  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone. I am new to this site and have just been browsing through the brochures. I am 52 and recently widowed. I know in the future if I want to go on holiday I may have to travel alone and the idea seems very daunting and am very very nervous. Has anyone got any tips for me please, they would be most welcome.

Many thanks

Mick W
  • (Member)

Well I took the plunge and decided to book a JY holiday last year (aged 52) after losing my partner and loved it so did another later in the year. Already looking forward to 2 holidays I've booked so far this year (April and June) so I obviously speak highly of JY.

To be honest I have travelled totally solo in the past and will also do that sometimes but to go with a group of like minded singles is great. You certainly will make friends.

I think 52 is a good age you will find younger and older, my experience so far is ladies ages vary from late 20's to 70's while men 40's to 70's. The majority however are likely to be 50's & 60's and ladies will probably outnumber men, everyone gets on really well, not surprising as we are all there for the same reason "a good holiday".

Whatever holiday you chose its very unlikely you'll be the only fit timer, you are likely to find a good mix of regulars and beginers.



  • (Member)

Hello and Welcome

So what sort of tips would you like to hear about?

Sit down and have a look and when you see a holiday that you fancy BOOK IT you will have a great time. I am 52 and have been on 6 JY tours with Tuscany and Newzealnad book for the future. All tours I have done have been good, scenery and history have been amazing and the people I have met along the way have been a great bunch. Ther are always far more ladies than men on a trip, and people do seem to mix altogether very quickly. So I hope you find something and give it a go.


Margaret H
Live your life, it really is far too short, be happy and ask your self one question what would your other half had thought about staying in all alone?

Good luck on what ever decision you make, I have travelled a few times alone, but this is the first time with a group of people who are in the exact same position (Sole). MargaretH

jo andrews

I was very nervous when I did my first trip, everyone is but it's only natural. I would highly recommend it, you will make lots of new friends even if you are shy like me. People will always make you feel welcome and the trips I've been on have been well worth the money.

My first trip was to The Golden West in America and I am going to Texas and New Orleans in 2 weeks time which goes to show I enjoyed it!! I've been to Canada as well which was my favourite.

Give it a go, just do a week or so the first time to see if you like it. I don't know of anybody who hasn't enjoyed themselves.

You'll be fine, go know you want to!!

Caroline Mason

I am 45 and am also a widow (hate that word) my husband died in a road accident on 13th November 2010.

I have never been on a singles holiday before but have booked to go to Vietnam in July. Somewhere I have always wanted to go, and I will be away for my first birthday alone without my wonderful husband.

One thing I have learn't in the last few months is that life can be very cruel and cut short at anytime. So we must grab any oppurtunities that come along.

Not sure if Vietnam is your type of holiday but happy to have you tag along if you think it might be.


  • (Guest)
'Caroline wrote:


I am 45 and am also a widow (hate that word) my husband died in a road accident on 13th November 2010.

I have never been on a singles holiday before but have booked to go to Vietnam in July. Somewhere I have always wanted to go, and I will be away for my first birthday alone without my wonderful husband.

One thing I have learn't in the last few months is that life can be very cruel and cut short at anytime. So we must grab any oppurtunities that come along.

Hi I also lost my husband last year Oct 2010 I have booked for Halkidiki Sep 26th nervous but looking forward I know my Husband would have wanted me to go.Regards Dawn

Not sure if Vietnam is your type of holiday but happy to have you tag along if you think it might be.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you so much for all your replies you have all made me feel very welcome. My husband died very suddenly on 15 November 2010 at the age of 55yrs. and I am still finding it difficult to come to terms with, We were due to celebrate our 30th anniversary in the Dominican Republic in February. I know he would not want me to be unhappy and would want me to have nice holidays. We used to have lovely holidays abroad and lots of weekends walking in the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales.

You are right life can be very cruel and you never know what is around the corner. I am going to look at booking a holiday and maybe book for September, I love Greece and Halkidiki is one place we planned to visit.

Once again thank you all som much.

Best wishes