JT newbie
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Hi my name is Jenny I lost my husband & soul mate in Feb 2012 we loved travelling, have decided to book holiday to Croatia in October but now wish I hadnt so nervous just the thought of it, think I might cancel, am I doing the right thing or should I go for it[/size][/font]
Hi Jenny, please don't worry about your trip. Everybody on the holiday will have been a newbie at some time! You will be very well looked after. Yes it is tough and scary doing things on your own when you have been part of a couple for a long time, however you have enjoyed travelling in the past and there is still a lot of world out there to explore.

Best wishes, RM

'JT wrote:

Hi my name is Jenny I lost my husband & soul mate in Feb 2012 we loved travelling, have decided to book holiday to Croatia in October but now wish I hadnt so nervous just the thought of it, think I might cancel, am I doing the right thing or should I go for it[/size][/font]

Hi Jenny,

Welcome to Just you and sorry to hear of your loss last year.

You have taken the first steps and booked a holiday, something you and your soul mate enjoyed doing. There is no need to be nervous as JY is an ideal place for single people to get together and have a fantastic holiday together. You will meet allsorts of people on JY holidays, Singles, singles with partners back home, Divorcees, etc etc all looking for that holiday on their own. There is always a tour manager on call on every JY holiday to help you and your fellow travellers get the best out of their holiday.

I believe that you will have a fantastic time visiting different places, eating out with like minded people or just doing your own thing. Just You is ideal for that.

I am not booked on this Croatia holiday but with yourself posting this thread I expect others that are will reply to your and even try to contact you through JY so getting to know you.

I hope so!

Do not cancel and try your best and enjoy yourelf.

Good Luck


  • (Member)
Hello Jenny.

You've definitely done the right thing. Of course its not easy for you - your first holiday without your partner and soulmate, but people are so friendly. For many of them it will probably be their first time as well and will be feeling just as nervous as you. Go for it. You will have a wonderful time - and Croatia is a beautiful country. Kind regards Olive

Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Jenny,

You'll soon get over your nerves once you meet the others on the trip.

A good few of us on here (myself included) started using JY after losing our partners and speaking for myself have never regretted it, had some wonderful holidays and now looking forward to my 10th trip.


  • (Member)

Please do not cancel, I am so sorry for your loss, as the people above have said they know how you are feeling, it is a very big thing that you are doing after a short time on your own, and very brave I would say as well. I can assure you that you will see great sights and meet friendly people, it will be hard but it will be worth it I am sure. I know many ladies that have been so scared before hand but once the holiday gets going they are so glad they did it, and before the holiday ends they can't wait to get back to book another...please give it a go, you won't know what's out there unless you do.

You take care


  • (Member)
Hi Jenny

I agree with everyone's comments above. Sorry to hear about your loss, but time is a great healer and I am sure this holiday is the first step in the healing process. I have heard Croatia is a beautiful destination and I am sure that you will have a marvellous time. Stay positive and strong. You will meet lots of nice, friendly, interesting people of all ages. Life is for living despite ups and downs so please do not cancel. Go and have a nice time.



  • (Member)

You have my sympathies.

It can be hard travelling on your own again after having a travel buddy (as well as a husband) depart. Everyone's circumstances are different, however you are not the only one in this position. I have met a lot of people who are divorced or widowed and none of them have regret going on holiday with JY.

I can also add that i have done the Croatian Istrian Tour and it was fabulous. I have posted a review if you want to read further.

Take the plunge- i promise you will not regret it.



JT newbie
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Mark, I am going on the Croatia Makarska trip if anyone has any info on this one I would be grateful Jenny
  • (Member)
'JT wrote:

Hi my name is Jenny I lost my husband & soul mate in Feb 2012 we loved travelling, have decided to book holiday to Croatia in October but now wish I hadnt so nervous just the thought of it, think I might cancel, am I doing the right thing or should I go for it[/size][/font]

HI Jenny

I am in the same situation as you My husband died in April 2012 and I am very nervous about going travelling alone. I have booked Italian cities in June and it is fast approaching. I don't know about you but I also carry a feeling of guilt that I am having a holiday and my husband isn't around. You would have known your husband so well think about what he would have said. My husband would have said if you can afford to do it, go travelling if that's what you want todo. I know it's an old cliche but you never know what's round the corner, and your husband will be with you in your heart and you will think about him on your travels.

I hope you do decide to go through with your trip.


JT newbie
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Janet

We are both having the same thoughts, im sure my husband would want me to travel, hope you have good trip let me know how you get on , good luck, i'll be thinking of you


JT newbie
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Does anyone no the currency for Croatia, I am told they joined the Euro in Julystill the Kuna but it is not widely accepted,so is it still the Kuna, I am booked on the Croatia & the Makarska Rivera on October 4 has anyone been yet?
  • (Member)
hello JT

I have asked one of my fellow JY travellers Mark, who says what you are saying the currency in the Kuna although they are in the eurozone...Have a great holiday.


Mick W
  • (Member)
Was there last year and its definately the Kuna you need, apparently if they change to the euro it wont be for another 2 or 3 years. Important stuff like Ice Cream, Beer (local), Coffee and cakes are much cheaper than here so your money goes a long way.
  • (Member)

I'm a newbie too. My husband passed away last November and I never imagined I'd be in the position of having to think about holidays alone, and am extremely nervous about the prospect.

My husband and I also loved travelling. A friend suggested JY I and started reading the posts on here, and found myself considering either the Inspirational China trip or one of the Italy trips for next September.

Let's see if I have the courage to book something!

Take care


  • (Member)

Welcome, to you, I have not been on the China tour but many people have and had a great time from what I have gathered it is a full on busy tour, I have been on the Highlights of Tuscany which is not to hectic very nice things to see and a great holiday overall. ice cream is just wonderful !!!!


  • (Member)
Hi Jenny,

Sorry to hear of your loss. I returned from my last JY trip to Lake Garda 2 years ago, although my husband and I had been separated for some time, he died 2 weeks after my return from Italy. Now it is 19 days till I go to Austria and I go as a widow.

In 2008 I went to the Deep South with Thomas Cook. I was one of 3 singles with 15 couples. Although we had a great time, I always felt like a spare wheel. There was a time that I wanted to try a Hurricane- I could not as I knew that I was on my own and I did not want to become drunk. With JY there are always several people who want to try something and it is easier when you know there are people to watch your back, not that I drink 😛


JT newbie
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the info