  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, all, After 49 years of holidays with my wife I am now on my own. I've decided on a river cruise, and , boy, am I nervous. I've even got to handle Euros, my banker never let me near money when we were on holiday! We had only just started going on organised holidays, previously we motored, caravaned, or campervanned our way round France. Silly things like what to wear,what will the weather be like, do I need to take a lounge suit or a evening suit to wear on the last night, how many Euros to take, shall I get a preloaded card rather than all cash or debit card are almost causing me sleepless nights. Still I expect it will all be ok when it gets here . Jeff
  • (Member)
Good afternoon Jeff,

Thanks ever so much for posting, all I can say is I fully appreciate your apprehension, but I can honestly say that you are among friends here and very much so when on a Just You tour, I wont say very much as I am sure that fellow community members will vouch for what I say,

Anything else I can help with please just ask,



  • (Member)
Welcome Jeff

I am sure you will be fine. I am not sure which tour you hve gone for, but unless it says in the paper work I have never seen a MAN on a JY tour in a suite?.. Smart casual is the way to go, I am sue you will have a great time away.


  • (Member)

I hope this link from another of the boards helps you.


  • (Member)
Hi, I did the venetian river cruise last year,enjoyed it so much that I have just booked the Douro River cruise.This will be my seventh JY holiday,you are well looked after & the company is great.


  • (Member)
Jeff, I've never needed a tie, let alone a suit on a JY holiday! We tend to dress for comfort, while hoping to be presentable! I take several pairs of Chinos, 2 or 3 t shirts, 5 or 6 short sleeved shirts, one sweater, a waterproof, two pairs of shoes.....

I tend to take Euros and make use of the hotel safe. I do sometimes take a pre loaded card just in case, but have never used it. In Europe I tend to allow about 60 Euros a day spending money, which allows for buying presents, local wines to take home etc.

On a practical note, I take a bar of Vanish soap with me and I use that & some shower gel to wash my favourite shirts so that I can wear them twice. The shirts dry very quickly on a hanger in my room, and no, I don't bother ironing them. the joy of not having someone bossy to answer to!

Feel free to ask me anything! You will find the folk in your group friendly and helpful! Hope you have a terrific holiday! JY is a wonderful company to go with in my experience!

Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Jeff,

Don't worry about what to wear anything goes its a matter of what you feel comfortable in just be yourself. As Cindy says smart casual is good but I've seen a wide variety of dress styles among both sexes on these holidays.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for all the tips and suggestions. Now looks like I can get a smaller suitcase out of the loft !!! And stop slimming to get into my favourite suit - well maybe not I quite like the thinner me ! With all the above help I can start some sensible planning as against panicing and trying to find room for the fabled kitchen sink , thanks again. I was going by the advice in the brochure as regards what to wear. Jeff
  • (Member)
Hello and Welcome Jeff

You will have a fantastic time. Just You is a great company and to date I have had no complaints at all. Just be yourself and enjoy the holiday.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well, it's all over now, met some lovely people, I received lots of mothering from several of the ladies - nice - can't fault the boat, crew, accomodation or food ! Reps could have been a bit more on the ball when they realised there were 29 singles on board , they were a bit slow to reorganise seating etc. That's my onl;y negative. Thanks for all the help and suggestions, Jeff