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(Member) (Topic Starter)

I've just joined, very interested in going to Australia but I am concerned because I've never done a long haul trip before and feel apprehensive about being on my own on such a long flight. Don't know if I'd be better doing a shorter trip or going straight for my dream.

Can anyone help.

Thanks Jan

Hi Jan

i'm going on this tour in November this year and although it is a long way I would not like to think you'll behorter taster on your own as JY tend to book us as a group and so we'll all be pretty much together, if Australia is your dream as it is mine I say Go for it u won't regret it or you could just try a shorter taster first

regards dave

  • (Member)
Hi Jan I wouldn't worry about going long haul for your first JY holiday - if Australia is your dream you should go for it! I'm strongly thinking about it for 2015, if I can afford it by that stage!

I had similar feelings to you when I first discovered JY three years ago, so I decided to book a week in Andalucia to see how I enjoyed the JY experience. Whilst I had a great week, afterwards I thought to myself that I should have just jumped right in and booked one of the long haul tours I really wanted to do! Since then I've done the US (twice), India, Vietnam and Cambodia, South Africa/Zambia, South America (with Travelsphere) and I have two more booked - Costa Rica/Nicaragua and China!

There is really nothing to worry about travelling long haul. When you arrive at the airport, find where you check in and you will most probably meet some of your fellow travellers there (as well as your tour manager or JY airport rep). Even if you arrive very early and there's no one else there, after you have gone through security you will no doubt meet someone from the tour very quickly. As Dave said, you'll probably be seated with some fellow travellers on the plane - and even if you're not, there will be plenty of in-flight entertainment to keep you busy and hopefully you'll get a few hours sleep as well! So I do hope you follow your dream and have a wonderful holiday.

All the best,


  • (Member)

GO go go for it....I have travelled to Australia and I have also been to New Zealand with JY, yes the flight time is horrendous but time does pass by, just think of the holidays you are going to have, I would jump straight in and there will be lots of you on the tour so you will not be alone. Take a book, music player or watch films and eat and sleep...you will have a great time I am sure.

I have my 10th JY tour booked for 2014 so if I can help with anything just ask.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Many thanks for the replies, I'm really pleased to say that I'm going to dive straight in and go to Australia in 2014 with JY. Just need to get the time off work sorted out, might be cheeky and ask for extra to do the New Zealand add on!

Thanks again


  • (Member)
Hello Jan,

I went on the Australia trip with JY last year and NZ this November (my 10th with JY). If you can afford it, the upgrade to premium economy is very worthwhile. Not only is the food and entertainment much better, but the seats are larger with much more recline - for the first time ever I slept well on a plane.

Australia was a great holiday with so many contrasts from featureless desert to tropical rain forests. I even tried scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef - despite my age! Enjoy.

Hi David how did you go about upgrading on your OZ flight and was it much more, would maybe be worth thinking about if only say a couple hundred pound extra but it would be outrageous to pay up to or even over a thousand when that could be another holiday unless you were rich, with myself even that wouldn't guarantee i'd sleep
Hi Jan,

Went to Australia this time last year. Flights leave Heathrow late evening so when you wake up you are alongway to your destination. Same, same coming back arriving back in the UK early morning.

If you can afford it I would recommend upgrading to Business class were you can sleep on flatbed seats. I did and it was like sleeping in your own bed.


  • (Member)

If you can go for OZ and NZ ..I regretted not doing NZ while over that way, so if money and time allows do both in one hit...then you won't have to do THAT flight again..!!!! Have fun


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thanks for the advice and encouragement, I've checked out the prices of the upgrades in the brochure and although they sound wonderful I'm not sure I can stretch to either of them!

I tend to agree with Dave that the cost of the upgrade would pay for another holiday but I can't help thinking that half way through the flight I might think differently!!


'JanJan' wrote:


I've just joined, very interested in going to Australia but I am concerned because I've never done a long haul trip before and feel apprehensive about being on my own on such a long flight. Don't know if I'd be better doing a shorter trip or going straight for my dream.

Can anyone help.

Thanks Jan

Hi Jan, I'm on the Australia trip in November yes 3 weeks and 2 days. No I'm not counting. Doing this for my 40th birthday gift to myself. Life is short and if you want to do these things go for it. The flight may be long but its all an adventure with so many new friends to meet along the way. Welcome to group Shelly 1

Auntie D
'JanJan' wrote:


Thanks for the advice and encouragement, I've checked out the prices of the upgrades in the brochure and although they sound wonderful I'm not sure I can stretch to either of them!

I tend to agree with Dave that the cost of the upgrade would pay for another holiday but I can't help thinking that half way through the flight I might think differently!!


Hi JanJan,

You'll have a great time in Oz/NZ, would definitely recommend you do both in one hit, if time/finances permit.

I've done this trip several times. not with JY travelled independently to visit relatives. The best advice I can give is that as soon as you've had your in flight meal, set your watch to your destination time, try and settle down for a snooze, read a few chapters of a book, whatever to relax. Before you know it, it'll be time for breakfast and........... there's Oz!!!

Have fun and enjoy every minute. You'll probably need to take more than one SIM and battery.

Anything I can help with, please just ask.



Hi Jan,

Firstly, I wanted to assure you that you wont be on your own unless you want to. You will be travelling with a group of like-minded people and by the time you get to the plane you will have already met some of them and become friends already. As for the flight, by the time you have watched a movie or two, chatted to your neighbours, eaten your dinner etc and had a kip - you will be there!! and the fun will begin.

I've only ever visited New Zealand and I hope one day to go back and visit Australia as well. It's an expensive holiday but for most people its a once in a life time trip. I am sure if you book it, you wont regret it. I say go for the dream.....


I agree with batterys and sim cards, I am well stocked up with cards for OZ and they soon fill up especially if you take the odd video clip and I always take three batteries for the camera can get them off the internet cheap enough but charge them at every opportunity, also my well stocked kindle fire will come in handy, not long before we go now
'JanJan' wrote:


I've just joined, very interested in going to Australia but I am concerned because I've never done a long haul trip before and feel apprehensive about being on my own on such a long flight. Don't know if I'd be better doing a shorter trip or going straight for my dream.

Can anyone help.

Thanks Jan

Hi Jan. This will be my longest trip as I go to NZ next month. The return journey feels me with dread as I find air travel boring and I am not very good at sleeping. I go for aisle seats so I can get up and walk around! I feel you should go for it - we're not getting any younger! Angelina