angela rose
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone, I just joined today and am looking to book a much needed holiday for September or October, does anyone have any suggestions of a good trip for a first timer? There is so much to choose from I am having trouble deciding, would appreciate any feedback, thank you.
hi angela rose. I am also a just you first timer and trying to decide which holiday to go on. I am considering Andalucia on 27th August. think that would be a good first trip to go on - not too far away, mixture of trips, sightseeing and relaxing at the hotel. ideal for recharging your batteries. But maybe you prefer something more adventurous or further afield.
  • (Member)

Welcome to just you, there is a wealth of information around all the postings.

I have my 9th JY tour booked, the tours are great fun you see amazing sights and meet a great bunch of like minded people.

Where to go really does depend on what you like, and what you like doing on a holiday.

I have my 4th USA tour booked these are full on from start to finish but you see so much along the way, great value for money.

Austrian Lakes was a really nice tour with lots to see, nice hotel and location.

Tuscany again a great little tour with some really good sights to see nice location by the sea.

Kenyan Safari amazing to see the animals in the wild I also did the add on which was nice and relaxing

Poland And the Tatra mountains nice tour I went on this one to visit the concentration camps.

Hong Kong and New Zealand tour was just amazing again another full on tour.

So if any of those appeal I can give you more information

Have a good look through the brochure or online and see what grabs you.

the ladies out weigh the men in numbers,

It's a very safe way to travel

You can with any age from 20-80 ..


I just booked Ahr Valley.

Short break, not too far away. Nice scenery and some wine. 😉

  • (Member)
Hi Angela!

I'm going on my first trip in a few weeks. I had a tough time deciding where to go too. I think you should think about what part of the world you'd love to see the most and see what JustYou have to offer. Or, think about what kind of holiday you'd enjoy taking and seeing what options cater what you want. I wanted something close to home and very nature based (And yeah, the wine, just a *little* bit) so I thought Ahr Valley would be the best trip for me.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like! I'm sure someone will be able to help!

  • (Member)
Hi Angela

No matter where you decide to travel with Just You, you will have a great time. Why don't you make a list of places you always wanted to see and then choose one to start with? I chose Jordan as my first trip with Just You as always wanted to see Petra.



angela rose
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'ruthmcnerlan' wrote:

hi angela rose. I am also a just you first timer and trying to decide which holiday to go on. I am considering Andalucia on 27th August. think that would be a good first trip to go on - not too far away, mixture of trips, sightseeing and relaxing at the hotel. ideal for recharging your batteries. But maybe you prefer something more adventurous or further afield.

Hi Ruth, thanks very much for your reply and glad to see you have booked your first trip, I'm sure you will have a great time. I will have a look at Andalucia as it's not too far and looks like a good first holiday, hopefully will make my mind up over the next couple of weeks :huh:

angela rose
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:


Welcome to just you, there is a wealth of information around all the postings.

I have my 9th JY tour booked, the tours are great fun you see amazing sights and meet a great bunch of like minded people.

Where to go really does depend on what you like, and what you like doing on a holiday.

I have my 4th USA tour booked these are full on from start to finish but you see so much along the way, great value for money.

Austrian Lakes was a really nice tour with lots to see, nice hotel and location.

Tuscany again a great little tour with some really good sights to see nice location by the sea.

Kenyan Safari amazing to see the animals in the wild I also did the add on which was nice and relaxing

Poland And the Tatra mountains nice tour I went on this one to visit the concentration camps.

Hong Kong and New Zealand tour was just amazing again another full on tour.

So if any of those appeal I can give you more information

Have a good look through the brochure or online and see what grabs you.

the ladies out weigh the men in numbers,

It's a very safe way to travel

You can with any age from 20-80 ..


Hi Cindy, thanks very much for the tips, there are a lot of great sounding adventures there. It's good to see you have been on many holidays with JY, it's a great discovery for me to find this company, as, like many, I don't really want to travel alone.

angela rose
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'SpiceF0x' wrote:

I just booked Ahr Valley.

Short break, not too far away. Nice scenery and some wine. ;)

Thank you for your reply, a couple of people have mentioned Ahr Valley so i will have a look at that one too. I love wine so that appeals greatly 🙂 Have a lovely time.

angela rose
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'NeilP' wrote:

Hi Angela!

I'm going on my first trip in a few weeks. I had a tough time deciding where to go too. I think you should think about what part of the world you'd love to see the most and see what JustYou have to offer. Or, think about what kind of holiday you'd enjoy taking and seeing what options cater what you want. I wanted something close to home and very nature based (And yeah, the wine, just a *little* bit) so I thought Ahr Valley would be the best trip for me.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like! I'm sure someone will be able to help!

Hi Neil, thanks for your reply. I will make up my mind soon, I have a few more ideas now with the help of people who have replied, all the help much appreciated. Hope you have a great time on your trip and enjoy the wine 🙂

angela rose
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Angela

No matter where you decide to travel with Just You, you will have a great time. Why don't you make a list of places you always wanted to see and then choose one to start with? I chose Jordan as my first trip with Just You as always wanted to see Petra.



Hi Jaya, thanks for your reply, I have started a list now as you suggested, I'm looking at some of the tips people have given me and getting a better idea of places i'd like to go, it's nice to know everyone seems to really enjoy these trips, so I am looking forward to going on my first one.

Hi Angela

I am also new to JY and have booked the Austrian Lakes trip on 13th October. Really looking forward to it :thumbup:

  • (Member)
Hey there, welcome!

My first trip was americas golden west and have done various ones since- theyve all been fantastic! Im on my 4th jy trip in june. I think you should consider the golden west trip as a lot of people choose this one as their first- i would do it ovet and over again if i could.

Well hope u enjoy it when u go on your first trip- im sure u will

Hayley 🙂

angela rose
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'ArthursMum' wrote:

Hi Angela

I am also new to JY and have booked the Austrian Lakes trip on 13th October. Really looking forward to it :thumbup:

Austria sounds great, be nice to have something to look forward to as your holiday is later in the year, thats around the time im planning to go away. Have a lovely time and thanks for your reply.

angela rose
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Hayles' wrote:

Hey there, welcome!

My first trip was americas golden west and have done various ones since- theyve all been fantastic! Im on my 4th jy trip in june. I think you should consider the golden west trip as a lot of people choose this one as their first- i would do it ovet and over again if i could.

Well hope u enjoy it when u go on your first trip- im sure u will

Hayley :)

Hi Hayley, thanks for your reply, much appreciated. America is one of the places i have wanted to visit, the golden west looks like a good one to go on. Glad you have enjoyed all the trips you have been on, have a great time in June 🙂