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(Member) (Topic Starter)

A 'Just You' virgin, I am booked on the South Africa Explorer on 27th Sept - and, as now fast approaching, I am now excited and apprehensive all at once! Any tips anybody - temperature, clothing, food, is water drinkable etc? Also, any downsides to be aware of - obviously to travel together and not wander! Also, I would love to hear from anybody travelling on that trip, and touch base!


  • (Member)
Hi Roslyn

Glad to hear you're joining us on 27th. If you put South Africa in the search section you should come up with lots of helpful advice along with posts from six of us doing this trip. Also there is very helpful feedback in the advice section of the forum.

I'm not sure if we will have use of an airline lounge prior to our flight but if we don't and you'd like to meet up either before or after check in we can sort that out. I live very close to Heathrow so can easily get there at any time.

In the meantime if there are any questions you have which you can't find the answer to - just ask. It's natural to feel nervous whether this is your first or fiftieth trip - try to think of it as excitement rather than nerves.


Hi Roslyn,

I'm a first timer also with JY and on the same trip. Sally has been a great help with all her advice and all the others that you can look up. I'm meeting Sally at Heathrow as never been there before and look forward to meeting you also. So excited can't wait.


  • (Member)
Hi Roslyn

See my post at 

I have just come back and have given advice along the lines that you were looking for.

  • (Member)
'Rosoer' wrote:

Hi Roslyn, Glad to hear from another fellow traveller on the South Africa trip in Sept. Like you, this is my first holiday with JY although I've done other singles holidays with Solos before now. Look forward to meeting you at Heathrow.


A 'Just You' virgin, I am booked on the South Africa Explorer on 27th Sept - and, as now fast approaching, I am now excited and apprehensive all at once! Any tips anybody - temperature, clothing, food, is water drinkable etc? Also, any downsides to be aware of - obviously to travel together and not wander! Also, I would love to hear from anybody travelling on that trip, and touch base!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'sallyc' wrote:

Hi Roslyn

Glad to hear you're joining us on 27th. If you put South Africa in the search section you should come up with lots of helpful advice along with posts from six of us doing this trip. Also there is very helpful feedback in the advice section of the forum.

I'm not sure if we will have use of an airline lounge prior to our flight but if we don't and you'd like to meet up either before or after check in we can sort that out. I live very close to Heathrow so can easily get there at any time.

In the meantime if there are any questions you have which you can't find the answer to - just ask. It's natural to feel nervous whether this is your first or fiftieth trip - try to think of it as excitement rather than nerves.


Hi Sally

Thank you so much for you reply - you have definitely encouraged the excitement, and have taken off that 'alone' apprehension - it's good to touch base and 'break the ice' prior to the adventure we are all going to share!

Such good and positive comments - looking forward to meeting you!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Yvonne25' wrote:

Hi Roslyn,

I'm a first timer also with JY and on the same trip. Sally has been a great help with all her advice and all the others that you can look up. I'm meeting Sally at Heathrow as never been there before and look forward to meeting you also. So excited can't wait.


Hi Yvonne

Thanks for the reply - it is so comforting to have such positive feedback - more excited now! Bit apprensive about clothes to take - looks like cold and hot 'togs' needed!

Look foward to meeting you.



  • (Member)
Don't worry too much about clothes - no one else really cares what other people look like, being comfortable is more important. I tend to go with cargo trousers and t-shirts and a hoodie/cardy for the days. Evenings aren't at all dressy - my black cargo trousers with tshirts and maybe one slightly dressy top will do. Don't forget your swimming cossie as some hotels have pools. I also take a wrap/ scarf which can keep my neck warm, shade me from the sun and also protect from dust.

Comfortable shoes are also a must - as skippy suggested, walking shoes or trainers should be fine.

  • (Member)
Hi to everyone going on 27 September. Well I've got my malarone, my rand, also booked the Cape Peninsula tour and have booked a trip to Robben Island so I definitely feel ready to go now!! Really looking forward to it & not long to wait.

Cheers Keith.

Jan Myers
I am also booked on this trip with the Victoria falls add on. Have been on a few trips before with various singles groups including Just You. Would love to meet up at Heathrow... Im coming down from Yorkshire by train and am aiming to be there between 3:00 and 4:00.

I would appreciate any information anyone has about money.... rough costs for lunches and drinks and general expenses... also the best way to take money and any other currencies needed besides SA rand and US dollars. Look forward to meeting all my fellow travellers soon. Jan

Jan Myers
'Rosoer' wrote:


A 'Just You' virgin, I am booked on the South Africa Explorer on 27th Sept - and, as now fast approaching, I am now excited and apprehensive all at once! Any tips anybody - temperature, clothing, food, is water drinkable etc? Also, any downsides to be aware of - obviously to travel together and not wander! Also, I would love to hear from anybody travelling on that trip, and touch base!


Jan Myers
I am also on this trip and have also booked Victoria falls add on. Im travelling from Yorkshire by train to Heathrow and aim to be there between 3:00 and 4:00. Would love to meet any fellow travellers at Heathrow. Can anyone tell me if we need any other currencies besides SA rand and US dollars for Zambia. (Do we need any differnt currency for Swaziland) Also is it best to get money mainly in cash or is it easier to use travellers cheques and ATMs. Also does anyone know rough costs of lunches and drinks to help me budget...I have excursion prices so can sort that out. Jan
  • (Member)
Hi Jan

It would be lovely for us to meet up at Heathrow before our flight. I'm not sure whether we will have access to one of the lounges -we'll have to wait for our final Info sheet for that but I plan on having something to eat before we fly as I don't really like airplane food. There is a pub/restaurant in Terminal 1 after security which I was going to suggest as a meeting point for those who would like to join me. I'll confirm the name of the place and timings once we've received our final info. Otherwise we'll meet either in the lounge or at the departure gate. Keep your Just You baggage label visable and I'm sure we'll all find each other.

Only four weeks and two days to go!!


Jan Myers
'sallyc' wrote:

Hi Jan

It would be lovely for us to meet up at Heathrow before our flight. I'm not sure whether we will have access to one of the lounges -we'll have to wait for our final Info sheet for that but I plan on having something to eat before we fly as I don't really like airplane food. There is a pub/restaurant in Terminal 1 after security which I was going to suggest as a meeting point for those who would like to join me. I'll confirm the name of the place and timings once we've received our final info. Otherwise we'll meet either in the lounge or at the departure gate. Keep your Just You baggage label visable and I'm sure we'll all find each other.

Only four weeks and two days to go!!


Hi Sally

Thanks for your reply. Your suggestion sounds fine. Ive just read Bens reply to you about currency am I being thick .... because to me it is still not clear. Are we allowed to take dollars into S Africa if we do not spend them or do we have to take sterling travellers cheques and then change them in Zambia? People I know that have been all seem to have taken some dollars with them. I know Ill need a lot of cash for Zambia as there are a lot of trips I want to do there as well as food and drink. No doubt all will become clear sometime. Jan

  • (Member)
I've had another look back through old posts with advice for this. The general rule of thumb for daily spends is £30 per day, although Skippy's post suggests lunch, tips and a couple drinks should come to £10 a day but there's always shopping to consider! With that and the trips I'd like to do on the main tour comes to around £600 or approx 8000 Rand. I'm going to take the max 5000 Rand in cash and then put the rest on a Cash Passport. Travelex do one which I've used very successfully previously - you use it like a debit card - either paying with it or withdrawing cash from an ATM.

For the extension I am taking US dollars in cash (including $80 for the double entry visa). There is no restriction on the amount of foreign currency you bring into the country.

I will also take a credit card and a debit card as a back up. I think travellers cheques are fairly obsolete now and can be difficult to change.

I think you also asked about towels in a previous post. I recommend a trekking towel - this can be bought from either Millets, Blacks, Cotswolds etc and are fast drying compact towels. I have an extra large one which I always take with me but takes up very little space in my case. It can act as beach towel, an extra to dry my hair, a comfy cushion, pillow.....etc

Hi Sally & Jan,

Im following all your advice and as Jan says its a bit of a worry working out what money to take but you have explained it very well Sally dont't know what I would of done without you. I was a bit worried about the Cash Travelex as you have to do it online but as you have used it before I will do the same. When do you advise ordering it, say 2 weeks before? I wll also take my debit and credit cards just in case. You must of read my mind as I was also wondering about a towel, so I will have a look in Millets for the one you describe. I'm sure I'm going to take too much but will try hard to cut down as I know that you tend to wear your favourite comfy outfits over and over.

I will also try to be at Heathrow around 3ish so will be glad to meet up as you say, which is a great relief knowing I shouldnt get lost!!

Well not long now folks, I can't stop thinking about it, roll on the 27th Sept!!!!! Really looking forward to meeting you all.


  • (Member)
Hi Yvonne

The Cash Passport should take around five days to arrive but I would play it safe and order it at the least two weeks before we go. In fact now is not a bad time to order it as the Rand exchange rate is the best it's been for a couple of months. Once you order it the exchange rate is locked in. One thing to remember is once you return home you need to contact Travelex to cancel the card otherwise they charge a yearly fee.

How are you getting to Heathrow? I can meet you at the train station, bus station or pick up point if you like to help you navigate through check in.

Ben - can you pass on my email address to Yvonne please so I can pass on my mobile number.


Hi Sally,

Thanks for advice on Cash Card I will look into arranging it this weekend.Thank you also for offering to meet me on arrival at Heathrow thats extremely kind of you and very much appreciated .My daughter is taking me to the airport so I can be there at whatever time suits you. I was thinking of 3ish what do you say?

Yes I would be very happy to have your mobile no. and email and likewise Ben to pass my details onto you.


  • (Member)

3 ish sounds ideal.
