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(Member) (Topic Starter)

Any one been to Amazon/Peru/India/Jordon/Nepal etc - i need advice/info please

I have an aversion to animals that have the potentail to kill me ! I feel that it would ruin another wise great holiday. In particular its venomos snakes that worry me. I have come across vipers in Tuscany, Adders in Northumberland and a big long fat brown one in Cyprus ( which im guessing was non venomos).

But I would love to travel to vietnam/cambodia , the Amazon, Peru, Jordon , India and nepal. All places with more potentail than most for snakes.I made the mistake of looking on Forgeien Office web site as well as googling snakes ( googling most things is a mistake i find !) , both actions put me off. So can anyone who has been to those locations ( or other similar places) give me their HONEST view of the snake hazards !



  • (Member)
Hi Amanda,

To be honest I think the chances of coming across a snake in the wild are fairly slim - on JY hols you don't really go very far off the beaten track so you should be pretty safe wherever you go! I've been to India and Vietnam/Cambodia with JY and didn't see any in the wild. There was a snake charmer outside the Amber Fort in Jaipur on the India tour, but it would be easy to avoid being anywhere near it! Virtually no wildlife at all on the Vietnam/Cambodia tour.

The nearest I came to seeing a snake in the wild was on the South Africa tour - at Featherbed Wildlife Park, we saw a puff adder from the safety of the jeep. At Blyde River Canyon, I thought I saw a lovely colourful snake underneath a rock, but it was just a lizard!

You could be unlucky and come across one - but that could happen in Britain too! I'd really say the chances are highly unlikely you'd come across one. But to stay safe, don't wander off the pathway wherever you are and you should be just fine.

Hope you go on a fantastic holiday and put all thoughts of snakes out of your mind!

All the best,


  • (Member)
Hi Amanda,

I have done all of the countries you mention, and the only snake I saw was in a cage this year in Cambodia! These are all fascinating countries, so I would suggest just book the holidays and enjoy!



I have been to Vietnam and Jordan and can honestly say I did not see a snake in either place.
  • (Member)
Hi Amanda

I went to Peru in 2009 and didn't see any snakes, although I didn't do the Amazon add on where it may have been a different story.

Have also been to S Africa and although lions, buffalo and a cheetah came very near to our vehicle I never felt threatened and enjoyed the close up views.


  • (Member)

I've been to Jordan, Vietnam, South Africa and the USA and never saw a snake in the wild, which for me was disappointing. I did get to hold a python at a market in the Mekong Delta though.



  • (Member)
I've been to Jordan, India, Amazon as well as Costa Rica, Borneo and lots of other tropical places. I've only ever seen two snakes - both from a great distance whilst in in a jeep. As has been said before, these tours are very well organised, you are never anywhere 'wild' on your own. Don't forget a snake is going to be more frightened of you. It would be a real shame to let your fear prevent you from seeing some amazing sights.
hi Amanda ive been to peru Bolivia equador never seen a snake ive also been to Nepal and not seen one oh and its a fab holiday I was in australia in march for three weeks this year and never saw a snake in the wild not even at ayers rock the only one I saw was a tame one in a reserve which I had around my neck and I don't like them a lot either ive heard lots of good reports about Vietnam/Cambodia and have booked a holiday there in November im really looking forward to it so don't worry about them you wont see any

good luck book and enjoy where ever you go graham