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(Member) (Topic Starter)
After much hestitation I've finally plucked up the courage and booked the Golden West July18th. I am still a little apprehensive but excited too!! Has anyone else booked this trip? It would be nice to know a few names to look out for.
  • (Member)
Hi this is my first trip to, Mitch (just thought I would add I'm female strange name I know) ๐Ÿ™‚
  • (Member)
Hey, I've just impulsively and fairly last minute booked this trip (completely not like me!). Now too excited to sleep!

I've never been on a singles holiday before so am nervous too!

See you soon

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I'm getting excited now too. It's great to have a couple of names of people to look out for. I have never travelled on my own before either, my other half does not enjoy travel so I'm going it alone.

I'm going down on Sunday and staying at the Travelodge (I am paranoid that I'll miss the flight, even though it's an afternoon one! Daft isn't it). Sounds like a busy schedule but there is so much to see and do, I'm sure we will have a great time. Looking forward to meeting you.

Regards Lizzie

  • (Member)
Hi Lizzie

I'm going to get to Heathrow on the Sunday evening too. Would rather not have the panic of a Monday morning rush hour (plus I live in Devon so it would be an early one!).

Have you booked any extra excursions? I want to go to Alcatraz so might book that before I go.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Caroline

I have booked the Palm Springs tour and will book a Grand Canyon trip too.

Not sure about Alcatras though, still thinking about it. Let me know if you do book.

Look forward to meeting you


  • (Member)

I was also thinking about going alcatraz but reading other threads on here it seems best to book before you go, can't decide which to do Alcatraz or bay cruise


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I do like the sound of the Bay Cruise but am still undecided, as lots of people do seem to be going for the Alcatraz option. Let me know what you decide.


  • (Member)
Hello fellow travellers! .

Have you received your holiday details in the post? I've been on the United Airlines website and selected my seat - very exciting.

Just need to sort currency then I think I'm ready........................


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello everyone,

I have recieved my holiday details too. I have got my dollars travel money card but still need to get some cash dollars.

Caroline just wondered how to book the seat on United airlines I have been on the website but can only find a facility that lets you check-in 24 hours before your flight and then select seat, Am I looking in the wrong place?

see you all soon


  • (Member)

If you go on their website, click on itineraries & check in, then go to my itineraries, you can log on as a guest with your e-ticket number (from your flight details) & surname. Once it comes up with your booking you can select seats etc.

I know JY have seats allocated to them which probably don't show up as being available so you could wait until check in.

Do the travel money cards work like debit cards?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thanks for details.

Yes Travel money cards work exactly like debit cards and they are Mastercard so accepted just about everywhere.


  • (Member)
Well girls only two weeks to go eek how exciting. Still havnt decided if to book Alcatraz or not ๐Ÿ˜ž how hopeless!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Excitement building !!! I haven't decided about Alcatraz either because I do quite like the sound of the bay cruise. Just need to get my dollars (not sure how much to take though.) I still can't really believe I'm going! See you all soon.


  • (Member)
Well this time next week I will be on the way to the airport! Can't believe how quickly it has come around, although now its becoming reality the excitement has turned to nervous excitement!

I've booked to go to Alcatraz and need to start thinking about which Grand Canyon trip I want to do. Other than that I'm ready!

Look forward to meeting you both.


  • (Member)
'lizziep' wrote:

Excitement building !!! I haven't decided about Alcatraz either because I do quite like the sound of the bay cruise. Just need to get my dollars (not sure how much to take though.) I still can't really believe I'm going! See you all soon.


Hi Liz,

I'm just back from the June trip of Golden West and you are in for a fantastic time ๐Ÿ™‚

We had time to do the bay cruise and a trip to Alcatraz. A few of us prebooked Alcatraz from here and it was a good job we did as all trips were fully booked when we got there and people who had not prebooked had to miss out. So if you want to go prebook. We booked the 2:20pm tour which left more than enough time to go after the bay cruise which finished at 13:00. It is also a good time as you finish Alcatraz and have enough time to get showered and changed for the group included dinner. Only thing you may miss out on if you do this is a tram trip as queues are v long and you will not have time. Personally I would prefer to visit Alcatraz though.

Enjoy the hol
