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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Now I really, really want to do this trip despite the fact that I will have to go to Gatwick (yet again!!) :s and spend 2 nights extra money on hotels but I have a few questions that some kind soul who has been on the trip may be able to help with before I finally make up my mind.

Firstly. I know that all the excursions are included on this trip which is great. Certainly saves a bit of money that way, which will offset the extra night at Gatwick I suppose. I gather that the hotel is isolated so I am wondering if there is enough to do at the hotel if you choose not to go on all the trips? I don't play golf or tennis (lol) and am not a strong swimmer but love walking.

Secondly. I have read somewhere that it's important to take most of your money in cash as cards are not really recognised in shops etc. Is this right? I don't like to carry a lot of cash around with me and prefer using the Euro cash cards to pay or access ATM's as I go along.

Are there safes at the hotel where you can leave valuables? There was a great arrangement at the hotel in Tuscany where they kept your passport and any valuables for you FOC and issued everyone with a photocopy of their passport. I thought that was really good.

Rather daft questions I know but kind of important to me. I want to go even if because of departure dates I shalln't be there for my big 60. 🙂

  • (Member)
'Bosuncat' wrote:

Now I really, really want to do this trip despite the fact that I will have to go to Gatwick (yet again!!) :s and spend 2 nights extra money on hotels but I have a few questions that some kind soul who has been on the trip may be able to help with before I finally make up my mind.

Firstly. I know that all the excursions are included on this trip which is great. Certainly saves a bit of money that way, which will offset the extra night at Gatwick I suppose. I gather that the hotel is isolated so I am wondering if there is enough to do at the hotel if you choose not to go on all the trips? I don't play golf or tennis (lol) and am not a strong swimmer but love walking.

Secondly. I have read somewhere that it's important to take most of your money in cash as cards are not really recognised in shops etc. Is this right? I don't like to carry a lot of cash around with me and prefer using the Euro cash cards to pay or access ATM's as I go along.

Are there safes at the hotel where you can leave valuables? There was a great arrangement at the hotel in Tuscany where they kept your passport and any valuables for you FOC and issued everyone with a photocopy of their passport. I thought that was really good.

Rather daft questions I know but kind of important to me. I want to go even if because of departure dates I shalln't be there for my big 60. :)


I did this trip 31-7 Sept this year, so can answer most of your questions.

Yes, the hotel is a bit isolated, and although it has extensive grounds, I would recommend ll the excursions. You don't have to swim in the sea, there is pool. On the one full day where there was no official excursion the hotel arranged for those who wanted to go to Cetraro Marina by their mini-bus. The tour manager also arranged an extra excursion into Cetraro in the afternoon, €13.

Yes, cash is required, but with everything paid for in advance, and anything at the hotel going onto your room bill there are only lunches to be bought, and it is possible to get a decent light lunch for €5 - €10. We arrived on the Saturday afternoon and by Wednesday I realised that I had only spent about €30. My downfall was spending a small fortune in the tourist shop in Altomonte! The hotel bill can be settled by card, but if you order anything from their shop, wine, liqueurs, relishes etc, it has to be paid for in cash when you check out.

There is an ATM in Cetraro where we were on Thursday afternoon, and one at the drop off point in Cosenza on Friday, an many more in Cosenza itself. For lunch there I had a blood orange juice, quarter pizza, and 2 scoop ice cream for €3.70.

The hotel has a large safe where you can leave valuables, and I think it was free.

No these are not daft questions, the more you know before you decide, the easier it is to plan before you go. I would thoroughly recommend it. The excursions are not strenuous. Most started at 8.45-9.00, with one at 08.30, and if you love walking you will enjoy the Sila Forest walk. We were usually back by 18.00 which gave plenty of time before dinner at 19.45.

Hope this helps. Any more questions, just ask.



Sarah W - TM
Great reply from Sylvia, and her review of the trip was excellent too.

Re: money cash vs cards; it's advisable in any country to have some cash on you for any immediate purchases. As Sylvia said, cash is generally easier but cards are taken (take into the account exchange fees with your bank). ATMs are readily available.

In relative terms, this part of Italy is so not touristy and prices are very reasonable, so you probably won't spend alot!!

There aren't individual safes in rooms but the hotel safe is free to use.

Re: what to do if you don't go on an excursion (why wouldn't you though, they are quite different to each other), there is a footpath around the hotel grounds, or you could go by shuttle bus down to the main town and walk along the seafront, (the main road is not suitable for walking on - not too busy traffic-wise, but it's winding and very steep, plus lots of tunnels and in typical Italian style no pavement).

Calabria is a much less visited area than the other Italian regions; the is hotel full of charm and conducive to relaxation; and most people have returned home with the feeling they want to come back).

Calabria a presto,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you very much both. 🙂 I think that I am pretty much decided to do it if I can get that time in May off.
  • (Member)
'Bosuncat' wrote:

Thank you very much both. 🙂 I think that I am pretty much decided to do it if I can get that time in May off.

Go for it - you won't regret it.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
It's looking more and more certain.