  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am going on this trip in April and I have never done a cruise before so has anyone out there been on this one before? As I would like to know what it was like, do you get off at every stop and if there is no Just You rep who looks after us on the cruise? Also do we have to pay for anything on board the ship? like drinks ect if so how do we do that if its cash what sort of money do they used on board & who else out there is going on the trip?
'glynis wrote:

I am going on this trip in April and I have never done a cruise before so has anyone out there been on this one before? As I would like to know what it was like, do you get off at every stop and if there is no Just You rep who looks after us on the cruise? Also do we have to pay for anything on board the ship? like drinks ect if so how do we do that if its cash what sort of money do they used on board & who else out there is going on the trip?

Hi Glynis. I'm going on this trip too. My first cruise. Would really like some feedback from anyone who went last year. V

  • (Member)
Hi Vivienne, hope you have a brilliant time on the cruise, looking forward to seeing you in June!

Take care,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'vivarlene' wrote:

'glynis wrote:

I am going on this trip in April and I have never done a cruise before so has anyone out there been on this one before? As I would like to know what it was like, do you get off at every stop and if there is no Just You rep who looks after us on the cruise? Also do we have to pay for anything on board the ship? like drinks ect if so how do we do that if its cash what sort of money do they used on board & who else out there is going on the trip?

Hi Glynis. I'm going on this trip too. My first cruise. Would really like some feedback from anyone who went last year. V

Hi this is also my first Cruise not sure what to expect, but I do hope the weather is nice and warm. So I guess I will see you then.

'glynis2013' wrote:

I am going on this trip in April and I have never done a cruise before so has anyone out there been on this one before? As I would like to know what it was like, do you get off at every stop and if there is no Just You rep who looks after us on the cruise? Also do we have to pay for anything on board the ship? like drinks ect if so how do we do that if its cash what sort of money do they used on board & who else out there is going on the trip?

Hi though i'm not going on this cruise i have been on a cruise before and usually you can change money on board for when going ashore, a rep usually accompanies tours ashore, on board you don't normally pay for anything in cash and you'll prob just have drinks to pay for which are charged to your cabin, this you can pay off as you go or check your bill whenever but allow 24 hrs for your bill to be updated, you will probably have a bill card on board which they swipe when you use at bars and in shops etc also you will need this when leaving and returning to the ship for security purposes and stops at port are normally for the day of around 12 hrs you sail at night, some ports are right in the center so not always a need to go on every tour or you can just stay on the ship will be lots going on day and night, but you can ask ben your editor for any information you need on this particular cruise, hope this helps, enjoy, dave

Hello, my name is Ann and I'm going on this cruise. Have been on a few cruises before but that was when my husband was alive. This will be my first cruise on my own, but having now been on 3 previous trips with Just You - Kenya, China and Egypt - you have nothing to worry about, we'll all have a great time!

I think someone has already answered most of your questions and I can add the following:-

If we want to spend cash in Cape Town we'll need South African Rand. Ditto for Genoa - for cash we'll need Euros. On board the ship, the MSC Sinfonia, they use US Dollars.

I'm waiting to be told what the temperature will be in the various locations and will let you know when I get the info.

As the last person has said you don't have to get off the boat when it stops for a tour or whatever, it's entirely up to you.

Likewise I've always had a Just You rep and he/she and us "more seasoned travellers"! Will hopefully be able to answer any more questions and put you entirely at ease.

I can honestly say we've always had a good laugh on all the singles holidays I've been on.

If you can think of anything else which hasn't already been covered, I'm only too happy to help.

Look forward to meeting you - less than 3 weeks to go now!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks to Dave & Ann for the information on the Cruise both very helpful, and looking forward to meeting everyone who is going. Yes it would be nice to know if we are going to have lovely warm weather after this awful stuff we are getting right now, as I will not be very pleased if its not lovely and hot as I have never been on holiday so early in the year.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just want to thank Dave & Ann for your very helpful information, & looking forward to meeting everyone who is going on this Cruise. Just hope the weather is lovely & hot so it can make us all feel better after the terrible weather we have all been having just lately.

See all you Cruise travellers in 2 weeks.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi do anyone know how many of us are travelling with Just You? As it would be really nice to know.



  • (Member)
'glynis2013' wrote:

Hi do anyone know how many of us are travelling with Just You? As it would be really nice to know.



Hello I am on this cruise and I was told 40 people had booked by Feb 22 men

18 ladies . I just hope that the sea is not going to be too rough


  • (Member)
Hi I am going on this cruise also and am wondering about the sea conditions

when sailing up the coast of Africa does any one have any idea.?

When I booked in Feb I was told that 40 people were already booked so we should

have Good mix. Looking forward to meeting everyone


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Sheila,

Thanks for the information on how many of us are on this Cruise & it sounds like a good mix, I agree with you I also hope the sea is nice and calm. Mind you I have been on ferries when the sea was rough and I was okay so hope I will be on a Cruise Liner.

Looking forward to meet you only ten days to go now, so see you all then.


Hi Glynis, Sheila, Dave and everyone else who's going. I was told last week that 41 had booked and for the first time since I've been going with Just You it seems there is a much better ratio of men to women. On my 3 previous trips there have literally been only a couple of men, but this time it's much better balanced I think. I'm told the weather in Cape Town was 71 degrees last Thursday and I understand it should be much the same all the way up the west coast of Africa. Can't answer for Rome and Genoa but as it looks as if we might be arriving at the airport in our winter woollies we'll have them to put on if we need to! I've been on a few cruises and I am not a good sailor normally. But the only time I've really suffered (on my bed for 2 whole days) was going through the Bay of Biscay on the way to the Canary Islands! Fortunately on the return journey it was like a mill pond. Shouldn't think we'll have a problem as we're not going that way - don't worry, I checked that out before I booked!

Look forward to seeing all of you on Thursday.
