(Member) (Topic Starter)

I'm new to the forum and have never been on a JY holiday before so it's all a bit of a daunting, nerve wracking and mighty exciting time for me right now.

I'm off to the states for the National Parks, Canyons and Little Big Horn tour on 8th October this year (6 weeks today but I'm not really counting) and was wondering if anyone else on here is going on the same date??

  • (Member)
Hello and welcome Sarahcecilb

I am not in this tour but you go the day I come back from Canada USA tour..I have been lucky enough to do a few USA tours but not this one, if you have any general questions about traveling or JY etc please ask, and I am sure one of us in here will be able to answer your question..

Hope you have a great time away and please leave a review when you get back it does help people..


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you for your reply and warm welcome

Hope you have a great time in Canada (I am sure you will) and I will definitely leave a review when I come back 🙂

I've toured the states a few times in the past (and am a bit of diary writer when I'm away which is why a review will be easy) but in the past I've always with someone; this will be my first time alone but I am sure it won't be the last.

Hi Sarah,

I am doing this holiday in September... only 19 days to go!!

Unfortunately not everyone on the holiday will use the forum, so don't get disappointed if no one comes forward to say they are on the same holiday as you. I've only come across two people on here going at the same time as me and the trip is fully booked at 40 people!!

Also there are some great reviews on this site about the holiday with lots of handy tips on packing and the best excursions etc. As for traveling on your own, you wont be. By the time you board the flight, you will already have made some new friends and I am sure these like minded people will help to make the holiday truly memorable.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Kezzer

19 days eh?? How exciting.

I've been nosing round the forum for ages seeing if anyone else was going to post about it and have seen that not everyone uses it; not a biggy for me. I'll be meeting the other people soon enough - either before or after the flight.

Traveling alone is not an issue for me and I did consider doing the whole trip (my own revised version of) as a fly drive by myself originally, but then I came across JY and decided it would be nice to have some company and other people to bounce off (not the same seeing a wonderous site and just sharing it with myself - although I've been known to chat to anyone that is stood next to me, and even myself on many ocassions) which is why I booked.

I did read some of the reviews, but had already made my mind up to go before I did so - I've always wanted to visit the Badlands and Little Big Horn and had I been going with the OH as we had planned they were the first places on our list to visit - so finding that JY went there and visited made it a no brainer for me.

I hope you have a wonderful time when you go (I am sure you will) in 19 days 🙂 Look forward to reading your reviews when you get back


Mary Beverley
Hi Sarah

I'm on the same trip as Kezzer... less than 3 weeks to departure, so very excited now. I stumbled across the forum and it is interesting to read people's views, reviews, praises and complaints! Generally it's mostly compliments and I think JY is a good company to travel with solo. Although I've only used them once before, as like you, I tend to travel independently, several friends are frequent customers. I like that JY don't try to match-make unlike some solo companies, though if I should bump in to a hot cowboy I won't be complaining! I'm sure Kezzer and I will have a great time as will you.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
I'll keep everything crossed for you and that cowboy 🙂 Have a wonderful time

'Mary wrote:

Hi Sarah

I'm on the same trip as Kezzer... less than 3 weeks to departure, so very excited now. I stumbled across the forum and it is interesting to read people's views, reviews, praises and complaints! Generally it's mostly compliments and I think JY is a good company to travel with solo. Although I've only used them once before, as like you, I tend to travel independently, several friends are frequent customers. I like that JY don't try to match-make unlike some solo companies, though if I should bump in to a hot cowboy I won't be complaining! I'm sure Kezzer and I will have a great time as will you.


'sarahcecilb' wrote:


I'm new to the forum and have never been on a JY holiday before so it's all a bit of a daunting, nerve wracking and mighty exciting time for me right now.

I'm off to the states for the National Parks, Canyons and Little Big Horn tour on 8th October this year (6 weeks today but I'm not really counting) and was wondering if anyone else on here is going on the same date??


Sounds like you are in the same situation as me! Not been with JY before and I also have to admit to never having been to the US before! Still looking forward to going on the 7th Oct for the trip of my lifetime!!


(Member) (Topic Starter)
I can only say having been to the states before that it's a truly amazing country.. so diverse from one place to the next and I have no doubt that you will love it when you get there.. the places this tour visits are true wonders..

Are you doing any of the add ons? I've booked all of them.. figured if I was going I'd experience it all (and it's a treat to myself for giving up smoking - the money I saved from quitting is what's paid for it all for me)

I hope you have a great time (I am sure you will).. feel free to leave a pint behind each bar for us trailing a day behind you 🙂

'photoman' wrote:

'sarahcecilb' wrote:


I'm new to the forum and have never been on a JY holiday before so it's all a bit of a daunting, nerve wracking and mighty exciting time for me right now.

I'm off to the states for the National Parks, Canyons and Little Big Horn tour on 8th October this year (6 weeks today but I'm not really counting) and was wondering if anyone else on here is going on the same date??


Sounds like you are in the same situation as me! Not been with JY before and I also have to admit to never having been to the US before! Still looking forward to going on the 7th Oct for the trip of my lifetime!!


Mary Beverley
I'm told Moose Drool is a tipple worth tasting! Sounds revolting but I'll give it my best shot. Not long to the 16th September departure!!


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Oh my; you'll have to let me know when you get back... not sure it's one I'd choose to try 🙂

'Mary wrote:

I'm told Moose Drool is a tipple worth tasting! Sounds revolting but I'll give it my best shot. Not long to the 16th September departure!!


'Mary wrote:

I'm told Moose Drool is a tipple worth tasting! Sounds revolting but I'll give it my best shot. Not long to the 16th September departure!!


hi mary i went on this tour in june this year and was amazing loved every min of it! for the "Moose Drool" drink its absolutey beautiful! i tryed it tho cant remember where we was think it was cortez its a lovely drink you should give it a try

enjoy liz x


I am on this trip on 7th (from Manchester), my 14th holiday with JY. Looks really good and I am sure it will be up to the same high standard as all the other JY holidays I have been on. Don't know whether to pack for hot or cold though, put some of everything in I suppose.

See you in the USA.

Free Bird
I'm on the same trip as DavidG (7th Oct from Manchester).

I've been several times before to the USA but this is my first with JY.

On the packing front, I'm catering for everything between blazing heat and freezing cold - that should cover all eventualities ;)


(Member) (Topic Starter)
I hope those of you that are currently on this trip are having a great time, and those of you leaving the day before (as I told photoman earlier in this thread) feel free to leave a beer behind the bar for those of us a day behind you 🙂

It looks like I am the only one online that's leaving on the 8th so I may need those beers 😃