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Hello everyone

I have just registered with the Just You community as I am hoping to embark on singles holidays from next year, when I feel more able to launch myself into a holiday by myself.

I am 63 years old, female, and I lost my much loved husband in August 2013. I would be interested to hear from any female members of the Just You community who are around the same age and have experience of travelling with this company or, are considering doing so in the near future. I am planning a holiday, not booked as yet, to Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast so if any of you more mature ladies out there would be interested in embarking on the same holiday, I would love to hear from you. Any reassurance regarding the singles holiday scene for over 50s would be greatly appreciated. PS: I am not interested in using this as a dating forum.


  • (Member)
Welcome Elizabeth

I hope one of the ladies that are in your position answers your posting. Can I say this is a very safe way to travel on a tour! I have been using JY since 2006 and I have travelled near and far! nearest Europe furthest New Zealand, if there is anything I can help you with just ask.



There are two other ladies who have recently posted on the site who are in a similar position to yourself. I have been travelling with JY since I too early retirement in 2009. I too was very nervous about travelling alone and dithered for about two months before booking my first trip to China. My anxieties disappeared as soon as I met up with my fellow travellers at Heathrow. My advice is go for it as you will meet nice people and will enjoy whichever trip you decide to do. I am about to book my fifth holiday.


Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Elizabeth,

Welcome to the forum.

There are lots of people in your position but not all use the forum, book a holiday I'm sure you wont regret.


Hi there Elizabeth. Welcome:thumbup:

I'm 59 and hoping to have my 60th in Slovenia with JY. 😛

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:

Welcome Elizabeth

I hope one of the ladies that are in your position answers your posting. Can I say this is a very safe way to travel on a tour! I have been using JY since 2006 and I have travelled near and far! nearest Europe furthest New Zealand, if there is anything I can help you with just ask.


Dear Cindy

Thank you for your reply, I found your comments quite reassuring, my intention is to perhaps book a Just You holiday to southern Italy in 2015, the fates permitting. There is a special place that my husband and I visited that he particularly loved and I want to go back there for him. I guess the thing that worries me most about singles holidays are meal times and evenings, rather than being out and about during the day, when mostly it would be as a group. I am quite an independent person when on well known territory but would not be to happy wandering off on my own, in a strange country, at night.

Wimpish perhaps but after 34 years of happy marriage and, always having that other, special person, with me, it is a daunting prospect.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'lesley07' wrote:


There are two other ladies who have recently posted on the site who are in a similar position to yourself. I have been travelling with JY since I too early retirement in 2009. I too was very nervous about travelling alone and dithered for about two months before booking my first trip to China. My anxieties disappeared as soon as I met up with my fellow travellers at Heathrow. My advice is go for it as you will meet nice people and will enjoy whichever trip you decide to do. I am about to book my fifth holiday.


Dear Lesley

Thanks for the reply, I hope that maybe one of those two other ladies you mentioned will reply to my initial post. I am pretty nervous about taking holidays by myself, I was happily married for 34 years and my husband and I always went on holiday together so, to do something like that without him is quite daunting. I have many friends but they all have either partners or husbands and although they are keen to join me for short breaks, a full length holiday is something they save for their 'other halves'. Your comments have reassured me and perhaps one day one of our holidays will coincide and as I am pretty sure that I will be using Just You in the future.

Thanks and regards


  • (Member)
Hi Elizabeth

I'm in the same position as you sadly. I am 48 and lost my husband in Nov 2012. We had some wonderful holidays together, and I know he'd want me to keep on travelling. I don't want to wait for people to invite me on their holidays, I want to be able to choose when and where I want to go.

It took me a couple of weeks of looking at the forum reading the comments and looking through the brochure before I booked my holiday. I'm going on the Classic Cities of Italy trip on Sept 11th this year. I am nervous, but reading all of the wonderfully helpful posts on here, I'm sure once we've all said our hellos I'll have a great time.

Go for it!

Take care, Di

  • (Member)
'gibbs' wrote:

'nixon' wrote:

Welcome Elizabeth

I hope one of the ladies that are in your position answers your posting. Can I say this is a very safe way to travel on a tour! I have been using JY since 2006 and I have travelled near and far! nearest Europe furthest New Zealand, if there is anything I can help you with just ask.


Dear Cindy

Thank you for your reply, I found your comments quite reassuring, my intention is to perhaps book a Just You holiday to southern Italy in 2015, the fates permitting. There is a special place that my husband and I visited that he particularly loved and I want to go back there for him. I guess the thing that worries me most about singles holidays are meal times and evenings, rather than being out and about during the day, when mostly it would be as a group. I am quite an independent person when on well known territory but would not be to happy wandering off on my own, in a strange country, at night.

Wimpish perhaps but after 34 years of happy marriage and, always having that other, special person, with me, it is a daunting prospect.



have a look in the brochure and see what it says about meal times, breakfast should be included so you are all together although people have different ideas on breakfast times!!...lunch times you could find yourself out and about seeing things so then, people buddy up depending on who wants what to eat, you might find yourself with people who want a little snack or you might end up having a full blown meal, depending in the evening meal situation, the lunch time scenario might happen or you will all be eating together, having done the amount of tours I have done, please don't worry you will be fine. There will always be space at a table to sit down. I have not been on a tour where you have to sit at the same seat, it's very free flowing I have found which means you speak to different people which is great. You do not have to be alone unless you want to/need to. Also the manager should be keeping an eye on meal times to make sure no one is left out.


  • (Member)
Hello Elizabeth,

I was in the same position as you and last year I discovered the JY website. After that it still took me months to pluck up courage to book a holiday. Luckily I had chosen one or two I thought I might like as my first choice had already gone. My second choice was Mijas and it was a wonderful holiday with a great bunch of people. Yes, you will be nervous. Everyone I met who were on their first JY holiday said that they were and at they end they all said how good it had been. My advice is to book a holiday as soon as possible!


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'RaeW' wrote:

Hello Elizabeth,

I was in the same position as you and last year I discovered the JY website. After that it still took me months to pluck up courage to book a holiday. Luckily I had chosen one or two I thought I might like as my first choice had already gone. My second choice was Mijas and it was a wonderful holiday with a great bunch of people. Yes, you will be nervous. Everyone I met who were on their first JY holiday said that they were and at they end they all said how good it had been. My advice is to book a holiday as soon as possible!


Thank you Rae, I am retired and when one reaches that stage in life I think caution kicks in more than when you are young and therefore the prospect of travelling alone is a daunting one. You are the second person to say how much you enjoy your singles holidays and that is giving me increasing confidence to give it a go.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'millsy' wrote:

Hi Elizabeth

I'm in the same position as you sadly. I am 48 and lost my husband in Nov 2012. We had some wonderful holidays together, and I know he'd want me to keep on travelling. I don't want to wait for people to invite me on their holidays, I want to be able to choose when and where I want to go.

It took me a couple of weeks of looking at the forum reading the comments and looking through the brochure before I booked my holiday. I'm going on the Classic Cities of Italy trip on Sept 11th this year. I am nervous, but reading all of the wonderfully helpful posts on here, I'm sure once we've all said our hellos I'll have a great time.

Go for it!

Take care, Di

Thank you Di, for responding, I am so sorry about your loss in 2012, I am 63 so had my husband a lot longer, it really is a devastating thing to happen and I understand what you must have gone through as am doing the same now. I probably wont be using JY holidays until 2015 as am planning a couple of trips with my son and his fiancée this year but my husband loved Ravello on the Amalfi Coast so am hoping my first JY holiday may be to Italy as well. I hope you enjoy your trip in September.

Best wishes, Elizabeth

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'millsy' wrote:

Hi Elizabeth

I'm in the same position as you sadly. I am 48 and lost my husband in Nov 2012. We had some wonderful holidays together, and I know he'd want me to keep on travelling. I don't want to wait for people to invite me on their holidays, I want to be able to choose when and where I want to go.

It took me a couple of weeks of looking at the forum reading the comments and looking through the brochure before I booked my holiday. I'm going on the Classic Cities of Italy trip on Sept 11th this year. I am nervous, but reading all of the wonderfully helpful posts on here, I'm sure once we've all said our hellos I'll have a great time.

Go for it!

Take care, Di

Dear Di

Thank you for your message, I'm sorry about your loss, at 48, such a young age but however old one is, the loss of a much loved partner is totally devastating. I also know that my husband would want me to continue travelling, he knew how much I loved it and, although I feel very awkward about planning anything so soon, I knew that if I sat back and did nothing, then I probably would never try. Your words have encouraged me and it's good to know that others are nervous too. I am looking at Italy as my first Just You holiday but probably not this year, I am interested in the trip to Sorrento and Bay of Naples, I visited the region with my husband many years ago and he fell in love with Ravello on the Amalfi coast and we both greatly enjoyed visiting Pompeii and Capri.

Thanks once again for your kind words.


  • (Member)
Hello Elizabeth,

I have been on 4 trips with JY since October 2010. I am now 57 and a widow. I have Route 61 booked for November and trying to arrange Santorini and Isle of Man. I am in the middle of finding a new job due to redundancy- hence the uncertainty of booking more holidays.

I have been on other trips as a single, difficult when there are 15 couples as on the Deep South tour- felt so alone. With JY, much easier.
