  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I was about to book the inspirational china with the add on for the 22nd may. However on the phone i was told that all the other travellers are in their 50's, 60's and 70's. I am 31! I am feeling concerned that i would be out of place...... I have been on a JY tour before and was the youngest but there were others in their late 30's and 40's. Im in a quandry as theres only 3 spaces left, i dont want to miss out but i dont want to not enjoy the trip either


Any thoughts


'Lucinda' wrote:


I was about to book the inspirational china with the add on for the 22nd may. However on the phone i was told that all the other travellers are in their 50's, 60's and 70's. I am 31! I am feeling concerned that i would be out of place...... I have been on a JY tour before and was the youngest but there were others in their late 30's and 40's. Im in a quandry as theres only 3 spaces left, i dont want to miss out but i dont want to not enjoy the trip either


Any thoughts

Hi Lucinda,

They say that you are as young as you feel. I am going on the May trip and although I will be landing in Beijing on my 60th birthday I only feel half that age so go on take the plunge I dare you!!

I believe age is just a number and I am sure there will be a few of us on the trip that won't be acting our age!!

I hope this helps.



'Lucinda' wrote:


I was about to book the inspirational china with the add on for the 22nd may. However on the phone i was told that all the other travellers are in their 50's, 60's and 70's. I am 31! I am feeling concerned that i would be out of place...... I have been on a JY tour before and was the youngest but there were others in their late 30's and 40's. Im in a quandry as theres only 3 spaces left, i dont want to miss out but i dont want to not enjoy the trip either


Any thoughts


Hi Lucinda

I have done this trip and it would be a shame if you missed out simply because of your age. I am in my 60s but I enjoy meeting people of all ages and I am sure this will be the case with the rest of the group going to China.

I hope you decide to go and that you have a wonderful time.



I'm doing this tour in April and I am 33, I had exactly the same concerns as you but after reading posts on this forum and sending posts myself i have been reassured you are made to feel welcome whatever the age! And if u find mingling and getting on with all kinds of people easy then I would say Definately do it! Age is just a number at the end of the day so should not matter who's youngest or oldest 🙂 enjoy the trip if u do decide to book.



  • (Member)
There are many threads regarding the age question, and if you have been on a JY before then you know your in the younger bracket, surely your going on holiday for what is on offer not the age of the others? I am sure you will be fine, I have spent some great moments with oldies while away.. Also I have met some younger who are old in there ways and. Have met many oldies who are young in their ways.


  • (Member)
Hello Lucinda

You should know by now that age is just a number. Ifyou get on with people of all ages then you should not have any concerns at all. Some 'older' people have more energy than 'younger' ones. It is nice to mix with people of all ages as everyone has interesting experiences to share. With Just You no one feels out of place. Enjoying a holiday mostly depends on you. If I were you I would just go ahead and book the trip especially as you really want to go, otherwise you will be the one missing out. Life is too short to worry about such trivial things.



'Lucinda' wrote:


Age is only a number, on my trip to China the youngest traveller was only 21, but still had a great time with us all, it certainly is a fabulous trip

I was about to book the inspirational china with the add on for the 22nd may. However on the phone i was told that all the other travellers are in their 50's, 60's and 70's. I am 31! I am feeling concerned that i would be out of place...... I have been on a JY tour before and was the youngest but there were others in their late 30's and 40's. Im in a quandry as theres only 3 spaces left, i dont want to miss out but i dont want to not enjoy the trip either


Any thoughts


'Lucinda' wrote:


Age is only a number, on my trip to China the youngest traveller was only 21, but still had a great time with us all, it certainly is a fabulous trip

I was about to book the inspirational china with the add on for the 22nd may. However on the phone i was told that all the other travellers are in their 50's, 60's and 70's. I am 31! I am feeling concerned that i would be out of place...... I have been on a JY tour before and was the youngest but there were others in their late 30's and 40's. Im in a quandry as theres only 3 spaces left, i dont want to miss out but i dont want to not enjoy the trip either


Any thoughts


'Lucinda' wrote:


Age is only a number, on my trip to China the youngest traveller was only 21, but still had a great time with us all, it certainly is a fabulous trip

I was about to book the inspirational china with the add on for the 22nd may. However on the phone i was told that all the other travellers are in their 50's, 60's and 70's. I am 31! I am feeling concerned that i would be out of place...... I have been on a JY tour before and was the youngest but there were others in their late 30's and 40's. Im in a quandry as theres only 3 spaces left, i dont want to miss out but i dont want to not enjoy the trip either


Any thoughts


  • (Member)
Hi Lucinda

Go ahead and book it, I bet you will enjoy being in an age group older than you, and I'm sure they will also enjoy being with you. I can only speak for myself but I have a really wide age range of friends that I socialise with regularly (35 to 62), and I'm in my 50's, very young at heart, fit and active! I took my 21 year daughter to Vegas last year and kept up with her for the week, we had a fabulous time!! Like everyone else is saying, age is only a number so 'Go for it!'

Good luck


'AngieM' wrote:

Hi Lucinda

Go ahead and book it, I bet you will enjoy being in an age group older than you, and I'm sure they will also enjoy being with you. I can only speak for myself but I have a really wide age range of friends that I socialise with regularly (35 to 62), and I'm in my 50's, very young at heart, fit and active! I took my 21 year daughter to Vegas last year and kept up with her for the week, we had a fabulous time!! Like everyone else is saying, age is only a number so 'Go for it!'

Good luck


Hi lucinda I'm on this trip and I'm 39. Go ahead and book it it look amazing I can't wait to go. You won't regret it. This is my third trip with just you. They are really good and look after everyone

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Caroline

Thats great news to hear there is someone of a slightly younger age on this trip. This has helped me to decide to book the trip and do the add on too as i thought i might not get the chance to go back hence thought id do it all! Just waiting to sort out leave from work so hoping nobody books before me otherwise it might have to be the back up plan! Are you doing the add on? If not this might be why they told me the age bracket was 50-70.

Thanks for your help


'carolineelisetaylor' wrote:

'AngieM' wrote:

Hi Lucinda

Go ahead and book it, I bet you will enjoy being in an age group older than you, and I'm sure they will also enjoy being with you. I can only speak for myself but I have a really wide age range of friends that I socialise with regularly (35 to 62), and I'm in my 50's, very young at heart, fit and active! I took my 21 year daughter to Vegas last year and kept up with her for the week, we had a fabulous time!! Like everyone else is saying, age is only a number so 'Go for it!'

Good luck


Hi lucinda I'm on this trip and I'm 39. Go ahead and book it it look amazing I can't wait to go. You won't regret it. This is my third trip with just you. They are really good and look after everyone

'Lucinda' wrote:

Hi Caroline

Thats great news to hear there is someone of a slightly younger age on this trip. This has helped me to decide to book the trip and do the add on too as i thought i might not get the chance to go back hence thought id do it all! Just waiting to sort out leave from work so hoping nobody books before me otherwise it might have to be the back up plan! Are you doing the add on? If not this might be why they told me the age bracket was 50-70.

Thanks for your help


'carolineelisetaylor' wrote:

'AngieM' wrote:

Hi Lucinda

Go ahead and book it, I bet you will enjoy being in an age group older than you, and I'm sure they will also enjoy being with you. I can only speak for myself but I have a really wide age range of friends that I socialise with regularly (35 to 62), and I'm in my 50's, very young at heart, fit and active! I took my 21 year daughter to Vegas last year and kept up with her for the week, we had a fabulous time!! Like everyone else is saying, age is only a number so 'Go for it!'

Good luck


Hi lucinda I'm on this trip and I'm 39. Go ahead and book it it look amazing I can't wait to go. You won't regret it. This is my third trip with just you. They are really good and look after everyone

Hi Lucinda,

I'm on this trip and will be 60 on the day we land in Beijing. Go on and book it!! Look forward to seeing you on the trip!!


'Lucinda' wrote:

Hi Caroline

Thats great news to hear there is someone of a slightly younger age on this trip. This has helped me to decide to book the trip and do the add on too as i thought i might not get the chance to go back hence thought id do it all! Just waiting to sort out leave from work so hoping nobody books before me otherwise it might have to be the back up plan! Are you doing the add on? If not this might be why they told me the age bracket was 50-70.

Thanks for your help


'carolineelisetaylor' wrote:

'AngieM' wrote:

Hi Lucinda

Go ahead and book it, I bet you will enjoy being in an age group older than you, and I'm sure they will also enjoy being with you. I can only speak for myself but I have a really wide age range of friends that I socialise with regularly (35 to 62), and I'm in my 50's, very young at heart, fit and active! I took my 21 year daughter to Vegas last year and kept up with her for the week, we had a fabulous time!! Like everyone else is saying, age is only a number so 'Go for it!'

Good luck


Hi lucinda no I'm not doing the add on as couldn't get anymore time of work. But the tour will be amazing I can't wait. It's only 12 weeks away now 😉

  • (Member)
Just 4 places left on this holiday now. Only 2 on the add-on. So filling up. I've booked the add-on, myself. Since we are discussing ages, I'll be 53 by the time the holiday comes round so that'll probably make me one of the younger ones.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

After all the talk, ive done it and taken the last place on this holiday!

So i shall indeed be joining you all. Opted to do the cruise with the upgrade too.

I feel all nervous but excited at the same time. I guess its not long to wait!

Look forward to meeting you all


'Lucinda' wrote:


After all the talk, ive done it and taken the last place on this holiday!

So i shall indeed be joining you all. Opted to do the cruise with the upgrade too.

I feel all nervous but excited at the same time. I guess its not long to wait!

Look forward to meeting you all



Well done Lucinda.

Look forward to meeting you at Gatwick.


Good evening Lucinda.

I've booked this holiday, but am in my early 60's. When I went to Japan with JY last year, two of the women were aged 24 & they joined in. On these types of tour age is not important, it's the person!

I've met sprightly people in their 80's on my various tours.

I hope that you make the best choice for yourself.



'Lucinda' wrote:


I was about to book the inspirational china with the add on for the 22nd may. However on the phone i was told that all the other travellers are in their 50's, 60's and 70's. I am 31! I am feeling concerned that i would be out of place...... I have been on a JY tour before and was the youngest but there were others in their late 30's and 40's. Im in a quandry as theres only 3 spaces left, i dont want to miss out but i dont want to not enjoy the trip either


Any thoughts


Good morning Lucinda.

Although I'm in my early 60's, I've mixed with fellow travellers ranging in age from their mid-20s to their 80's on JY tours.

In May I'll be visiting China with JY, my seventh tour. Last year I went to Japan with JY & two ladies were aged 24 & didn't know each other beforehand; yet they easily joined in.

I hope that you make the best decision for yourself.



  • (Member)
More details about the age make-up and the balance of the sexes on this holiday have been posted in the China October 9th thread in the Ask The Editor section. Sorry the thread title has the wrong date for our holiday but I kind of hijacked someone else's thread to ask the question.

Not long to go now.
