  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
After considering JY for some time I have finally plucked up the courage to book the 6th September trip to the Cilento coast. I was inspired by the posts to go for it and especially liked the sound of this one as it had such great reviews. I'm nervous now I've done it but looking forward to going not-quite -solo as well! If anyone has any words of wisdom or if someone is booked to go on this as well from Edinburgh would love to hear from you.:)

I live in Motherwell and have done five trips with JY. Usually fly to London from Edinburgh!. Not doing this particular tour but went to Apulia last year. If you have an early morning flight I can recommend the Premier Inn at Gatwick North for an overnight. It is very close to the Terminal.

JY trips are very well organised and I am sure you will have a great time. Maybe we will meet at some stage on future trips.


  • (Member)
Hi CaroM,

Having been on this trip last year, i can assure you you wont be disappointed. Classically Italian, not full of tourists and a smashing hotel!

You'll love it!


  • (Member)
Hi caroM

Here's a link to my review.

There's quite a few others as well... 

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Lesley and Mark for reassurance. Thanks I read all the reviews. Lesley, I think that the flight from Edinburgh for this one is direct which is what attracted me to it, but if I get the JY bug I'll bear your tip for overnight hotel in mind. Would be good to meet up on a trip some time as I live only three miles from you and originally from Motherwell! Will let the JY community know how it all goes for my first time!


I have been twice. :thumbup: Wonderful holiday.


  • (Member)
Hi CaroM

Glad it helped. If you have any questions about the hotel are the trip, by all means give us a shout!


  • (Member)
I would not be surprised if Bosuncat went back their for a third time as well haha! I remember her mentioning it in previous posts 🙂


Hi Carolyn

It is a small world! Can understand why you chose a holiday from Edinburgh as going to London adds about £200 to the cost of the holiday. I do not mind this if doing a long haul holiday but feel it is expensive if you are doing what is effectively a 6 day European break.

Have visited the part of Italy you are going to and I am sure you will have a great holiday
