  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello all. I am 48 and newly divorced. I used to go on annual holidays with my ex-wife with Travelsphere.

Just You seems very similar. Once I have myself settled in my new life alone, I will be looking at travelling with Just You as I have said, they are similar to Travelsphere which I really enjoyed.

I am very apprehensive about travelling alone, fear being isolated and not involved with the group.

What are the ages of people that go on Just You holidays?


Hi Ray,

The age range is probably 45-70ish with ranges on either side, but that is not an issue with Just You Holidays as everyone mixes in really well. Fear not isolation and being left on your own because it simply doesn't happen unless you want it to. I've just come back from Canada and had a brilliant time and the ages ranged from late 30's up to the 70's. I hope you take the plunge once you feel settled enough and go enjoy yourself!

Take care


Peter Jersey
'raylongdog' wrote:

Hello all. I am 48 and newly divorced. I used to go on annual holidays with my ex-wife with Travelsphere.

Just You seems very similar. Once I have myself settled in my new life alone, I will be looking at travelling with Just You as I have said, they are similar to Travelsphere which I really enjoyed.

I am very apprehensive about travelling alone, fear being isolated and not involved with the group.

What are the ages of people that go on Just You holidays?


Hello Ray

Sorry to hear about your domestic problem but once you have decided to take the first step and book a holiday rest assured that you are in good hands. No fear that you will be left to your own devices, your Tour Manager will keep the whole group intermingling. You will more than likely not be the only first timer on whatever holiday you choose. There is a vast range to suit every budget. Ladies usually outnumber the men and ages can range from mid 30s to mid 80s but it is never a problem. I myself am 72. You probably know this, but the reason that Just You and Travelsphere appear similar, is because they are part of the same group.

Best of luck to you


Hi Ray,

Welcome to us lot at Just You - and Yes it is part of the Page & Moy group, but especially for single travellers.

Some of us are widowed, some divorced, some never married etc. and even some whose spouse/partner does not like to go on holiday. The one thing we have in common is that we are single travellers - and have all taken that first step.

So, look forward to a new life and lots of lovely holidays. You will never look back - I promise. The age range is wide but it is never a problem - your tour manager looks after you 24/7 and solves any problems you may have.

Yes sometimes there are more women than men but that does not seem to be the case with tours to America (so I have been told) and it is not a problem either.

So Ray pick somewhere you really fancy - and go for it! Have a fantastic holiday - but then I know you will.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

[Hello Ray

I know exactly what you mean. Finding yourself planning holidays on your own can be quite daunting and I'm yet to take the plunge, but its good to know that other people on here are not 'intrepid solo travellers' and that we all have niggling doubts to start with. I'm planning to take a weekend away break first just to dip my toe in the water!!


Mick W
  • (Member)
From the trips I've done (4 in last 18 month) Men age from 40 to late 70's while Ladies can range from anything from late 20's to 80. I'll add 50's and 60's are the majority of travellers.

Ladies have always outnumbered men I'd say 2 to 1 on average.

I'm 53 and have really enjoyed my JY trips and wouldn't hesitate to book again when holidaying solo, made a number of good friends on all the trips.

  • (Member)

TBH every one above has replied with the main answers, so please have a look and see what suits you then BOOK IT and start moving forward having fun Please do not worry you will not be left alone.


  • (Member)
Hello Ray

I am 52 and taking my first holiday alone in a few weeks. I'm a quiet person and find it hard to mix with new people so I am really nervous, but also looking forward to it and hoping it will be the start of a new me.

So have a look at the brochure and book something!


Hi Christine,

and Welcome to you too. So pleased to hear that you are considering taking the plunge too. We have all been there - had the niggling doubts - that is the most natural thing in the world. The point is that you will not be 'alone' because we are all in the same position.

Just because you find your situation has changed does not mean you don't go on holiday anymore. On the contrary - you open your mind to a different way of going on holiday.

When I booked my first holiday (Xmas 2007) I rationalised that if I didn't get on with a single person on the trip (which I can tell you is very, very unlikely) then there was enough to see and do that it didn't matter and I would put it down to 'experience' .

Oh boy, did I get a surprise - I had a fabulous Xmas so now go away every Xmas (this year it's Prague).

I have been to some fantastic places with Just You and the more you do, the more you want to do. There are so many wonderful places out there just waiting for you to see. There must be somewhere you have always wanted to go. So go for it - you will never look back. Your tour manager will look after you and make sure you have a great holiday. That is what Just You is all about !

I am not going to wish you Good Luck - you don't need it. I would be interested where you choose to go though. You never know, we may meet up on a trip sometime.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

'DawnP' wrote:

Hello Ray

I am 52 and taking my first holiday alone in a few weeks. I'm a quiet person and find it hard to mix with new people so I am really nervous, but also looking forward to it and hoping it will be the start of a new me.

So have a look at the brochure and book something!


Hi Dawn & welcome to you also.

First holiday in a few weeks eh? Please don't be nervous - and Yes it will indeed be the start of a new 'You' . So do look forward to your holiday - although you didn't say where it is. You will never look back.

Don't forget, we have all 'been there' - but you will not be 'alone' - your tour manager will take really good care of you and make sure you do not feel 'left out'. You will meet some new people of all ages (and hopefully will stay in touch with a few of them) and wonder why you ever felt nervous. I honestly don't think you will have time to feel nervous.

Have a great holiday (wherever it is) and just Enjoy !!!!

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

PS: I posted a reply to Christine earlier - take a look because this applies to you too.

Hi Ray, Im in similar situation, so just took the plunge and found myself booked on The Magic of Kenya leaving next week. No dipping toe in water, just do it. Im excited, nervous and slightly anxious, but am sure Im going to have a fantastic time. The great thing is, you only have to please yourself where you choose to go!!

Enjoy whatever you decide

'Karryannie' wrote:

Hi Ray, Im in similar situation, so just took the plunge and found myself booked on The Magic of Kenya leaving next week. No dipping toe in water, just do it. Im excited, nervous and slightly anxious, but am sure Im going to have a fantastic time. The great thing is, you only have to please yourself where you choose to go!!

Enjoy whatever you decide

Well said that woman - my sentiments exactly!

Magic of Kenya? - sounds fantastic. I have not done this one but think Cindy has. No wonder you are excited - I would be.

You won't have time to feel nervous Karryannie - too much fun to be had, too many things to see and do, too many new people to meet.

Have a great trip - and tell us all about it when you get back please.

So Ray - take her (and my) advice and Go For It!!!!

Best wishes,



  • (Member)
Hi Dawn & welcome to you also.

First holiday in a few weeks eh? Please don't be nervous - and Yes it will indeed be the start of a new 'You' . So do look forward to your holiday - although you didn't say where it is. You will never look back.

Don't forget, we have all 'been there' - but you will not be 'alone' - your tour manager will take really good care of you and make sure you do not feel 'left out'. You will meet some new people of all ages (and hopefully will stay in touch with a few of them) and wonder why you ever felt nervous. I honestly don't think you will have time to feel nervous.

Have a great holiday (wherever it is) and just Enjoy !!!!

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

PS: I posted a reply to Christine earlier - take a look because this applies to you too.

Hello Lesley

Thank you so much for your comments they are much appreciated!

I'm doing the Treasures Of Adalucia in November. Never been to mainland Spain before so I am looking forward to seeing it and hopefully will want to book more trips in the future.

I'm in the same mind as you were on your first trip...just put it down to experience if it doesnt work out well.


Kathy WW
'raylongdog' wrote:

Hello all. I am 48 and newly divorced. I used to go on annual holidays with my ex-wife with Travelsphere.

Just You seems very similar. Once I have myself settled in my new life alone, I will be looking at travelling with Just You as I have said, they are similar to Travelsphere which I really enjoyed.

I am very apprehensive about travelling alone, fear being isolated and not involved with the group.

What are the ages of people that go on Just You holidays?


Hi, I too am looking into booking a JY holiday and it will be my first time away alone, Im 41 and also wondered about the average age of other travellers. But I suppose age isnt an issue as long as a good time is had by all....haha.

I hope you find the right holiday for you and have a ball xxx

Ian B
  • (Member)
Sounds like there's quite a few of us nervous newbies in our 40's!

I was hoping to do a Discovery Weekend before booking for Christmas, but I've left it too late and there's none available until next year now.

Still trying to decide whether to book for Christmas and where :-/

Just want to say hello to everyone on this thread. I did my first trip with JY in August, and had a great holiday - so to all the first-timers I just want to say don't worry you will have a great time. I was a little apprehensive when I booked my holiday, but took the same attitude as Lesley and Dawn - if it didn't work out just put it down to experience and it's only for a few days. However, it was a great experience and within a couple of weeks of returning from Austria I booked to go on the National Parks, Canyons and Little Bighorn tour next year with a lady I met on the Heart of Alpine Europe trip. You get to meet great people on these holidays and make new friends. I am looking forward to booking more trips in the future, there's a big world out there just waiting to be explored!! Elaine:thumbup:
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
It is very encouraging to read all the replies on here.Having been on dozens of Travelsphere trips, I know how friendly some of the people are on these types of holidays. Now I have settled into my new life I am ordering up next years brochure and will be booking up and taking the plunge on my first trip with Just You. Europe will be my destination.

Thank you all for being so positive and encouraging,


I'm new to this too and nervous but also so excited! I just don't know where to start! Age isn't a issue i think I would mix well with any age..little concerned if say the whole group didn't get on!?

At the moment I'm looking at USA, Canada, I just need to take the plunge!

Good luck


Just to add I am married but my wife doesn't like long haul holidays so I just got back on 1st November from a JY 22 day Australia trip which was fantastic. Everybody is on their own and everybody got along really well - I had a GREAT time and loved every second so much that I have just booked another JY holiday to China in Aprl 2012.

Incidently my wife and I have had several Travelsphere holidays together and are off to Istanbul next August with Travelsphere.

Overall advice is book it and have fun. Everybody is in the same situation and from my experience on my recent trip are very friendly. Ages ranged from 30's upto 70's with more women than men but everyone got on and mixed well. There is no pressure to join group meals and I often wandered off on my own in various cities to try out local food and experiences.

Go for it I say !!!!!

'zztop27' wrote:

Just to add I am married but my wife doesn't like long haul holidays so I just got back on 1st November from a JY 22 day Australia trip which was fantastic. Everybody is on their own and everybody got along really well - I had a GREAT time and loved every second so much that I have just booked another JY holiday to China in Aprl 2012.

Incidently my wife and I have had several Travelsphere holidays together and are off to Istanbul next August with Travelsphere.

Overall advice is book it and have fun. Everybody is in the same situation and from my experience on my recent trip are very friendly. Ages ranged from 30's upto 70's with more women than men but everyone got on and mixed well. There is no pressure to join group meals and I often wandered off on my own in various cities to try out local food and experiences.

Go for it I say !!!!!

Hi I am booked on the China plus add on for April25th

Meet you at Heathrow.