  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone, I have been looking at the JY holidays for some weeks now and I am considering going on the Americas National Parks & Canyons holiday. Has anyone been on that one? I plan on going early next year and will be 19 at the time, if anyone has any advice on the holiday it would be much appreciated. This will be my first holiday with JY, and if I'm being honest I'm rather nervous.


Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Sam,

I'm doing this holiday in June so will be able to tell you about it then.

Don't let me put you off but I've been to a lot of places in America and at 19 you may be too young. The drinking age in America is 21 and they can be very strict (and check ID) so could mean you are unable to socialise with other travellers as they often don't allow people under that age in bars even if not drinking.

Still its a great country to visit but if I was you I'd consider somewhere else until you are 21.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hey Mick,

Thanks for that, I've always wanted to do America, but I think I might try somewhere else first. I'm not a drinker so that wouldn't have bothered me, but I've always had China in mind aswell, so I think I'll start there then.

Thanks Sam

Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Sammi,

Its not jusy whether you drink or not its possible you wont even be allowed in some places even if not drinking, they can be very strict. That will mean you not mixing with others, possibly not able to eat at the same places and I feel any holiday is about seeing great places and meeting new people (making friends).

Don't let me put you off though America is a fantastic place to visit I'm just suggesting you may be best to do it after you reach 21.

Hope you have a great holiday whatever you decide.


  • (Member)
I've done China and it's an excellent holiday with JY.