrepid traveller
Hi,  please don't be nervous  -  I suggest that you look at the replies to the 2nd June enquiry  'Looking for Fellow Travellers to the Costa de la Luz'    Hope these will help to put your mid at rest.

Have a wonderful trip  -  am sure that you will be booking your second trip the moment you arrive home!!!


My advice.. Just go for it. As said above life is too short to worry when you can experience more of the world with like minded people and the superb back up of the Just You team. I usually travel alone and sort it out myself. But if going a long distance then it is reassuring to know that the Just You organisation is there ready to assist.

I have done China, India with Just You and had fantastic time. I'm off to Peru in 13 days time and am positive in my mind that I will have a brilliant holiday.

Don't be afraid, plenty of others have been in the same situation and from first hand experience and reports here in the community, have had wonderful holidays.

  • (Member)

I hope by now that you have taken the plunge and booked the holiday. You are missing out on making lots of new friends so don't delay. I haven't been on a JY holiday with any newbie who hasn't felt like you - including myself - but it is amazing how quickly all nerves disappear once you join the group and find that you are not alone.

Pick up that phone or hit the 'book' button and get holidaying!

Looking forward to hearing where you are going.


Hi, I have recently returned from my first trip with Just You and Ive now booked my second!! I was absolutely terrified and was questioning my sanity the day before i left (why are you going on holiday with 24 people you don't know). Well I can guarantee that there is absolutely nothing to worry about. From the minute I met up with the rest of the group all my fears disappeared.

We were a very mixed group in terms of age and background but we all got along brilliantly. I naturally feel into a group with 5 of the others and we went walking in the evenings, but I always tried to sit near a different person at meal times, on the bus, round the pool so I got to chat to just about everyone.

It really is a great experience and you won't regret doing it so pick something you like and take the plunge.

Sue I
  • (Member)

I too thought for a couple of years about this issue. I then decided that if I didn't do it I would never get to Borneo and I would regret not having the courage whilst I had the money and the health to go! Bit of back to front thinking but it works for me!

Like the others I think it's important to choose somewhere you really want to go as you'll immediately have something in common with everyone else on the trip.

I phoned to book and the staff are so friendly and helpful they put me at ease and I took the plunge. Borneo here I come! I'm very pleased with myself!!!!! Can't wait!

Good luck


Never having been with JY before i'm not sure what to expect. As i'm travelling from Glasgow, I may need to go via Gatwick or Heathrow and I dont know whether connecting flights are available? Is anyone doing a trip in October that they can recommend? :huh: