  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
A big hello to everyone who is going to Borneo next month - it should be a fantastic tour!  I've been doing some shopping to try and be prepared for the tour and I'm just wondering what preparations others are making?  I've bought a new lightweight waterproof jacket, showerproof shorts and trousers for our treks in the jungle (hopefully we'll miss the showers and it won't be too hard going!) and some mossie repellent socks for the jungle as well.  Hope that will do!  Of course I've DEET and sun cream sorted as well!  I already have water resistant trainers which hopefully will be up to the job.  I have a cheapy battery operated fan to help keep cool - it is going to be a challenge!

The only thing I'm worried about is the humidity as I know I'm going to struggle - high heat I can just about manage for a while but combined with very high humidity I know it's going to be tough as I won't have much energy and get dehydrated easily.  I'm going to be a soggy mess!  One tip that our tour manager in Jordan gave us which will hopefully help with this is to take Dioralyte on a daily basis before heading out to avoid getting dehydrated in the first place.  I did this on my last tour to Mexico and it did help although it was not humid there for the most part.  Has anyone else got any helpful tips regarding this or anything else?

My other tip is that we could have camera trouble because of the high humidity - so I'm bringing two with me in the hope that at least one will work when I need it to!  I also have a couple of sachets of silica gel that I'm going to keep at the bottom of my rucksack which hopefully will help too.

If anyone has any other tips or suggestions for this tour I'd love to hear from you!  There are so many going from the forum on this tour and also the Burma tour for next Feb, I'm getting confused as to who is on which tour!  So it'd be good to hear from my fellow travellers as to how you are and what plans you're making for the trip!



Hiya Bob

Thanks for starting this Thread,  been thinking about it myself for a while but unsure where to begin

I am expecting this tour to be a wonderful experience,  i too shall take a waterproof and even a light umbrella just incase of any downpours along with some light cotton tshirts and shorts, suncream and mossie spray and a small fan, my small binoculars maybe and i usually take my crocs which water just washes off them and they can be washed in the shower too plus they have reasonable grips on them for any jungle walks etc but on doing the amazon in peru you do get used to the humidity after a day or two, drink lots of water too, a good hat also and the odd cap, sunglasses

what about vaccinations, i am up to date with all mine just had a Hepatitus A booster which had run out but there was confusion regarding Malaria tablets, the Travel nurse was unsure as it seemed where we were going there was no need but said to ask a pharmasist,  well i am sure in Pharmacy they do not have time to advise on this as they always seem busy dealing with prescriptions,  any body got any more thoughts on this

I think it is that dreaded long flight i fear more than the heat and humidity of the jungle,  yes i too plan to bring a couple of back up cameras and where do you get that Dioralyte from

all the best


The main worry you have on your walks is leeches !

Shorts are not a good idea on walks.

You need to cover exposed skin. Lodges usually sell or provide leech socks.

I ticked my trousers into my socks then put leech socks on top , then buttoned my shirt up to my chin.

I love Borneo. You will have a wonderful time.

  • (Member)
Bob/Dave have a great time,

You can get dioralyte from any good chemist, when I am on tours I always take a mini aspirin a day, to keep the blood flowing to ward off DVT. I do not envy you the humidity, I am like Bob and I don't cope well with it, I end up looking a wet mess!!!! this would be one resin not to do the humid tour... I am sure you all from the community will have fun and laughs along the way...


  • (Member)
Hi Borneo-ites!,

Dave - to answer your question about Dioralyte - they are rehydration salts, and you can get them at any supermarket/chemist etc. I swear by them! I will be taking a daily probiotic(acidophilus) and bringing plenty of imodium, anti-bacterial gel/wipes and a basic first-aid kit. I did a post on the Forum recently re health and medication, but it was locked out!!

In terms of clothing - I live in Rohan gear, and they do insect repellant shirts/trousers/socks etc. etc. Also Craghoppers do Nosilife insect repellant clothing, which are cheaper. I'm taking goretex trekking shoes along with trekking sandals. A fan is a good idea too. Also a lighweight waterproof, hat, sunglasses, binoculars, cameras (with lots of memory cards and spare batteries), world adaptor etc. I havent been to see my excellent practice nurse yet re Malarone (if we need it). She has stuck enough needles in me over the years, so I am up-to-date and fit to go anywhere in the world!

If I think of anything else, I'll post it.

Not long to go!



  • (Member)
Hi Bob and Dave

I have not made any preparations for the trip yet, but I always take a small umbrella with me. I purchased a light waterproof jacket last year, but have not used it yet so may as well bring it with me though I think it will not feel very comfortable if it is humid. I may only use an umbrella for the rain as I am sure we will dry out very quickly. One thing not mentioned is a torch - you will need one for the jungle trek. I am trying to decide whether or not to order one you wear around the head or just take the one you hold in your hand. I am not bothering with any malaria tablets. I did not take any to Kerala and neither did I take any mossie spray. I did take one to the recent Mexico, Guatemala and Belize trip and used it only once or twice. I usually do not get bitten by mosquitoes, but will bring the spray with me since I already have it.

I am not going to bother with any other waterproof clothing though may change my mind if I get some time to either browse online or the shops to perhaps buy a pair of waterproof trousers.

Best thing for preventing dehydration is to drink plenty of water. You do lose salt through sweating so make sure you get enough salt in your food. Dave, you can buy Dioralyte from Sainsburys and I am sure from any pharmacy. I took some with me to India in case I had tummy problems, but there was no need for it so I may as well bring the pack with me in case someone else needs it (I do not mind sharing!). Hopefully humidity will only be bad in the jungle (I hope). Like Bob, humidity does sap all my energy but I am sure I will cope. I can't think of anything else at the moment, but if I do then I will post it. I am very excited about this trip, especially as I will get a chance to meet so many forum users for the first time. This is going to be a very good trip as everyone going is very enthusiastic and I am sure we will cope with whatever is thrown at us with good humour! Here's to a Happy Adventure.


  • (Member)
Hi All,

A few more suggestions re clothing etc. I'm considering buying anti-leech socks before we go, and also some assorted sized Dry Bags (which you can get on Amazon). Having destroyed a camera that I thought was safe in a plastic bag under the Victoria Falls, I'm going to play safe this time - the bag had a hole in it! I've also bought a head torch as this will leave hands free.



  • (Member)
Hello everyone

I have just been reading all the posts about Borneo and taking things on board that I hadn't thought of.

It could be very humid everywhere, Jaya, hopefully I am wrong. I can remember on my first trip to Singapore struggling badly with the humidity. 

At least in urban areas one can normally flee into an air/cond. building.

After reading some of the reviews on Trip Adviser about the Abai and Kinabatangen lodges, I don't suppose for one minute that we will get much respite from the humidity in these lodges. Let's just hope that we at least have fans in our rooms.

Apart from my hand held battery fan which was extremely useful in Vietnam, I also found that the large wet wipes that have 40 in a packet were a great help in wiping up perspiration and were also very cooling.

OK, my biggest problem will be ensuring that I have space left in  my suitcase to pack clothes after I have packed

all the other necessities,but not quite the kitchen sink.Then there will have to be space for souvenirs bought!!

Looking forward to this exciting holiday and meeting you all plus the fellow travellers who don't use the forum.

Best wishes Di


Hi Bob and others,

Dioralyte is great for the kind of trip you are doing. I take the sachets and would carry one in my bag to add to water as needed. There is also a range of Sprays which are designed to keep you cool - one such spray is called Magicool Body & Face Cooler - this was a life saver for me and a few others on a trip we did where the humidity was unbearable. You will find that good chemists also stock a range of their own which can be cheaper. Whilst in Ghana I found that the quick drying walking trousers I brought were also great, as usually within a few minutes of the rain stopping they were almost dry again.

Also depending on how long you will stay out during the day in the humidity. It might be worth buying some mossie repellent whips to top yourself up.

Hope you all have a wonderful trip looking forward to the reviews and hopefully any photos you can share :)


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone - thanks for your replies!  I also have a cool down spray which I'll bring with me - it looks like I'll be bringing my little rucksack with me on the walks to carry everything!  I'm not going to get anti-leech socks before I go - first of all, they won't be easy to get in rural Ireland!  Also from what I can see by doing some research online that the jungle areas we will be in don't seem to be too bad for leeches (it's the Danum Valley that seems to be particularly bad for them).  I'm hoping that my mossie repellent socks will be enough to put them off.  Worst case scenario (and another top tip) - I'm bringing some tiger balm with me; apparently if you put some of the balm on a leech it will fall right off!  Seemingly salt works too, but the tiger balm would be easier to carry!  Regarding the humidity, I gather it will be very humid everywhere we go so I will be obviously taking lots of water with me and will pre-hydrate with the Dioralyte before heading out.  I've got a new led torch (not a head torch) for the night walk.  Hopefully we will all be well prepared for this exciting adventure!



Loving the idea of 'mossie repellent whips' Kezzer ?
I don't think anyone can possibly sweat more than I do! Wear a cotton scarf round your neck or take a small towel from the lodge out with you to mop your face. Tissues are disastrous but wet wipes should work well. Have a great adventure.


  • (Member)
Hi Kerry, Dave, Bob, Jaya and Hils

I have also used the magicool sprays and admit that they are good but I still prefer the big Wet Wipes.

Hils, after reading this 2nd post of yours about buying leech socks and head torch, I think I must go and do some serious holiday shopping. A head torch at least.

Best wishes Di

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi my guess is (and I could be wrong on this!) is that it might be better to use the cool down spray rather than wipes?  I'm just thinking that wipes could wipe off sun cream and DEET whereas the spray might be less likely to do so?  Just a thought.  At least we will all be in the same boat but I must admit I do sweat very easily, so apologies in advance!!



'sallyc' wrote:

Loving the idea of 'mossie repellent whips' Kezzer ?

Oops... maybe that was wishful thinking or it could have been a blondmoment.. not sure which!!

Hi Borneo Travellers,

 Looking forward to our May trip - reading these posts about what to take has been good as a reminder of those things you always intend to purchase but never get round to - like the mini fans!  I will definitely be purchasing one this year as I too am not good with humidity - don't mind the heat but the stickiness is uncomfortable.  I looked into the leech socks but having read more about the jungle lodge i'm still not sure of we will need them as the excursions from the lodge are all by boat.  If I can purchase them easily enough in one of the outdoor shops I may just get them otherwise I will probably wait until we are in Borneo.

Looking forward to meeting you all soon.


  • (Member)
Hi Everybody

Oh dear - I never thought about leeches. Saw them for the first time when we did the nature trek in Kerala and I did not like them one little bit. We were given long 'leech socks' to wear and I was wearing a long sleeve shirt, so there was no chance of them getting on my skin, but they did freak me out when they were half in and half out of the holes in my shoes (the shoes have a pattern with holes on the sides). Not taking these shoes with me so hopefully I should be fine. Our shoes were also sprayed with tobacco powder - apparently this keeps them away too.

Jacqueline, we do have a night jungle trek! Hope the leeches (if there are any) will be fast asleep by then!
