  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I would like to go on the National Parks Mount Rushmore holiday but when I see all the places that you will visit I am a little afraid it will be like a whistle stop. Can anybody tell me what it was like.[/size]
  • (Member)
Hi unsure!

This is one of JY's most popular tours and there are a number of reviews on the tour in that section. I went in Sept 2013 and had a truly wonderful time. Yes it was a busy tour but we saw so much it was remarkable. I did not feel that it was rushed, as we had several hours at each of the parks - plenty of time to wander around, admire the views and take photos. I think some people who have reviewed this tour felt it was too "full on" but I personally found it to be great value for money and I had so many wonderful experiences on the tour. If you don't mind living out of a suitcase and fairly early starts you will be grand. Even on the long travelling days there were plenty of comfort stops. It is more comprehensive than those offered by other companies and you will see so many wondrous views I think all the travelling will be worth it. I really hope you book this tour and have as fantastic a time as I did. Any specific questions I'd be happy to answer them.

Best wishes,



I went on this tour last year and can highly recommend it. I can assure you that, whilst there is a lot of travelling, plenty of time was allowed at all the stops and we were never rushed. It is a fascinating tour with truly wonderful, awe-inspiring sights and scenery.

Go for it, you will not be disappointed. I enjoyed it so much it is on my "do it again" list!

  • (Member)
I went last September (my first JY trip) and absolutely loved it! Yes, it did cover a huge area and inevitably there were some places where you wanted to stay longer, but there was very little I could have wished left out, and on the whole it didn't seem rushed. SO interesting, and some the scenery was just out of this world. Definitely recommend!
  • (Member)
Hi unsure,

I did this trip in May-June 2013 and it was absolutely fantastic. You get to see incredible scenery in the National Parks, learn about the history of the native Americans at Tatanka, experience a little of the Wild West at Deadwood, learn about the most famous battle of the Indian wars at the Little Big Horn, visit Monument Valley which hasn't changed a bit since John Wayne rode across the plains, and see the bright lights of Vegas. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the Grand Canyon!

I can honestly say that when we reached journey's end I could have done the whole trip again in reverse order; it was that good. Yes, you do have some one night stops, and I would have liked to have spent a little longer in Cody, but that apart I never felt rushed anywhere or that it was tiring trip....just hugely enjoyable, emotional at times and a holiday that I will remember for ever.

Hope this helps.


  • (Member)

I did this trip last May and can totally recommend it. It is a 3000 mile road trip through 9 states and yes it is very busy but very worthwhile. The scenery throughout is stunning, the national parks are all wonderful and all different. If you decide to go make sure you take a good camera.

There are a few early starts and long days spent travelling, but this is unavoidable due to the scale of the country. It is however very rewarding as the places visited and the sights you will see are truly spectacular.

If you like to relax on holiday and spend days by a pool this is not for you!! There is a fair amount of walking involved and some of it could be seen as a little strenuous but again, the rewards are fantastic. If you like scenery then this is the trip of a lifetime.

Go for it!

JY Will
Hi unsure, I work for Just You so feel free to disregard my comments as they may be biased!

I did this tour and it blew me away. Your camera will be creaking from the number of great pictures you will take. I personally found there to be plenty of time at each park - obviously there were people who wanted a little longer in some places and less time in others, but on the whole you get a really good sense of each park and can enjoy them in a multitude of different ways (hiking, wandering, jeep, helicopter, raft).

There weren't too many early starts either and when we did have one I managed to enjoy 40 winks on the bus!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi unsure!

This is one of JY's most popular tours and there are a number of reviews on the tour in that section. I went in Sept 2013 and had a truly wonderful time. Yes it was a busy tour but we saw so much it was remarkable. I did not feel that it was rushed, as we had several hours at each of the parks - plenty of time to wander around, admire the views and take photos. I think some people who have reviewed this tour felt it was too "full on" but I personally found it to be great value for money and I had so many wonderful experiences on the tour. If you don't mind living out of a suitcase and fairly early starts you will be grand. Even on the long travelling days there were plenty of comfort stops. It is more comprehensive than those offered by other companies and you will see so many wondrous views I think all the travelling will be worth it. I really hope you book this tour and have as fantastic a time as I did. Any specific questions I'd be happy to answer them.

Best wishes,


Hello Bob

Many Thanks for reply and information. I notice that the food included was just breakfast. So on average what sort of money would I need for meals ( im not a big eater so will not require large steaks!!!) also did you take advantage of the extras, jeep ride, helicopter trip etc

Best wishes

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This will be my first trip alone so that's why I am UNSURE. Given that so much is happening and you visit so many places what would be the best time of year to go. What sort of rest time is there or do you just fall into bed!!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'SCB' wrote:

I went last September (my first JY trip) and absolutely loved it! Yes, it did cover a huge area and inevitably there were some places where you wanted to stay longer, but there was very little I could have wished left out, and on the whole it didn't seem rushed. SO interesting, and some the scenery was just out of this world. Definitely recommend!

Hello SCB

So you have made the leap! was it the first one on your own? This one maybe mine hence UNSURE. I wonder what would be the best time to go as regards the weather. How did you find September. Was there much rest time or do you just fall into bed at the end of the day.

  • (Member)
Hi I went in Sept last year and I thought it was a good time to go; generally great weather throughout although it was showery when we were in Yellowstone (this didn't detract from the amazing geysers and mudpools and I still got great photos!). I'd say June is probably the best time to go overall, although it could be extremely hot in Monument Valley and Vegas then. I usually budget around $50 a day when I have to get lunch and dinner. On many of the travelling days, we just stopped off somewhere to get a light lunch like a sandwich or similar and got a good dinner in the evenings. I really do hope you book, it was one of the best holidays I've ever done!

Best wishes,


This is an amazing but full on holiday... I loved it. I took Bob's advice on the money front and it was plenty for what I needed. I did however pay for all the extra excursions I could before I went. If you go, you definitely need to do the helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon... and invest in a good camera.

The group size is quite large, but I find that a bonus - always someone new to make friends with and your never alone unless you want to be. I went in September and we had one or two days when it rained a little - but this never stopped the enjoyment factor.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi I went in Sept last year and I thought it was a good time to go; generally great weather throughout although it was showery when we were in Yellowstone (this didn't detract from the amazing geysers and mudpools and I still got great photos!). I'd say June is probably the best time to go overall, although it could be extremely hot in Monument Valley and Vegas then. I usually budget around $50 a day when I have to get lunch and dinner. On many of the travelling days, we just stopped off somewhere to get a light lunch like a sandwich or similar and got a good dinner in the evenings. I really do hope you book, it was one of the best holidays I've ever done!

Best wishes,

Hi Bob

Thank you for your reply and also about how much you set as your budget. Another member told me your advice was good and she found that gave her plenty of scope. I was thinking September time and the fact you have been at that time reassures me

Thank you


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Kezzer46' wrote:

This is an amazing but full on holiday... I loved it. I took Bob's advice on the money front and it was plenty for what I needed. I did however pay for all the extra excursions I could before I went. If you go, you definitely need to do the helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon... and invest in a good camera.

The group size is quite large, but I find that a bonus - always someone new to make friends with and your never alone unless you want to be. I went in September and we had one or two days when it rained a little - but this never stopped the enjoyment factor.

Hello Kezzer46

I think your advice is good about paying for any excursions I would like before hand and also what money to allow. September is also the time I am thinking of going.

Thank you

Thank you for your reply.