• (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I'm doing the Ahr Valley trip on 5th July - is there anyone out there going at the same time? This is my first JY holiday and I'm starting to feel just a bit nervous. I would love to chat to anyone else who has booked this trip.


  • (Member)
'JENBA' wrote:

Hi, I'm doing the Ahr Valley trip on 5th July - is there anyone out there going at the same time? This is my first JY holiday and I'm starting to feel just a bit nervous. I would love to chat to anyone else who has booked this trip.


Hi Jennifer,

I've actually just posted a similar post to yours on the forum! I'm going on 5th July and it's my first single holiday. I'm looking forward to it as I need a break away but slightly worried...... I'm travelling from North Yorkshire. Where are you?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'jillpg' wrote:

'JENBA' wrote:

Hi, I'm doing the Ahr Valley trip on 5th July - is there anyone out there going at the same time? This is my first JY holiday and I'm starting to feel just a bit nervous. I would love to chat to anyone else who has booked this trip.


Hi Jennifer,

I've actually just posted a similar post to yours on the forum! I'm going on 5th July and it's my first single holiday. I'm looking forward to it as I need a break away but slightly worried...... I'm travelling from North Yorkshire. Where are you?


Hello Jill,

Lovely to hear from you. Sorry to take so long to reply, I haven't logged onto the Community page for a while. I'm travelling from Northumberland and because of the distance will be getting the train to London day before and staying overnight in a Travel Lodge near Kings Cross ready for the early start next morning. I'm feeling apprehensive too as its my first JY holiday, I booked it on a whim then started to worry whether I was doing the right thing. I haven't been on Eurostar before though and I am looking forward to that. Maybe we could look out for each other at St Pancras.



  • (Member)
Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for your reply. I'm travelling from Northallerton setting off at silly o'clock on the Friday morning. Yes, we can certainly look out for each other at St Pancras. Hopefully, we'll be taken care of by JY at that point too. Let's get in touch nearer the time and possibly make some arrangements?

I am looking forward to the holiday - it's just the 'not knowing' isn't it?! Hopefully, we'll get some good weather too!

All the best.


Hi Jennifer and Jill, suddenly realised it's not long to go and thought I'd see if anyone has posted anything. My first time too with Just You and I'll be at St Pancras.

Very apprehensive as I have never been away on my own before but looking forward to it. Have broken in new walking shoes. Did anyone else have trouble getting info on mileage. I was very surprised it wasn't on the web as it was billed as a walking holiday, eventually some poor soul emailed Germany for me.

I am very lucky living in Twickenham, not far to St Pancras.

Best wishes, Rosie


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Rosie and Jill: No, not long now, I'm starting to look forward to it. Have begun packing and collected my Euros yesterday, and like you Rosie have broken in new walking shoes. I'm meeting up with a friend who lives just outside London when I arrive Thursday, she's not coming on the holiday, we're just having a meal together,so that should calm me down even more before the big day, hopefully!

I will look out for you both at St Pancras. I am in my sixties, 5' 8", with short light brown hair.

Looking forward to meeting you both.

Regards, Jennifer

  • (Member)
Hi Jennifer and Rosie,

Eek! I'm getting really nervous now but in a good way as I'm really looking forward to the holiday. I decided to travel on the Thursday evening instead of Friday morning as it didn't leave me enough time to check in at St Pancras. I'm staying in a hotel 2 minutes walk away from St Pancras (allegedly!) So I wasted a train ticket but it wouldn't have been worth the stress!

I'm collecting my Euros today and will start packing as I've an unexpected day off work - quite useful!

Look forward to meeting you both and here's to a relaxing and fun holiday! By the way, I'm 56, 5' 2" small-ish with bobbed blondy-grey hair (trying to go back to natural-ish!)



Rosie's posting on 27 June mentioned difficulty finding out the mileage of the various walks.

Does anyone know roughly how far these are please ?



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I'm guessing, but I would have thought approx 5 or 6 miles, it says in the brochure approximately 2 - 3 hours walking with plenty of rest stops, so should be quite manageable. Hope I'm right.
