  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I shall be giving you approx 12-14 days with out my twittering on...:)as I am off on my travels again on the new FLORIDA tour:cool:.....I shall be posting a review when I return, as I normally do, I am NOT taking my computer with me as I do like to detox from it while I am away!!!!!:huh:

So I have a busy day tomorrow ahead of departure on Thursday, so I wish you all well and will be back soon...;)

For those people trying to catch my total postings up,, go for it, I am having a couple weeks off..:P

Cindy :angel:

  • (Member)
Hi Cindy,

You will be missed, but have a wonderful trip!

Kindest regards,


Mel P
  • (Member)
'nixon' wrote:

I shall be giving you approx 12-14 days with out my twittering on...:)as I am off on my travels again on the new FLORIDA tour:cool:.....I shall be posting a review when I return, as I normally do, I am NOT taking my computer with me as I do like to detox from it while I am away!!!!!:huh:

So I have a busy day tomorrow ahead of departure on Thursday, so I wish you all well and will be back soon...;)

For those people trying to catch my total postings up,, go for it, I am having a couple weeks off..:P

Cindy :angel:

Dear Cindy

Have a lovely time in Florida. I look forward to hearing about your experiences. Good idea not to take computer. I am sure your fellow forum users will be posting like mad to get to their "Posting Freak" status whilst you are away.

Best wishes.


PS What is the next status after "Posting Freak"? Julia 😉

  • (Member)
Hi Mel,

There isn't one at the moment - but I think we may need to add in another level.

We just have to think of a new title for the group....

Kindest regards,


have a great time Cindy, the board will be a little quiet in your absense, i think even if i wanted to i would NEVER catch your post count up you would have to be away for at least two years i think but maybe Jaya and Bob may be thinking they are in with a chance lol

enjoy Florida


Mick W
  • (Member)
12-14 days, I'll believe it when I see it, lol.

Have a great trip sounds a great holiday did consider it myself but opted for National Parks, LBH & Mount Rushmore,was my 2nd choice.

Must agree I rarelly go online when on holiday.


  • (Member)
'Mick wrote:

12-14 days, I'll believe it when I see it, lol.

Have a great trip sounds a great holiday did consider it myself but opted for National Parks, LBH & Mount Rushmore,was my 2nd choice.

Must agree I rarelly go online when on holiday.


Have a great time Cindy. I'm off myself on Monday so hopefully will read all about your trip when I get back. Kind regards Olive

  • (Member)
Have a wonderful computer free break Cindy. I personally never take laptops with me whilst on holiday. Have enough of them whilst working!!


Have a great time Cindy!
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Mel,

There isn't one at the moment - but I think we may need to add in another level.

We just have to think of a new title for the group....

Kindest regards,


How about Premium Posting Freak!!!!


  • (Member)
Let's see if Cindy is really taking a break from the forum while she's away - Julia, I dare you to change her status to "forum granny" while she's away and see if she notices!! She is a granny, by the way so I don't think she could possibly object?!!



  • (Member)
Funny you should suggest that - I wondered if she'd notice if we changed her back to a "junior member".


Mel P
  • (Member)
'Julia' wrote:

Funny you should suggest that - I wondered if she'd notice if we changed her back to a "junior member".


I think you should do it. See if we get a nibble.

  • (Member)
Go for it!! Aren't we all wicked!


  • (Member)
Cindy might have left her laptop at home, but she was on Facebook via her phone this morning - off to Seaworld! She would be delighted to know we are still talking about her in her absence!



  • (Member)
By the way, Cindy's thread title is a bit misleading - it should be "taking a break from JY - by going on holiday with JY!!"

I wonder how many people viewed this thread thinking she was abandoning us!!

All the best,


Yes I did!! So I looked to see why!!!!
  • (Member)
Ha ha Bonzy I'm sure you're not the only one! I got a Facebook message from Cindy - she's having a great time and has promised to write a full review on her return. She's got computer access all right, but has forgotten her JY log in (how could she!) so can't leave any comments. However there is a spy on the tour, who has told her we have been posting about her in her absence, so I'd better keep a low profile on her return or I'll get it in the neck!!!

On the plus side, I'm almost at Posting Freak status so that should cheer her up....

All the best,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

Is there a secret sub-community of JY'ers that i am not part of? Didnt know we could keep in contact whilst actually on holiday haha!!


  • (Member)
Congratulations Bob. You have now a Posting Freak status! So now there are two of you.
