valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Wondering if anyone else has booked this trip. This will be my 3rd JY holiday. Also wonder if anyone else has been to Marrakech at this time of year and can tell me what temperatures to expect.. Hopefully will get some feedback. Thanks!
  • (Member)
Hello Valerie,

I was in Marrakech in November several years ago and it was really hot usually 25 in the shade. I loved the city for its richness and diverse culture. Begging with women sitting in the streets , baby sleeping in laps is a common sight and one you will get used to in the medina. Best orange juice in Jemaa el Fna for 30 p. Haggle in the souks for a 1/3rd of the original price. Not sure how Christmas is celebrated there, should be fun.


valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you janib for your reply. Didn't think it would be that warm in December. They don't celebrate Xmas in Morocco I don't think. One of the reasons I am going. Doesn't look like anyone else who uses this site is going on this trip although I believe the tour is fully booked. OH well !
  • (Member)
Hello Valerie,

Mixture of religious cultures so I think there are Catholics who will certainly be celebrating Christmas. My daughter and I were there at Rammadan, very difficult to eat and drink when you knew that there were others that could not.

I found a cookery day as part of my daughter's birthday present. She gave us money and a shopping list. Had to find the ingredients from the souk and then taught us how to cook the meal that we then ate.

I would like to do the complete trip of Morocco with Rabat, Fez and up into the Atlas Mountains . We went on the Marrakech Express to Casablanca, saw the wonderful Hassan ll mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world.

Jardin de Majorelle was beautiful, very colourful. We walked miles. Use the small taxis if you must, the larger ones are unlicensed and will charge a fortune if they know that you are a Westerner. Do not walk on your own, I find there are always people who will come with you.


valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Seems like you enjoy Morocco very much. As I will be with Just You don't think I will need to be out walking about on my own. Thank you for your input. Val
  • (Member)
Hi Valerie

This will be my 7th JY hol and looking forward to the diverse culture in Marrekesh.

I will be travelling down from Yorkshire the weekend before as I'm staying with my sister who lives near Gatwick.

I have been happy with all the JY holidays that I have been on - last Xmas I was in Dubrovnik and the weather was good and very quite which I like.

I booked this hol in July and at that time their were 15 , should be fun..:thumbup:

valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi tulip thanks for your reply. This will be my 3rd JY hol. Last Xmas I went to S.Africa with them. It was great. Lucky you having family near Gatwick. Its not my fav airport, and I think I will probably travel down the day before as its December and you never know what the weather will be like. So will book into a hotel night before. So see you at the airport :thumbup: Val
  • (Member)
Hi Valerie,

I will be staying at Gatwick on our return to UK as we arrive late evening.

I'm looking forward to Marrakech very much.

See you at the airport ....


  • (Member)
I went to Marrakech last Christmas and loved it. It was t-shirt weather and warm in the sun but in the shade it could be a bit cool. So I would say take a cardigan and sun tan lotion.
valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for your advice Beesky will take suitable clothes xx
  • (Member)
'Beesky' wrote:

I went to Marrakech last Christmas and loved it. It was t-shirt weather and warm in the sun but in the shade it could be a bit cool. So I would say take a cardigan and sun tan lotion.

Hi beesky

Thank you for the info will take my summer wardrobe , I have visited Trip Advisor and quite a few tourists do not rate the hotel 'Zalagh Kasbah' did you stay there ?

'valerie wrote:

Wondering if anyone else has booked this trip. This will be my 3rd JY holiday. Also wonder if anyone else has been to Marrakech at this time of year and can tell me what temperatures to expect.. Hopefully will get some feedback. Thanks!

Anna, who I met on very recent Vietnam trip, is going to Marrakech this Christmas, she's lovely so look after her and tell her Ruth says hello.

valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ruth. Will look out for Anna and will tell her hello from you. Thanks for getting in touch.
  • (Member)
Hi Valerie

I'm Anna who's going on this trip at Christmas.

I've only got back from JY's Vietnam/Cambodia trip, so have only just pick up your post.

Look forward to meeting you.

Ruth - how are you and did you get back from Vietnam ok? Cambodia wasn't the same without you!


I got the last place for Marrakech at Christmas, just booked on impulse! My 3rd JY trip, really looking forward to it, I don't want to notice its Christmas so it sounds perfect!! I'm travelling from Shropshire to stay with friends near Gatwick the day before! See you all at the airport!!
valerie lund
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi guys. Getting really nervous now. Hopefully will find at least one of you at the airport. Val x