  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Everyone

I'm new here and planning my first ever solo trip ever, so a little nervous. I'm wanting to do the Canadian Rockies trip, perhaps in June of this year however I wanted to ask about the average age of travellers on the Just you trips. I'm 32, and although I would like to travel with a group of people of a range of ages (as I think that adds to the whole travel experience and camaraderie) I don't really want to be the only person in my age group. Therefore I wondered if there are other solo travellers in Just You that are in their early 30s or are people on the trips usually a lot older? Would be great also to hear from anyone in their 30s who may also be planning to do the Canadian rockies trip this year.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing your you and your experiences! :)


Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Pip,

Not in my 30's but I'll try answer your question from my experience (have done 10 JY hols).

On some of the hols I've done there as been a sprinkling of people in their 20's & 30's. (about half the hols)

On others the youngest person as ben in their 40's.

Don't think I've seen a man under 40 on any trips i've done although their are some that use the forum and go on holidays use this forum.

The majority of travellers on these holidays are in their 50's & 60's.

Women usually outnumber Men.


Personally I wouldn't let the age thing put you off if there is an holiday you fancy everyone really does mix ok and even if you are the youngest you'll find someone you get on with. Its certainly not often the youngest thats the last out of the bar on a night.

Hope this helps.


  • (Member)
Hello Pip

I agree with Micks comments, if you have a tour and date in mind you could ring the office and they should be able to give you a rough idea on ages that are going, Yes you could be the young one, but I will say if you want to do the tour then do it, you will still get so much out of it, and age is a number I have my 10th tour booked I am 55, I have met people of a great age who are young in mind and I have met people younger than me who are so old in their mind set ...Good Luck, if I can help with anything else then just ask.


  • (Member)
Hi I'm 29, and although I havn't quite made my mind up just yet the Rockies is definatly in my top 3 places to go this year and June would be when I would be wanting to go too, it being the mountains, I don't want it toooo cold. I absolutly love mountains, and beautiful scenery and its somewhere I've been wanting to go since I was at school.

I did my first trip with Just You last October to California and Hawaii and it was amazing. Before that I'd never been away by myself before or even travelled outside of Europe. Like you I was worried about being the youngest, and as it turned out I was by about 15ish years. However it didn't matter at all, everyone was really friendly and I chatted to alot of different people of all ages. I really didn't feel like I was the odd one out in any way. I'm also really shy around meeting new people but after 2 weeks together everyone became more like friends than strangers. So I would say really don't worry about the ages, if there's somewhere you want to go then you should take the chance. This is a really good way to see the world if you're on your own but don't want to go by yourself as you're never left on your own unless you choose to be.

I'll definatly be using Just You again this year, my only problem being making my mind up where to go. The travel bug has got me and there's so many places I want to visit now :)


  • (Member)
Hello Pip

If I were you I would not let the age issue put me off travelling with Just You. When I went to Jordan we had a couple of young girls in their early 20s. Age is just a number and life is too short so go ahead and book the Canadian Rockies trip. You will have no regrets.


Hi Pips

I am 32, and I have done 4JY trips so far. I have always been the youngest on the trips I have done but always fitted in and found people to go around with. The majority are in their 50s and 60s with a sprinkling in their 40s and 1or 2 in their 30s. There's generally always some that will b in the bar of an evening and someone wanting to do the same things as you but it's also nice to sometimes do your own thing.

If there's a trip I'm thinking about I ask the editor what the make up of the group is like but if there's somewhere u really want to go, just go for it. I haven't been disappointed yet!


  • (Member)
I was very interested to read this post as I am looking at a couple of Just You holiday options but didn't really know if Id end up being the youngest (at 29!) and if this would be a disadvantage but from what Ive seen on here I don't think it would be! So now I just need to save up and decide where to go!

I'm only 18 and have just booked the Spirit of India trip for April.

I think the age variety is good, it means you can interact with different people who have different experiences and you all have something in common, you're on the same holiday!

Hope you enjoy your holiday!

Chloe 🙂

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Everyone

Thanks for all your replies. they have been really helpful for me and it has definitely put my mind at ease. Good to hear of some other people too in their 30s who have already been on JY holidays. You will have to let me know Hayley if you book for June in the Rockies!

I will definitely ring JY and ask about the tour in June like some of you suggested!

Thanks again and I will maybe see some of you on future JY hols!!


  • (Member)
Of the four trips that I have been on, youngest was 24 and several well in their 80's. I am 57 and been left behind by the fitter oldies!

Do not let age hold you back- go where you want and you will find like minded people. I would like to win the lottery so that I did not need to work and just keep going on holiday-any rep jobs going?


I am 59 and am often (because of ongoing back problems) left behind by fitter oldies. I have met some that can out drink me too! :thumbup:
  • (Member)
'Pips' wrote:

Hi Everyone

Thanks for all your replies. they have been really helpful for me and it has definitely put my mind at ease. Good to hear of some other people too in their 30s who have already been on JY holidays. You will have to let me know Hayley if you book for June in the Rockies!

I will definitely ring JY and ask about the tour in June like some of you suggested!

Thanks again and I will maybe see some of you on future JY hols!!


Hi again, so I finally managed to make up my mind where to go and just booked the Canadian Rockies in June \o/ such a hard choice with so many places I want to visit but I've wanted to see the Rockies since I was at school, looks so beautiful :)


  • (Member)
Hi Hayley

Great to hear you've booked another trip. I did a similar trip to Canada with another company and I'm sure you'll have a great time. I loved both Vancouver and Victoria. Fingers crossed you see plenty of wildlife.


  • (Member)
'MissJo' wrote:

I was very interested to read this post as I am looking at a couple of Just You holiday options but didn't really know if Id end up being the youngest (at 29!) and if this would be a disadvantage but from what Ive seen on here I don't think it would be! So now I just need to save up and decide where to go!

Hie Jo, I'm in the same boat as you and in my late 20s

And can't decide wer to go for my first JY holiday, keep me posted

when you make the big decision.

  • (Member)
Hi Pip,

I started using JY when i was 23 and my first trip was to Paris and i am now 27 and would thoroughly recommend it. I decided to use JY because all of my friends were of the back-packing variety and i liked all my home comforts, and wanted a decent hotel ect.... I always wanted to go to Paris so i was much more excited than nervous. Even if i WAS nervous,it wouldn't have mattered as within an hour or say i had met a few other travellers and we all got talking and it was great. Age really isn't a problem as essentially you are all there to enjoy the destination! This tour was a bit mixed because in fact there was someone there younger than me but also a 90 year old woman who put me to shame!

Go for it, you'll make life long travel buddies as well!


Hi Pip

I went on my first JY tour in my early twenties and had a fantastic time even though I was the youngest there. The age range is very varied, but it depends what tour you plan to go on. I am now going my second holiday with JY to Vancouver and the Canadian Rockies in September and can't wait.


Ann C
  • (Member)
'Ariya' wrote:

'Pips' wrote:

Hi Everyone

Thanks for all your replies. they have been really helpful for me and it has definitely put my mind at ease. Good to hear of some other people too in their 30s who have already been on JY holidays. You will have to let me know Hayley if you book for June in the Rockies!

I will definitely ring JY and ask about the tour in June like some of you suggested!

Thanks again and I will maybe see some of you on future JY hols!!


Hi again, so I finally managed to make up my mind where to go and just booked the Canadian Rockies in June \o/ such a hard choice with so many places I want to visit but I've wanted to see the Rockies since I was at school, looks so beautiful :)


Hello Hayley and Pip

Hayley - you will have a wonderful time on this holiday - I did it last September and I still keep thinking about it. I'd do it again but would choose a time when the mountains are covered in snow.

Pip - I'm sure you won't regret it if you book, it is a fabulous holiday.

Kind regards


Brenda K
'Ariya' wrote:

'Pips' wrote:

Hi Everyone

Thanks for all your replies. they have been really helpful for me and it has definitely put my mind at ease. Good to hear of some other people too in their 30s who have already been on JY holidays. You will have to let me know Hayley if you book for June in the Rockies!

I will definitely ring JY and ask about the tour in June like some of you suggested!

Thanks again and I will maybe see some of you on future JY hols!!


Hi again, so I finally managed to make up my mind where to go and just booked the Canadian Rockies in June \o/ such a hard choice with so many places I want to visit but I've wanted to see the Rockies since I was at school, looks so beautiful :)


Hi Hayley

How are you? Canada looks like a fab trip, and Junes not too far away 😃 I saw all the pics you put up from Hawaii, you took loads, I didn't take any where near that many but you've got some really lovely ones

Bren x

Brenda K
'sallyc' wrote:

Hi Hayley

Great to hear you've booked another trip. I did a similar trip to Canada with another company and I'm sure you'll have a great time. I loved both Vancouver and Victoria. Fingers crossed you see plenty of wildlife.


Hello Sal

How's it going? How was the Galapagos trip? I'm off to Mexico in October, so excited can't wait!

Bren x

  • (Member)
Hi Bren

Galapagos was amazing thank you - like nowhere else I've been. Mexico sounds good - definitely one on my list, however the list seems to be growing and growing!


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