Dot Boyd
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello. I have just taken the plunge and booked my first holiday with Just You. I am going to the Costa de la Luz on 8th May. Would love to hear from anyone else who is going there then. Feel nervous of course, but decided it's got to be better than going completely alone. I have been widowed for three years now so it's more difficult to find friends available to go on holiday with as most of them are married.
  • (Member)

Welcome to you I am sure you will have a great time away. I am not on this tour but I have done many tours and all have been good.


Peter Jersey
'Dot wrote:

Hello. I have just taken the plunge and booked my first holiday with Just You. I am going to the Costa de la Luz on 8th May. Would love to hear from anyone else who is going there then. Feel nervous of course, but decided it's got to be better than going completely alone. I have been widowed for three years now so it's more difficult to find friends available to go on holiday with as most of them are married.


Hello and Welcome to the Community. I have not done the Costa de la Luz but you can rest assured that you will never .be alone. You will make new friends very quickly. I have just returned from Treasures of Andalucia, had a great time and after a day it was like being at an old friends reunion. There were 41 of us coming from all parts of the UK arriving from different airports, and that is why it took it took the best part of a day to get to know each other. I know that you will have a great time and once you have the got the 'taste' it will not be long before you are booking your next Just You holiday. I am already booked to go to China this year.


Hi Dot,


I am so glad you have decided to 'take the plunge' and booked a holiday for yourself. I know you have done the right thing. I could say - been there, done that - and I have. I know you will have a good time.

Costa de la Luz in May - sounds great - so now you have something to look forward to and plan for - nice one! I haven't been to Spain in years, but I have to admit, this one looks very tempting....

If you have read any of the other posts, you will know that you will meet a lot of new friends (of all ages) and your tour manager will make sure you don't get left out. You have a different life now - so enjoy it because it is not necessarily worse - just different. I speak from experience. I am sure you will never look back.

So, have a wonderful holiday - spoil yourself rotten because you deserve it.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

Hi Dot

And a very warm welcome to the Just You Communtiy page.

And well done for arranging your first Just You trip. Actually the trip you have chosen was in my thoughts, However I chose something else instead. Would love some feedback on your return please.

Well done and have a great time

Regards Andy

  • (Member)
Hello Dot

I too am going to Costa de la Luz in May, but later in the month. The holiday looks lovely and I can't wait. Perhaps you can post your experience after your return so I know what to expect. You will have a great time. I have already been on 2 Just You holidays and had a wonderful time. You never feel alone as there is always someone to talk to. It is always nice to meet new people.


Dot Boyd
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you to all those that have replied with your encouraging remarks. I'm really looking forward to it, and I love going to Spain. Of course, next time I might go further afield - I fancy going to Latin America.

To Andy - I will let you have feedback on my return. Thanks again. Best wishes to you all. Dot

'Dot wrote:

Hello. I have just taken the plunge and booked my first holiday with Just You. I am going to the Costa de la Luz on 8th May. Would love to hear from anyone else who is going there then. Feel nervous of course, but decided it's got to be better than going completely alone. I have been widowed for three years now so it's more difficult to find friends available to go on holiday with as most of them are married.

Hi Dot,

I will also be going to Costa de la Luz on 8th May and looking forward to meeting everyone and making new friends.I too know how difficult it is as I was widowed 16 mths ago.
