(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everybody, my name is Sam (Samantha)

I have not booked any trips as yet. To be honest I am a little nervous about it.

I am 42, and wanted to know the age groups of people going. I was very interested in the Sorrento trip in September. I don't want to be mean, but I am young in attitude, and wanted to see if there are any other people of a similar age group?

I would have liked to do a short trip in the UK initially, so I could dip my toe in. However there isn't a trip in the UK where I want to go at the time of year, they are on offer.

Please could people let me have feed back, in regard to their experience with Just You?

  • (Member)
Hi Sam

I'm also 42 and going to Calabria in September. If you phone the office they will be happy to tell you the ages of those already booked on any trip but remember even those double our age can also have a 'young attitude'!

  • (Member)
Hi Sam,

I am the same age as you and I am travelling for the first time with Just You in September. It was a toss up for me between Tuscany or Sorrento and I settled on Tuscany.

There seems to be a wide age range on the trips; you can ask Julia the editor for details of age ranges on a specific holiday in the 'Ask the Editor' section. There are a number of posts asking age ranges in that section. From reading posts on the forum, there are some people in their twenties who travel with Just You, so we are not the youngest by any means!

I am sure that plenty of people who have travelled with Just You will respond to your post with their experiences, the forum is a friendly place 🙂

Kind regards


  • (Member)
hello Sam

There are many threads in here regarding the AGE question, I would say if you have a tour and date in mind then ring the office and see if they can give you age range, group size, m/f ratio, or post the question on the editors board and Tim/Julia will get back to you.

I started using JY in 2006 I am now 55 and have my 11th tour booked for next year. I personally do not worry who is what age, I go for the holiday and to meet people, some people are old in age and young at heart others are young in age old at heart. To me it really is just a number. Core age 55-70 with younger and older either side..

All I can say is with out a company like this I would of not been to New Zealand, Kenya, USA many times, Poland, Austria and Tuscany great tours, fantastic experiences and I have met some fantastic people who were strangers and are now good friends. I have not been on the tour you are interested.

All I can say is give it a go, if you have any other questions please just ask.


  • (Member)
Hello Sam,

The ages usually range from 20s to 80s with 50s / 60s being the most common but all of

the holidays I have been on everyone has all got along really well, I have never had a bad experiance,

you have nothing to worry about concerning age.

I am sure which ever holiday you choose you will have a great time, I have been on several JY holidays

and tomorrow (17th) I am off on the Discover Sicily trip and I will have a lovely time.


  • (Member)
Hi Sam

I'm 44 and have been travelling with JY since I turned 40. I've done 7 tours with more booked and sometimes I've been the youngest, sometimes there have been people as young as late 20s in the group. As others have said, it really doesn't matter - you are going for the holiday experience and everyone is in the same boat. In fact, when there have been people my age or younger, I've tended to mix more with those a bit older than me anyhow - who I gravitate towards depends more on the individual's personality and sense of humour than their age in my experience! So if any of the holidays appeal to you, go ahead and book and don't worry about the age range. I don't even bother to ask anymore as it really doesn't matter!



Hi Sam

I'm 60 now and have spent my last 4 birthdays on JY holidays, Cilento Coast twice, Istria and my 60th on the Slovenia Mountains and Coast trip.

I have done a fair bit of travelling on my own, but I enjoy JY holidays. People are generally very friendly and everyone mixes in whatever their age. Age really doesn't matter on these holidays. I have come across people in their 80's a lot fitter than me. 🙂 I like the safety of being in a group but being able to do your own thing if you want to. I particulary enjoy the fact that you have company to at with as well. I always found that perhaps the most intimidating thing of going on holiday on my own.

Oh incidentally I have also been on the Tuscany trip and am off to Costa de la Luz in September.