(Member) (Topic Starter)

i am 34 and a recent widow. I was looking at perhaps going on holiday somewhere but am nervous about going somewhere on my own especially the evenings which could be very lonely on my own in a new city.

I looked through some of the holidays but i am worried that everyone else could be alot older and all making friends with each other and i wont, leaving me on my own. I may have this completely wrong and don't mean to offend, but it worries me. Are their a good range of people to make friends with? and even spend afew evenings with for company?

it would be good to get some advise from people, if they think i would enjoy this kind of trip.

  • (Member)

First of all I am sorry for your loss, at 34 that's a very hard thing to be dealing with.

Can I assure you that this as a lady is a very safe way to travel, have a look at the two video links on here from Lesley and Myself (Cindy) that will give you an idea of the type of person and what we look like ha ha ha.. I am 53 and have been travelling with JY for 6 years now, I have done 8 tours long haul and short haul in this time. They are really great holidays I have always gone for the action packed style of tour so lots to see and do. A great mix of people which is another reason I like to go on this type of holiday I love the age ranges and the mix of different types of people.. You at 34 would be on the younger side but please do not let that put you off going. PEOPLE do mix in with each other and I can assure you in all my tours I HAVE NEVER spent an evening on my own. I always take a book with me just in case I end up Billy no mates in my room each evening but that has never happened, The age range can be anything from 20-80 I would say the core group is 60-70 or maybe 55-70 I think there are more younger people going nowadays. The ladies always out number the Men.

So please if there is a holiday you like the look of give it a go, just read up what the write up says and if there is a few trips etc you wont be sitting around for to much. I have done 3 USA tours and the are action packed as was New Zealand. More relaxed was Poland,Austrian Lakes, Highlights of Tuscany.

If I can help on anything else just ask. Good Luck


  • (Member)
Hi Beverley,

Just go for it. You will certainly be at the younger end of travellers but all ages seem to get on very well. I am in my 50's and about to embark on my 3rd Just You Hol and really looking forward to the prospect.

The tour managers are great and ensure that nobody is left out.

Maybe go for a hol in Europe 1st to test the waters Tuscany is a great region if you like scenery and quaint Italian villages. Also American National Parks and Canyons for scenery which attracts younger people.

Hope this info helps you, if so have a great time choosing !!

All the best


'beverley1471' wrote:


i am 34 and a recent widow. I was looking at perhaps going on holiday somewhere but am nervous about going somewhere on my own especially the evenings which could be very lonely on my own in a new city.

I looked through some of the holidays but i am worried that everyone else could be alot older and all making friends with each other and i wont, leaving me on my own. I may have this completely wrong and don't mean to offend, but it worries me. Are their a good range of people to make friends with? and even spend afew evenings with for company?

it would be good to get some advise from people, if they think i would enjoy this kind of trip.

Hello Beverley, the age range is always very mixed and although you may find some of your fellow travellers older than you they will certainly be extremely friendly and you will not find yourself on your own. I am 60 and on a trip to China spent a lot of time in the company of several female travellers younger than myself and we had a great time. Hope you find a trip to suit and go out there and enjoy yourself

. Take Care Jane

Mick W
  • (Member)
True you would be at the younger end of the group even possibly the youngest. However from my experience ge is not a issue and nobody is ever left alone (unless you want to be)

On the 5 trips I've done ages have ranged from late 20's to late 70's among the ladies on 2 of the trips, and 30's upwards on the others, while men seem to start in their 40's.

Hope this helps, don't let age put you off a great trip, i did my first JY holiday a year after losing my partner, did me the world of good.


Hi! I have not travelled with Just You yet but have booked to go to Japan with them in May! There is a real mixture of ages on my trip from me in my 20's right up to travellers in their 80's. My advice would be to find a trip that you fancy doing (for me it was Japan) and just book it before you can change your mind. I rang up to do it, the phone reps are lovely and really take the time to answer all your questions!
  • (Member)

I think you will be one of the younger ones but you definitely wont be alone or lonely. Although you may like some people more than others, everyone is friendly and in the same boat as you i.e. nervous. I certainly wasn't lonely in the evenings (or at any other time) as there was always someone that was interested in doing the same things as me.

It would be very hard NOT to enjoy this kind of trip IMHO. Really all it takes is the courage to say "hello" to new people and after that it all just falls into place.


Do not worry about it. I have been on 8 Just You holidays and never had a problem. I've never been on my own unless I chose to be. Usually the whole group gels and cliques do not form. Age diference does not seem to matter.
  • (Member)
Hi Beverley,

I'm 41 and have been on 4 JY tours and have never been the youngest yet! I also should add that the friendly folks I have ended up spending the most time with on these holidays have always been older than me - mainly the ones in their 60s! So on JY tours age really, really doesn't matter. You will only be on your own if you chose to be. There is usually a welcome dinner the first evening, so you certainly will be making friends by then. For any evening there isn't a dinner included, just do what I have done and make a general suggestion to the group in the hotel foyer before people head up to their rooms, to meet at a certain time and head off to dinner then. It really is that simple and you will have a great time. Hopefully this will be the first of many enjoyable JY holidays for you and open up a new direction in your life, just as it did for me!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hello and Welcome

Just wanted to say that you will not regret going on a Just You holiday. Everyone is friendly and no one is left alone. Age is just a number - you are only as old as you feel! If you get on well with people of all ages then there would be no problem at all. I have been on two Just You holidays and my third one is in May. My last holiday was to Andalucia and this is a beautiful part of Spain. Just decide where you would like to go and book. You will enjoy yourself.

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi Beverley

I have just seen your message and please book your Just You holiday 🙂

I took my first Just You holiday aged 34 years old (a couple of years ago) and really enjoyed it, I was the youngest on the trip but I had a wonderful time and everyone was lovely.

I took another Just You trip last year and was the 3rd youngest, really enjoyed that one too.

Next month (13 June) I go on the China and Yangtze Gorge cruise add-on trip and am so excited.

If you need any more advice please feel free to contact me.

Best wishes,


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for all the encouragement and i'm still looking at the moment, not yet quite plucked up the courage to book and go away on my own, still nervous of being the youngest and making no friends.

Also worried about having to tell people i'm going on one of these holidays, don't know why this is really, Hope that doesnt sound bad or offend anyone.

Also my nearest airport is birmingham, and their seem to be no flights from their so would have to travel to manchester which is also making me nervous. Its not the thought of the flight on my own that makes me nervous but getting to the airport and finding where to check in by myself. As i get lost everywhere and on previos flights would have had no idea on my own and would have missed the flight without hubbys help.

Hi Bev, just to let you that i am in the same boat but i am a young 52 and i lost my husband 2 years ago. I have just booked my 1st JY trip to America's Golden West 3rd sept. I feel very nervous but really need to do this. If i can do it i expect you can too. Good luck! Julie.H
  • (Member)

I have no sense of direction at all and do get nervous when I have to find my own way, but there is always someone to help you negotiate your way around airports. Also, not sure whey you are worried about having to tell people about going on one of these holidays - these holidays are not similar to those where people go to find partners. These holidays are for people who want to travel on their own whether or not they are single, married or in a relationship. There are people who are married, but their partners may not like travelling. So there is no reason to worry about telling people. Life is too short to worry about such trivial things. Just choose a destination and book. You will have no regrets. I have been on three trips, and the age range has been from late 20s to 90 and on all trips everyone got on. No one is left on their own unless they choose to be left alone.
