  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello all!

Feeling a bit nervous and apprehensive about my first holiday on my own,really looking forward to the holiday, this Thursday, to Florence & Tuscany,Italy was one place my late wife and I wanted to visit, sadly my wife passed away last year.But was determined to try this kind of holiday for the first time.

  • (Member)
So sorry to hear about your loss, but fantastic that you are able to do this trip in your wife's memory. Remember - you are not on this holiday alone - you are only going to the airport alone. Make sure you display your JY luggage label on your hand luggage and prepare to have complete strangers coming up and introducing themselves to you You are sure to bump in to at least one of your fellow travellers before you fly and from then on you will have company whenever you need it. Northern Italy is fantastic with beautiful scenery, great food and wine, you will have a fabulous time.
  • (Member)
Welcome Johner

As Sally has said you won't be on your own for long, I have been on the highlights of Tuscany tour and had a great time very nice country to visit. I am sorry for your loss but you will not be the only traveller travelling in these circumstances. I hope you will have a great holiday and do post a review when you get back, and then you can start planning your next adventure. Good Luck.


  • (Member)
I am going on the Tuscany tour in September; it will be my first holiday on my own too. I can understand you feeling nervous and apprehensive and I will be the same; I am sure that will soon be overcome when we meet our fellow travellers though.

I hope you have a wonderful time, I'm sure you will; please let us know how it went when you return 🙂

  • (Member)
Last November was my first holiday on my own with JU full of apprehension, here I am six months on going to Slovenia next week with JU and full of excitement, all the replies to your post have been true in every way.

Relax and enjoy your holiday Johner.
