  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Am booked on Lake Garda trip with a visit to opera at Verona. Can anyone who has been on this before offer any tips about the opera visit. Would you advise upgrading the seat, which would be pretty expensive. Did the group line up in advance and then sit together. Is it worth taking any "home comforts" along. Would love to hear from someone.
Hi I haven't been to the opera on a Just You visit but did go independently 18 months ago. As I recall seat upgrading was very expensive. We sat with the majority on the marble step seating - it is useful to take a small cushion with you to sit on for comfort, there are plenty of vendors outside selling 'blow up' cushions, similar to those neck pillows you can get for travelling on the plane, they were about 6/7 Euros. We went in August and it was still warm even up to midnight, there are vendors walking up and down the seating area selling wine and cold drinks but they are quite expensive (we paid 4E for a can of coke) so it would probably be advisable to take a small bottle of water in with you if you can. I hope you have a wonderful time, we saw Carmen and it was a fantastic experience.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you Marie for your reply and helpful info. Yes it is costly to upgrade but I was concerned about not being able to rest my back against the stone seat - I guess the legs of the person above would be there and you would have to sit upright. Correct? Will take advice from the tour leader. Hope I enjoy it as much as you obviously did - we are seeing Nabucco.
Yes as I recall you do sit upright but it wasn't uncomfortable and the stone steps are quite wide and steep. I'm sure the tour leader will be able to give you good advice. If you get chance to have a meal beforehand the restaurants in the 'square' outside the arena are relatively reasonable. Have a lovely time.



I have been on this trip in a June with JY and saw Aida. It was absolutely fantastic. The atmosphere is amazing. I did not upgrade, only a couple of people on the trip did. I think we actually had a better view as we were near the top and were almost facing the stage. I was worried about it being uncomfortable sitting on the steps but as someone has already mentioned these are quite wide and everyone bought a cushion from the vendors outside and I was surprised how comfortable it was. We all went in together and sat together. I would advise wearing flat to low heeled shoes as the steps to get in are very uneven and can be steep. They can also get wet if there is a shower as there was when we went. I would also advise taking some water. Have a great time.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for that advice - I only wear flats so that wont be a problem. I want to get everything just "so" and that is why I asked these questions, so that I can enjoy it all. Will let you know when I get back - thanks for your help.


  • (Member)
I saw Aida 2 years ago. We were sat quite high up and it was magnificent. The cushions were bought from the vendors outside. We met up outside at a specific time and given our tickets for seats. The stairs are steep and can be dark in the stairwells when you are leaving. The only problem was trying to find the right coach at the end, one of our group found herself on the wrong coach and wondered why she did not recognise anyone!

I am so jealous- loved the whole trip.


Hi Ruth,

I just wanted to say thank you & how lovely it was to meet you.

You were delightful & lovely company & I really enjoyed our holiday to Lake Garda & the Verona Opera Festival.

Please keep in touch, I would love to hear from you.

Kind regards,

Lisa. X:thumbup:

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Lisa for those nice remarks. It was a great holiday - rather hot - and I enjoyed meeting you too. I wanted to thank all those who gave me good advice about the opera in Verona; it was a special experience - I sat on the steps and luckily found a spot just in the row below the walkway - so had a back rest which you dont get in the other rows. Only downside was that you had to be there so early and just sit around - the people with upgraded seats were able to get a meal beforehand. However the money I saved will go towards a tablet (as in mini computer).

I would be happy to have Julia give my email address to you - I think that is the way we have to do it, what a shame we didnt exchandge addresses before. I see we both have done "the necessary" re the hotel. Hope to hear from you, R

  • (Member)

Yes, I just need consent from both of you that you are happy for me to exchange your details, and then I will send you an email to pass these on.

Kindest regards,



Thanks for your reply & thanks for being a wonderful travelling companion, you really made me happy. I will be booking this holiday (the same holiday, date & Verona Opera Festival), later this month for next year.

I am happy for Julia to give you my email address. Sorry we didn't exchange email address at the airport, but as usual, I was in rush to catch my bus (somethings don't change, even on holidays).

Look forward to hearing from you,

Lisa. X

Hi Julia,

Thanks for your post.

I am more than happy for you to give my email address to Ruth.

Thanks and have a good one,

Lisa. X

  • (Member)
Hi Lisa,

I have forwarded your email address on as requested.

Kindest regards,
