  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Today I rang to let my credit card company, know that I am going out of the country, just to let them know if a foreign country shows up on this card it is OK I AM AWAY!!!. While doing this I did ask if this needs to be done each time I travel. They said that in view of the the amount of credit card fraud etc. It is recomended that this is what we should do, to let them know if we are travelling abroad. So really just to say if you do not do this allready it might be worth you thinking of doing in the future. I did also mention it to my bank as I shall be taking that card with me as well.


  • (Member)
Good advice. What I do (being Mr Cautious) is use a pre loaded cash card. The advantage of this is that if it gets pinched, the thief can't get any credit card or debit card facilities (because it isn't a cc/dc) and needs the pin to access money from a cash machine.

I got mine from the post office.

I always do this anyway !!!!