Bev W
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Just booked this holiday. Be nice to hear from anyone booked to go on the same or anyone who has done the holiday before. Any information, tips or suggestions would be great. I am determined to make the most of this holiday of a lifetime!



  • (Member)
Hi Bev

I did this trip 2 years ago, and have also been to Australia on my own a few times, both before and after the JY trip)

Australia is a great country, (usually) has amazing weather, and it's people are very, very friendly. The one big drawback, is that it has a very strong currency, and as a result, is very expensive. If you eat in the centre of the big cities, expect to pay at least double what you would in the UK for a similar standard meal, and probably nearer to treble in Sydney/Melbourne.

(It's possible to get good quality food cheaper, but you have to be willing to get away from the main tourist areas, personally I think this makes a more interesting trip, but it's up to you how much you're willing to explore. In my eperience most people on a JY holiday will stick to the areas near to the hotel, but there will always be a few who are happy to explore)

If this is the "holiday of a lifetime" then I guess you will want to do all of the optional excursions, and this is fine, but will get pretty expensive.

There are also things like the bridge climb in Sydney which may appeal to you, but isn't cheap, I think it's around £130, but you need to check their website. (To me it's a must do experience - you don't need to be that confident with heights, just OK on an ordinary ladder).

If you look back you'll find loads of threads concerning this trip, which may be of help to you. Also, I'm sure Ben will supply the exact costs of the excursions if you ask him directly in the "Ask the editor" section

Have a great holiday.


Hi Bev,

Did Singapore, Australia with NZ add on last October / November. Fully concure what Stuart has said above.

I have been to Singapore and Perth before so I knew what to expect in those 2 places. But through my own fault I was ill in Singapore due to not drinking enough water and became dehydrated though the humidity. So drink plenty of bottled water there!

Australia is a fantastic place, my favoutites were the " Sound of Silence" dinner in the outback at Ayres rock, Balloon ride at Alice Springs, Kuranda Railway and Melbourne with the farewell dinner on a tram. Personally I did not like Sydney although seeing the Oprea house, Bridge was well worth going there once.

Lots of Just You excursions included it the tour including the Great Barrier reef and host of city tours included.

Although costs have rised by nearly a £1000 pounds for this holiday now( New Zealand included) I think it is still worth it for a " Once in a lifetime tour".

Have a good one next November.

PS If you are having New Zealand as an "add on" after Australia, November is about right time to see NZ as snow still covers the peaks adding to the fantastic scenery of NZ.


Bev W
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'stu151' wrote:

Hi Bev

I did this trip 2 years ago, and have also been to Australia on my own a few times, both before and after the JY trip)

Australia is a great country, (usually) has amazing weather, and it's people are very, very friendly. The one big drawback, is that it has a very strong currency, and as a result, is very expensive. If you eat in the centre of the big cities, expect to pay at least double what you would in the UK for a similar standard meal, and probably nearer to treble in Sydney/Melbourne.

(It's possible to get good quality food cheaper, but you have to be willing to get away from the main tourist areas, personally I think this makes a more interesting trip, but it's up to you how much you're willing to explore. In my eperience most people on a JY holiday will stick to the areas near to the hotel, but there will always be a few who are happy to explore)

If this is the "holiday of a lifetime" then I guess you will want to do all of the optional excursions, and this is fine, but will get pretty expensive.

There are also things like the bridge climb in Sydney which may appeal to you, but isn't cheap, I think it's around £130, but you need to check their website. (To me it's a must do experience - you don't need to be that confident with heights, just OK on an ordinary ladder).

If you look back you'll find loads of threads concerning this trip, which may be of help to you. Also, I'm sure Ben will supply the exact costs of the excursions if you ask him directly in the "Ask the editor" section

Have a great holiday.


Thanks so much for taking the time to reply and for your helpful advice
