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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thinking of going on holiday alone, I am a widow. Bothered I will be the eldest of a group, I am 66. Also, I do not have mobility problems as such, but how much walking is usually involved in, say, a guided tour in a town or city.
Don't worry you wont be the oldest and anyway you are as young as you feel. I am 70 and have been going with JY since my husband died. I have been to Cuba, Vietnam and Cambodia and am off to S Africa and Zambia this week-end. Everyone is so friendly and mixed ages we all enjoy ourselves. The walking is fine as long as you are reasonably fit and you can miss out any trips you feel you would not like to go on there is no pressure. It took courage to book my first trip but love it. I am already looking through the new brochure for next year. Just do it!!! Tricia
Have done 4 JY trips and at 66 would be amazed if you found you were the eldest. On the trips I have taken there have been many in their 70s, some even into their 80s. Would say age range on the trips I've taken so far has been 50-75, with a few in 30s,40s and some in their eighties. If there is a particular trip you like the look of you could ask Julia the age range of those already booked before you book it yourself.

I guess there are some trips where if you have serious mobility issues you should avoid, on the trips I have been on there could be a fair amount of walking around but even those with mobility issues managed to be included - maybe sitting out at a café while the rest did a bit more.

Hi Jayr, don't hesitate any more. JY hoidays are fantastic, it is a very safe way to travel alone. you definitely will not be the oldest. I have been on quite a few solo holidays, and the age range usually varies from 40s to 80s. I am going to India in two weeks time, and when I asked how many people were booked on JY told me 25' ages between mid 40s to 80s, Anyway, age doesn't matter on these holidays, you are going with like minded people, and if it is a large group you don't always click with everyone, but I have found most people very lovely and friendly.

Go on, do it, younwon't regret it. the trouble is, you might get the bug, and spend all your money on holidaya (as I do!). Xxx

  • (Member)
I too am 70 and I will shortly going on my 10th JY holiday! Excursion details will give details of how much walking is involved so you can just pick and choose. Wherever you go, everyone mixes together well and you will have a great time. Go for it!
  • (Member)
[Hi Jayr

Go ahead and book yourself a holiday with JY, the worst thing that will happen is that you'll kick yourself for not doing it sooner. I'm in a very similar position to you, aged 67, widowed but fortunately still reasonably fit. My first JY trip was Spirit of India last year and it was great. Plenty of others around that age group plus both younger and older travellers too. Age just wasn't an issue and I think we all thoroughly enjoyed the holiday. We went to lots of unusual places but walking etc was always at a pleasant pace that everyone could handle.

Also, hi Tricia, I'm off to S Africa and Zambia next Monday too so look forward to meeting you about this time next week at Heathrow :thumbup: