Janice Williams
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello - I am about to book my first solo holiday with Just You.  Any advice on where the best place for a first timer would be!  Am very nervous at the thought of travelling on my own but have decided I must give it a go!  Looking forward to your advice. Janice
  • (Member)
Hi Janice

It all depends on what you like to do. Do you want a relaxing holiday or a hectic touring one? Why don't you list down the places you would like to visit and then pick one or just browse the brochure to see what takes your fancy. There is a big world out there to explore and enjoy so go on, pick a destination and just go a head and book. You will have no regrets!

Best wishes


Hi Janice

I agree with what Jaya has said. I started travelling with JY in 2010 and my holiday decisions have been based on things I wanted to see e.g. The Great Wall, the Taj Mahal and the Golden Gate Bridge to name a few. I still have a long list and I hope to be able to as many places as time and finances allow!

My advice is pick a destination and go for it


  • (Member)
Hello Janice

My first tour I went on was Boston, New England and New York that was in 2006 have travelled the world since with JY...I tend to go for the full on tours with lots to do al day to keep my busy and see as much as I can while I am away. Really read up on what's on offer and how many meals are included etc... have fun


Janice Williams
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Janice

It all depends on what you like to do.  Do you want a relaxing holiday or a hectic touring one?  Why don't you list down the places you would like to visit and then pick one or just browse the brochure to see what takes your fancy.  There is a big world out there to explore and enjoy so go on, pick a destination and just go a head and book.   You will have no regrets!

Best wishes


Hello Jaya

Thanks for advice - will browse brochure and see what interest me. There is so much to see that's the trouble! Cheers Janice

Janice Williams
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Rose1999' wrote:

Hi Janice

I agree with Jaya, think of places you'd like to visit and go from there.  I will be taking my first JY trip in June, I chose Italy as I've always wanted to go there and then I looked at all the Italian trips. I chose Flavours of Tuscany as there are lots of trips out and on 2 days we have cookery classes which I thought would be good ice breakers (and also because we lunches those days too LOL!!).

Whatever you choose I hope you will have a great time, I'm very excited about my trip, not long now,

Kind regards


Hello Rose

Sounds a great trip and actually one that I think I could very much enjoy. Thanks for the advice. Cheers j


Janice Williams
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'lesley07' wrote:

Hi Janice

I agree with what Jaya has said. I started travelling with JY in 2010 and my holiday decisions have been based on things I wanted to see e.g. The Great Wall, the Taj Mahal and the Golden Gate Bridge to name a few. I still have a long list and I hope to be able to as many places as time and finances allow!

My advice is pick a destination and go for it


Hello Lesley

All sounds great and so much to choose from. Hope to book soon. Regards Jan