  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Am venturing on booking my first holiday and have never been away on my own! I feel pathetic feeling so scared and nervous at the prospect of it but badly want to make the first step! any ideas? Just for further info am in my fifties and am the typical divorcee whose children have left home!!

Many thanks, Bella

  • (Member)

Having got the up courage to post a comment shows you are ready to take on a new adventure. We are all apprehensive when it comes to new experiences - that is human nature. JY is perfect for anyone who wants to travel but not on their own. You will meet many other people in the same situation as you, and all just as nervous. Have a look around the various topics and take a moment to think what you want out of your holiday. Is there anywhere in particular that you have always wanted to go? I booked a safari for my first trip as it was something I'd always dreamt of doing. That helped with the nerves leading up to it but I quickly realised that I needn't have worried. Wherever you decide to go, you will have a great time, with interesting, fun people and a Rep who takes all the hassle away.

Just take another leap of faith to book a trip and you won't look back.

Good luck


  • (Member)
Hi Bella,

I know how you feel and it took me a while to take the plunge to book a holiday on my own! I have lovely friends but wanted to go somewhere that was my choice. Have booked Andalucia in September and hoping for some warm sunshine! Once you have chosen where you really would like to go book it quickly and then all your worries are over!! My next hurdle is flying on my own for the first time and that is taking my mind off other things.

So, go ahead and book something really nice - if you can choose out of all the lovely holidays on offer!

Best wishes, Rae

  • (Member)
'idrk2' wrote:


Am venturing on booking my first holiday and have never been away on my own! I feel pathetic feeling so scared and nervous at the prospect of it but badly want to make the first step! any ideas? Just for further info am in my fifties and am the typical divorcee whose children have left home!!

Many thanks, Bella

Hi Bella,

What your are feeling is absolutely normal, and is common to about 99% of first timers on this forum. Read the posts and you will see what I mean.

I was very apprehensive about my first JY holiday; so much so that I seriously thought of asking my GP to declare me unfit for travel so that I could cancel and claim on insurance; now that really is pathetic.

However, I went to France with a lovely group some first timers, some regulars, (ranging from mid-30s to mid-70s, some older ones fitter than the younger, but age doesn't matter) thoroughly enjoyed it and am now impatiently waiting for my next one in September, and I have already decided where my third will be.

Don't be scared. Find somewhere you would like to go and book it. You will be well looked after. One thing that is not obvious from the forum is that JY send you luggage labels so that you can identify other travellers at the check-in. I spotted several fellow group members at Heathrow when I went to France.

Hope this helps

Book, go, enjoy.



  • (Member)

I agree with what the other postings say....this is a very safe way to travel, great places to see and nice people to meet...have a look at the holidays and just pick the one that jumps out to you.....I am 54 and started using JY in 2006... I have been on may tours from Astrian New Zealand..Kenya...and the USA..

Have fun


:thumbup:Hi, Yes, I too agree with the other postings. I have always had fantastic holidays with JU, and can't wait to book next years. I am off to Kerala in October. You are very well looked after, and it is. Very safe way to travel on your own. Go for it, and enjoy. X:cool::cool:
  • (Member)

Please do not feel pathetic. The majprity of people are used to going on holiday with family and friends and so the prospect of such a holiday with JY may scare them however everybody is going on the tour to enjoy themselves. It is not a singles club and there are people of all stripes.

I myself am 26 and i started using JY when i was 23 and for me it is great. My friends are all the back packing type whereas i like my creature comforts. The biggest thing you will have in common is how excited you are about your holiday. Your marital status is of no importance.

If you look under important threads, you will see several people's testimonies who had similar worries who posted on their return.


'sallyc' wrote:


Having got the up courage to post a comment shows you are ready to take on a new adventure. We are all apprehensive when it comes to new experiences - that is human nature. JY is perfect for anyone who wants to travel but not on their own. You will meet many other people in the same situation as you, and all just as nervous. Have a look around the various topics and take a moment to think what you want out of your holiday. Is there anywhere in particular that you have always wanted to go? I booked a safari for my first trip as it was something I'd always dreamt of doing. That helped with the nerves leading up to it but I quickly realised that I needn't have worried. Wherever you decide to go, you will have a great time, with interesting, fun people and a Rep who takes all the hassle away.

Just take another leap of faith to book a trip and you won't look back.

Good luck


Hi Bella and hi Sally,

I`m with Sally wholeheartedly on this topic. I met up with Sally recently on my second JY holiday (Cilento). I have just opened a new chapter in my life too and was feeling apprehensive just like you but there`s no stopping me now. Go for it, enjoy yourself and make new friends, you definitely won`t regret it. Good luck Bella :idea: