(Member) (Topic Starter)
It was nice to hear from you I am going to Sorrento on 7th.September. I thought as my 1st trip on my own I would just do 1 week but having read how much everyone has such a good time I'm sure I will have the confidence to go for longer and further perhaps Asia next time. It will feel strange as this is my 1st. holiday since being widowed 18 months ago, but I'm sure I will meet new friends who are in a similar situation. Thanks again.Denise
Hi Denise,

You are more than welcome.

What great news. I am so glad you have decided to 'take the plunge'. I know how you are feeling - I was in 2007 - but as I said there are so many glorious places for you to see, so this is hopefully the first of many happy holidays.

I am going to Sorrento on the 14th so will not see you there. A pity, because you could have helped me celebrate my birthday - but have a glass of bubbly for me (and yourself in celebration of your first trip).

If you get chance, let me know how you got on. I know it's a few months away but it will soon roll round.

Have a fantastic holiday (I know you will).

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel: