Judy T
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Is there a question you need help with


This is my very first browse on a singles holiday site let alone my first posting. I'd like to hear anyone's testimonials about this type of holiday please. I don't know what sort of age group it is mainly or whether my age group (late 40s) would fit it.

Regarding the destinations I'd like to go to: I like the idea of Cyprus and would also consider most parts of Spain but it's definately coastal locations I'm looking at more than anything.

Thank you.


dear mark i have been on these weekends with jy three times now, they are just great , you will not be disappionted , iam looking at mauritius next year


Judy T
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
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'nixon' wrote:


Is there a question you need help with


Hi Cindy not sure on using this site yet but this is my first ever holiday on my own so i have selected the Cities of Italy as I wanted to be kept busy.

I am sure I will be okay but a bit nervous. Judy

'MarkManchester' wrote:

This is my very first browse on a singles holiday site let alone my first posting. I'd like to hear anyone's testimonials about this type of holiday please. I don't know what sort of age group it is mainly or whether my age group (late 40s) would fit it.

Regarding the destinations I'd like to go to: I like the idea of Cyprus and would also consider most parts of Spain but it's definately coastal locations I'm looking at more than anything.

Thank you.


Hi Mark, i have just returned from the 'National Parks Canyons and Vegas' trip - it was my first outing with Just You and it was superb! Great bunch of fellow travellers covering a wide age range, and Lisa our tour manager was the best! Go for it!

G Owens
Anyone who's thinking of going on a Just You holiday for the first time - just do it! I was very nervous myself when I first travelled on my own, I thought I would end up sitting in my hotel room reading a book the entire time, but actually it was one of the best things I've ever done - needless to say the book didn't even get opened!. You get to see some amazing sights and meet some lovely people. The tour managers have always been very kind and helpful, and when you're travelling on your own you need to feel that there's someone there looking out for you. You can do as much or as little as you want and if you want to do something in partticular, there's usually someone else who will come along, if you want. I've been travelling with Just You for about 8 years now and have always had a great time. Enjoy!
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I am sure you will be fine I did the Highlights of Tuscany tour last year and had a great time
