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Hi is there anyone else on this trip or has been on this trip recently
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Also looking at this trip. Anyone?
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just so you know - you need a visa for China which JY can organise but it does take a few weeks to get rather than a few days. Mine has just been sent for.
  • (Member)
Hi I did this tour a year and a half ago and loved it!  Here's a link to my review, hope you find it helpful: 

Best wishes,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi I did this tour a year and a half ago and loved it!  Here's a link to my review, hope you find it helpful: 

Best wishes,


hi thank you for pointing me in the direction of your review.  All the little bits of information add so much to the overall picture.  I am completely new to holidaying alone so any information acquired beforehand is very welcome.  I am beginning  to really look forward to seeing different places and meeting different people rather than actually wonder if I have done the right thing!

best wishes ....Joan

  • (Member)
Hi Joan - good for you!  This is a busy tour with little free time but that is how I like it!  You will see so much of China - all the main sights and lots of little extras too so it really is brilliant.  The only advice I'd give you is to mix with everyone on the tour and get to know them all if you can.  The executive lounge is a great way to start your China adventure!

Hope you have a great time,


  • (Member)
Hi Joan and welcome!

Like Bob, I did the China trip in 2014 (a month later than him) and agree with him that you will have a super, if exhausting, time.

This tour is very much a 'cultural experience' and, without being sexist to Bob, I should point out that, for ladies, it offers one or two extra challenges in relation to....shall we say...the 'facilities'... These fall into two categories 'squats' (most common) and 'potties' (if you are lucky)  In the hotels everything is superb but when you are out and about, I would definitely recommend taking plenty of wet wipes, tissues and a travel pack of loo paper. The ladies in my group developed an 'out of 10' review system at each site. On the plus side - the Chengdu Panda Research Centre scored 11 out of 10 (heated seats with a massage function - I kid you not!!) but, at the other end of the scale were the facilities at the temple above the Leshan Giant Budda's head. I won't go into detail but they would score minus 27 on a good day.....

Please don't let the above put you off, however, as it was all part of the 'cultural experience' and became a running joke with the ladies of the group (the lads couldn't understand what the fuss was about...).

In terms of other tips, in addition to those in Bob's super review, I would suggest taking throat sweets and cold treatments, and if you suffer from asthma, take additional inhalers. The air pollution can sometimes be very bad and all of my group went down with coughs and colds (although Bob had much clearer skies). Also pack an extra sweater because, when the pollution levels are high, it can be bitterly cold.

Sadly, I've heard that they no longer offer the 'Panda Keeper Experience' in Chengdu (a.k.a 'Panda Hugging 😃 ) which was the highlight of my trip but you will still get to see plenty of these beautiful animals. The Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors are also thrilling and the people are very very friendly. You will get used to being asked if they can have a photo of you - it will happen all the time, especially if you are blonde!)

Like Bob, I'm happy to help if you have any other questions

All the best


I did this trip I October 2013. It still ranks with my all time favorites. I still get goose bumps when I think that I have actually stood on the Great Wall of China. Have a marvellous time
I cannot but resist in commenting about toilet facilities world wide. Having travelled with many UK groups ( & I have 35 years in Greece under my belt) just what is your problem ladies? I have been there with you in China, Thailand etc & managed to be the first to "go" because everyone was so, shall we say, squeamish! There are varieties of squat-style loos according to the country. I agree that by going down your legs don't necessarily bring you up that easily anymore but what you must realize that these (in Greece we call them Turkish toilets) are so much more hygienic than western style. You are not actually in contact with anything & they can be & are hosed through. Any traveller with the smallest bit of sense will always carry antibacterial wet wipes & pocket tissues which are useful in all situations....without going into graffic details! Should I reminisce about the Lake District, as a child, regarding a wooden plank with a hole in it, cut up newspaper neatly tied & a shovel & bucket of soil to follow your contribution down the hill slope? I'm all of 64..... we could start up a new thread on this subject I suspect!!
  • (Member)
Hi Grecos

I'm sorry but you seem to have mis-interpreted what was intended to be an entirely light-hearted post on my experiences of China. I should clarify that I had a brilliant time, as did all of our group.

I understand that experienced travellers like yourself would not be fazed by the 'facilities' but you have to remember that in many cases, people use the JY community because they are nervously stepping out on their own for the first time, sometimes having lost partners or many years or sometimes because they have simply never left the UK before. To them, hearing the experiences of other travellers who have done the trip and can provide them with a personal, rather than polished 'brochure' view, of what they can expect can be invaluable. You say that 'anybody with the smallest bit of sense' will always carry hand wipes but, if you've never even been abroad before and are terrified of even managing to get through check in at Heathrow on your own, packing wipes may be the last thing on your mind unless someone points it out.

I also agree that if you go on this type of holiday, you can't expect it to be the same as say, a weekend in York, but some people really don't think of these things. On another review chain on the Community, a lady told the story of how her group were frustrated by another traveller who constantly complained about being served rice at every meal....while in China. And, as for the 'squats', they really aren't an issue but proved extremely difficult for a larger lady in our group who had very weak knees. You may disagree, but I things like this should be pointed out for people deciding whether or not a trip of this nature is suitable for them.

Once again, I'm sorry if you felt I was complaining. This is absolutely not the case. My post was meant in jest - in the old fashioned, British on tour, kind of way. (i.e. We can't go anywhere without finding something to moan about!). I had a super time on this trip with a great bunch of people - I definitely recommend it but, as the brochure states, for people with limited mobility, it could be a challenge.

All the best


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Thanks to all of you who have posted comments or anecdotes about your China trip. It is so good to have advice about what little extras to take to make the holiday more manageable and enjoyable.
Hi to everyone going to China on the 20 May 2016.  This a trip I've been thinking of doing for a while and decided to go for it!  I really look forward to the experience of visiting China, but have to say not so much the long flight.  I'd love to hear from fellow travellers  🙂