  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Hils, Jaya, Bob and Kerry and anyone else booked.

I have just booked this fantastic holiday, look forward to meeting you all.

I booked the trip swiftly after abbadave advised that the places were going quickly.

Hi Dave

Sorry, I didn't include your name above as you already know that I booked just before you.

best wishes


Hi Di,

I am so glad to hear that you've booked and I hope you are looking forward to this amazing experience?

So as you're all so eager, I thought I would give you a quick update on numbers. So at the moment for the main tour, there are currently 12 of you booked, with 8 of you doing the Singapore add-on (making the add-on fully booked!!).

I'm sure you will all get on just fine, but please remember that there will be some non-community members travelling with you and it would be great to get them involved. So if you know of anyone travelling with you, even whilst on tour, point them in the direction of the Just You Community and get them involved too.

I can't wait to hear all about it already...only 240 days to go!!!!

Kindest Regards,


Hi Monty

i'm a little baffled over numbers, I noticed on Friday it was down to 9 places available then me and Diane booked which took it down to 7 then it had shot back up to 12, how is that have you extended the numbers available

it seems it was a good move then to book on Friday if wanting the add on, how come only 8 places for that

hello Hils Jaya Bob Kerry been so much looking forward top meeting you, am so much more looking forward to this than my upcoming Vietnam tour incredibly, yes I am sure we will all get on fine and any none community members we shall try and direct them here, I spoke to Di on Friday and mentioned now that the brochures gone out all those that don't use the community will be looking to book, yes Di does seem to beat me to most things, we sure are looking forward to this marvellous tour

all the best


Hi Dave,

The add-on and the main tour are separated on our system. This means that although you booked the add-on, which is fully booked with 8 travellers, the website shows the availability for the main tour alone, so the availability would not have decreased. So for the main tour there are 11 places left, which shows correctly on the website at the moment.

Such a great move to the all of you! We only allocated 8 places as there is not usually such a big demand, due to struggles with time off etc. If anyone was desperate to book on to this specific add-on, we may be able to accommodate this, but they would have to speak to a holiday advisor.

Kindest Regards,


Hi Monty,

I tried to booked this trip with the add-on last Friday evening and spoke to your advisor Mahesh.

He told me the places for the add-on were booked up, but because I wanted the add-on he said someone would call me back today to see if they could fit me on it, but I

didn't get the call back.

Your website shows how many places are available but I didn't realise that may not include places for add-on so I was surprised when I called up that the add-on was full.

So could you please make more spaces for us that want to go to Borneo with the add-on.

Do you think anyone will call me back tomorrow?

Carol R.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Monty

Thank you very much for the update on numbers.

Regarding non-community members joining the tour, don't be concerned Monty, I personally always try to be friendly with any people on trips that I do.Obviously there will always be the occasional one who you don't see eye to eye with, that's true to life.

As for the community, I am always telling people about it!

Kindest regards



I'm glad to hear that Di and Dave. It'll be great to get as many of you avid travellers on here as possible, to share your holiday tips and meet new people.

Carol - I have passed this over to Mahesh and I hope that he will ring you back as soon as possible. If nobody has called you back by tomorrow evening, please let me know!!

Kindest Regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Di

Look forward to meeting you too. This trip is proving so popular!


  • (Member)
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Dave,

The add-on and the main tour are separated on our system. This means that although you booked the add-on, which is fully booked with 8 travellers, the website shows the availability for the main tour alone, so the availability would not have decreased. So for the main tour there are 11 places left, which shows correctly on the website at the moment.

Such a great move to the all of you! We only allocated 8 places as there is not usually such a big demand, due to struggles with time off etc. If anyone was desperate to book on to this specific add-on, we may be able to accommodate this, but they would have to speak to a holiday advisor.

Kindest Regards,


Hello Monty & all

I'm not sure whether I count as a 'community member' as I have been registered for some time but only "lurking" while reading the various postings with great interest.

Although I am an "avid traveller" and have been to Asia several times, I have not yet been with JY, as I have been waiting for an itinerary which appealed to me - and of course I have found it with the new holiday in Borneo.

I booked this for May 2016 as soon as I could after reading about it in the new "selection" brochure - but, to my great surprise, I was just too late to secure the Singapore add-on. Having read your posting, I went back to JY and I was fortunate to secure the first of what appear to be four additional places which were just being made available for the extended holiday. So, now we are nine for Borneo + Singapore in May.

I am now looking forward to this holiday and to meeting everybody!

Best wishes from a very showery Cardiff


PS - as luck would have it, I shall be in Singapore for a short time (not long enough!) in October, and can report on this in due course with some photos if anyone is interested.

PPS - changing the subject, has anyone here any experience of the Travelsphere trip to Yunnan & Tibet with HK add-on? I am thinking of doing this in September, but have not seen much about it in the Forum, which I assume is shared with Travelsphere?


Hi jayli,

Well, welcome back!! I'm thrilled to hear that you booked the Borneo trip with the add-on, you are bound to have a fantastic time (I am slightly jealous).

Take loads of photos for us, and I hope to hear all about your trip when you come back.

Kindest Regards,


  • (Member)
Hi all,

I booked this tour yesterday evening (my birthday present to me!) together with the Singapore add-on. JY's friendly advisor phoned me back to confirm that extra places had been secured for the add-on, so I'm booked up for 19th May.

Monty - is there any way that your system could show the number of places available for both a main tour and an add-on where appropriate? There were 11 places available on the website when I originally phoned to book on Monday, only to be told that the add-on was sold out. It all worked out in the end, but the extra information may help people to avoid disappointment in the future.

Looking forward to meeting everyone in May.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jayli

I am pretty much certain that this Forum is basically for Just You. However, as Travelsphere is a sister company of Just You and some of us travel as solos with Travelsphere, we do sometimes like to compare the holidays of both companies and find out what it is like travelling with Travelsphere as a single traveller. So I was told that JY are happy to put messages on the Forum about Travelsphere.

Looking forward to our Borneo adventure

Kind regards


  • (Member)
Hi Jim

Great to know that you have booked your first Just You trip to Borneo. Hope this will be one of many. I have been to Singapore years ago so it will be nice to see if anything has changed. Am looking forward to this trip very much. Also looking forward to meeting you.


  • (Member)
'Dina' wrote:

Hi Jayli

I am pretty much certain that this Forum is basically for Just You. However, as Travelsphere is a sister company of Just You and some of us travel as solos with Travelsphere, we do sometimes like to compare the holidays of both companies and find out what it is like travelling with Travelsphere as a single traveller. So I was told that JY are happy to put messages on the Forum about Travelsphere.

Looking forward to our Borneo adventure

Kind regards


Hello Di

Thanks for the info, I wasn't sure how closely coupled the two companies were. I have noticed that some JY travellers also go solo with TS, and I was just hoping that some regular user of this Forum had been (or was about to go) on the TS trip to Tibet etc. rather than the JY one (for whatever reason) and would report back here, as Yunnan & Tibet are now very near the top of my list of long-haul destinations.

Likewise looking forward to Borneo & Singapore


  • (Member)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Jim

Great to know that you have booked your first Just You trip to Borneo. Hope this will be one of many. I have been to Singapore years ago so it will be nice to see if anything has changed. Am looking forward to this trip very much. Also looking forward to meeting you.


Hello Jaya,

Thanks for your kind words. I do have a list of JY trips after Borneo, almost certainly starting with one of the trips to Indochina - the new "Untold Cambodia & Laos" looks particularly interesting.

There do appear to have been some changes in SIngapore: friends spent a few days there when returning from Australia last year, and they were very enthusiastic about the Night Zoo (which you might already have seen?), but particularly recommended the "Gardens by the Bay", which was still under construction then but appears to be finished now. This is supposed to be a very interesting experience by day and quite spectacular at night, and I have been instructed not to miss it!

I too am now looking forward eagerly to this trip and to meeting you and all our co-travellers next year.


  • (Member)
Hi Jim

Yes, I have done the night safari at Singapore Zoo and it was fascinating - the 'blazing' eyes of the tiger was an amazing sight. Not heard about 'Gardens by the Bay' so am looking forward to seeing them. My list of Just You holidays gets longer each time new holidays are introduced. I too want to do Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam, though not sure when as next year is already planned and I want to try and to Costa Rica and Nicaragua in 2017. If I can afford 2 long hauls in 2017 and have enough holiday then may book another long haul. Next year is my 'big' birthday and hence I am treating myself to 3 long haul holidays! Borneo was not available when I planned my two trips and when it appeared I could not resist booking it as the itinerary is amazing. Can't wait.


  • (Member)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Jim

Yes, I have done the night safari at Singapore Zoo and it was fascinating - the 'blazing' eyes of the tiger was an amazing sight. Not heard about 'Gardens by the Bay' so am looking forward to seeing them. My list of Just You holidays gets longer each time new holidays are introduced. I too want to do Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam, though not sure when as next year is already planned and I want to try and to Costa Rica and Nicaragua in 2017. If I can afford 2 long hauls in 2017 and have enough holiday then may book another long haul. Next year is my 'big' birthday and hence I am treating myself to 3 long haul holidays! Borneo was not available when I planned my two trips and when it appeared I could not resist booking it as the itinerary is amazing. Can't wait.


Hello again Jaya

I hope you have a wonderful celebration next year (as well as all the long-hauls:-)

Tiger heads are impressive in daylight (I love photographing them), so a night time view must be really worth seeing: I'll certainly go on the night safari. Apparently there is also a river safari, where one can see some Chinese giant pandas (useful if one hasn't been to Chengdu).

The Costa Rica & Nicaragua trip is of course on my short list for Central/South America (along with Peru/Machu Picchu) - but I am working my way round Asia at the moment - and then there' will be India/Nepal/Bhutan (the JY Nepal walking holiday is attractive), and, having been on a jeep safari in Yala NP in Sri Lanka, I am keen to try a "real" African safari, so this will have to be fitted in somewhere!

And so it goes on . . .

Meanwhile, there's Borneo :-)

See you there!


  • (Member)
Hi everyone, I'm now back from holidays and am catching up on the forum! Wow what an amazing response to the Borneo tour! I am so glad I booked it with the Singapore add-on before I left! It will be great to meet you all and to catch up with Hils and Jaya again and to meet the other forum regulars and non-forum users too on what should be a fantastic tour! I'm particularly glad that both Hils and Jaya have been to Singapore before - it will be great to have a couple of "old hands"(!) to show me around on our free time there!

Best wishes,


Have a great time everyone!! :thumbup:
  • (Member)
I'm glad so many forum users have booked the May departure. I'm going in June so I'll look forward to hearing all about your travels and hopefully get some top tips!!
